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Old 02-22-2009, 03:02 PM
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Mohoender Mohoender is offline
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Originally Posted by Marc
About the villages you've talked about, Mohoender, what was their approximated size in WW2? I'm trying to determine the "ideal" size to prepare a game.
The first one was about 400-500 people. It had two castles. The smallest one (occupied by the Gestapo) standing 1 mile away from the center and the other standing at the center. It was (and still is) surrounded by deep forests running thourgh a small valley in between low hills.

The second one, is standing on top of a 400 meters high hill. It had a population of about 1000. but it is more difficult to control as it is full of small streets. Moreover, most of it can only be accessed by feet and there are only 4 roads going through it. It is also surrounded by deep forests and it is located at the bottom of a mountain range (going up to an average of 1200 meters with a peak at 1700).
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