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Old 02-07-2010, 08:20 PM
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Default Your Personal Unit ORBATS

As I try to fine tune some of my units in my campaign, I find it challenging when I need to modify a unit from its original concept to meet the T2K restrictions. Writing a unit ORBAT from scratch it s PITA.

Would you guys mind posting some of your own small unit ORBATS? I mean things detailed down to weapons and vehicles each squad uses not just a unit designation and thats it.

Anything you all have come up with, or seen else where, would be great.
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Old 02-07-2010, 08:49 PM
Adm.Lee Adm.Lee is online now
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I don't have any written up on hand, but I would suggest a few rules of thumb:

- A commander should have between three and five subordinates reporting to him. Any more than that, and he will likely be overwhelmed. This does not rule out temporary attachments and support elements.

- Infantry sub-units try to build around the machine guns/SAWs/whatever.

- Most commanders like to have a recon element, as well as indirect fire support and antitank weapons.

- Tankers and gunners like to be massed in as few units as possible, so that they can have the greatest effect on the battle. This goes for aircraft, too, but that's not so much a worry by T2k.

- Don't forget the medics and mechanics.
My Twilight claim to fame: I ran "Allegheny Uprising" at Allegheny College, spring of 1988.
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:11 AM
Abbott Shaull Abbott Shaull is offline
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I don't have any them written down or the materials right now. Seems to have been mislocated temporarily.

At 'squad' level depending on how you describe it, and what the unit does it will be self-contained with no sub-units (many in T2k would move to this format depending on your taste) to 3 sub-units (fire teams). Many have to other sub-units assigned such as Anti-Tank Team, FIST TEAM, Forward Observer Team, Machinegun Team, Scout/Sniper Team, etc on the mission to mission details dictate and the parent unit has resources to hand out. AFV (Tank) Squad would be the crew of an individual Tank, IFV/APC/CFV/ACCV (M2/M3/M113/LAV-25/Stryker would have the crew and dismount teams.

At 'Platoon' level again it depends on what you type of units the unit was and resources it may have acquired depending on the GM feel for it. In general again small HQ, 2-4 of the above Squads. They may or may not have medical services and Forward Observer Team assigned depending on the resources of higher headquarters. Depending on the Platoon mission they may have 'Weapons' Squad which would hold the platoons MG Teams and/or AT Teams, again depending on how you want to deal with either team. Some would attached MG team to a squad (especially if the Platoon is only two squads), while AT teams may be Company asset, regardless it can be part of the regular squad or like in Mechanized infantry of the US, have a designated gunner with each dismount team with another assigned to help them within the dismount team.

At 'Company' Level depending on the unit will have HQ, 2-4 Platoons, and then will start having 'Support' Platoon or 'Weapons/Anti-Tank/Mortar' Platoon depending on the function of the Company. Again it may have other Platoons attached from higher HQ depending on the resources. Some Mechanized/Armor units may have their Companies organized as 'Teams' in which they have 1 or 2 Mechanized Platoons and 1 or 2 Armor Platoons, and may have Mechanized Anti-Tank Platoon or Section (Half of a Platoon) depending on parent HQ resources, in an attempt to make the Company a Combined Arms Company.

At 'Battalion' Level will find HQ, Headquarters Company, Support Company, and 2 to 5 'Line' Companies, at 4 'Line' Companies one has to think about if it would be wiser to make two Battalions, but in T2K resources may dictate that large Battalion would be more of an advantage than two weaker one. If it is Mechanized/Armor HQ, you may find Engineer and other such Company attached. If Light Infantry it may be platoon size element attached. Start of the Combined Arms concept. Also the Battalion would have Mortar Platoon, Signal Platoon, Transport Platoon and Scout Platoon, as well Medic Platoon with aid station/evacuation station.

Regiment depending on the Army may be or may not be hq. In many case it either treated as Battalion or Brigade level depending which nationality you are dealing with.

A 'Brigade' level will find HQ with mix of Battalions with 2-5 of that are of the task for the Brigade. With a Forward/Sustainment/Support Battalion and similar units assigned to them. Will start to see wider range of units with different skills at Company level and above show up here. Also will host many of the Support elements assigned from Division and Corps HQ.

'Division' would be organized much similar to a Brigade with HQ, 2-5 Brigades of what the Division is suppose to be. They may also have Artillery Brigade, Engineer Brigade, Aviation Brigade (Next to nothing T2K depending where you are at), and 1 Support Battalion and other supporting units. This HQ may or may not be in the OOB that you would want to use. In WWII the Soviets Mechanized and Armored Corps HQ had direct control of Brigades and served as the intermediate hq between Army and Brigade.

'Corps' and on up. Will have two to five sub units, maybe more if a Corps has no Divisions along with supporting Brigades and Battalions as need. Will attach sub units of the supporting Brigades and Battalions to their sub units as they feel is needed to achieve their objectives at the current time.

At Corps level or above in some place like the Soviet Army HQ had direct control of the Division working under it, they usually had 3 to 5 Division. Any more than that they would usually create another Army. Also some military establishments have done away with Divisional Command all together or like the US have them set up more fluid where a Division HQ has some support units and then the combat brigades are added for the situation.

Basically if you coming up with something for T2K and not too worried about what the units looked like before the war. Use your imagination. If you google a particular unit you can find the OOB of the particular units (Division/Regiment usually). Won't give you a break down, down to platoon level, but give you rough idea. If you can find a Division around 1990 or before look at those. I usually look for WWII version, Vietnam era one if I can find one, something from then 1980s and one from the 1990s and as I am right now currently rebuilding the US Army Divisions. If you look hard enough you can find on down to Platoon Level but you have to know where to look.
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Old 02-08-2010, 06:35 AM
Abbott Shaull Abbott Shaull is offline
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If you have access to the first 4 modules. Look at the organization details they give for the Krakow ORMO (formerly the 8th Polish MRD) in the Free City of Krakow. Then look at the 14th Polish MRD overall organization in Black Madonna, and then the Ruins of Warsaw look at each community ORMOs and how the General of the 10th Soviet Guards Tank Division organize the remains of his Division.

Also Kato posted a thread that about the 5th US Mechanized Division and the XI Corps. Look at that too.

Krakow can be gear toward any unit on both side, but works best for Pact Motorized units, but after reviewing what Grea had done with the 5th Mech and GWD had done with 14th Polish MRD and 10th Soviet GTD you can see that the door is wide open for you to build from the ground up.

Hope it helps you some...
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Old 02-08-2010, 10:42 AM
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You can find a whole host of US Army TOE's at the Federation of American Scientists' website


It may or may not help you - it's obviously based on pre War levels, and some might argue that it actually has too much information(!), but it might be worth a look.
Author of the unofficial and strictly non canon Alternative Survivor’s Guide to the United Kingdom
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:27 AM
kota1342000 kota1342000 is offline
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This is a quick rundown of the OOB I built for the Butchers of Ropczyce, a marauder group listed in the Free City of Krakow. I thought Id post it as an example.
For play, Ill print it out and use an NPC record sheet I have laminated. Units that get wrecked by the PCs are crossed off the main list and I can keep using the laminated sheets over and over again. The list doesnt have much diversity when you lok at it, that has to be added by the GM.

Butchers of Ropczyce
Capt. Boris Leonov, RPK-74/radio, 2 skorpion machine pistols, 8 frags
Binos, NV goggles, 10 clips 40rnds
Brutal and murderous, leads by fear

-Troops armed with rifles have 4 clips 30 rounds each, 3 frag grenades, 2 kg food
Experienced and novices, but trained to fire on semi-auto
Troops armed with RPK-74s have 8 clips 40 rounds, 2 frag grenades, 2kg food
PKMs all have 6 50 round belts, 2 frag grenades, 1 makarov pistol, 2kg food
All RPGs and BG-1s have 6 rounds
A Platoon
Sgt AK-74/BG-1
AK-74 RPG-18
AK-74/3 POMZ AP mines

B Platoon
JLt AK-74
AK-74/4 POMZ AP mines

C Platoon
SrSgt AKR/RPG-16
AK-74/4 POMZ AP mines

D Platoon
SrSgt SKS/radio
AKMR/4 POMZ AP mines

E Platoon
AKMR/4 POMZ AP mines

F Platoon
AKMR/6 POMZ AP mines

Wpns plt leaders have binos and skorpion machine pistols (2 clips 30rnds)
Rifles have 4 clips 30 rounds, 4 frags, 2 kg food, makarov pistols
Weapons Plt A (2 horse carts)
AK-74/2 MON-50 claymores
AK-74/1 AT mine
AK-74/1 AT mine
2 DShks w/7 50 round belts, AT-7 ATGM w/ 2 missiles

Weapons Plt B (2 horse carts)
AK-74/2 MON-50 claymores
AK-74/2 MON-50 claymores
2 AGS-17s w/5 belts 30 rounds, 1 DShK w/6 50 round belts

Scout Platoon (horse mounted)
Rifles/SMGs have 8 clips 30rnds, 6 frags, 2 PM AP mines, 2kg food
SVDs have 5 clips 10rnds, 8 frags, 2kg food
PKM has 10 belts 50rnds
RPK-74/demolitions equipment
PTrS-41 14.5mm AT rifle w/IR scope (35 rounds)

Assualt engineer group (mounted in 4 horse carts)
Rifles have 6 clips 30rnds, 6 frags, 4 PM AP mines, 1 makarov pistol, 2 kg food
RPKs have 10 clips 40rnds, 2 frags, 1 skorpion machine pistol (2clips30rnds)
PKMs have 6 belts 50 rounds
AKMR/2 satchel charges
AKMR/6 small demo charges
AK-74/2 satchel charges
AK-74/2 satchel charges
AK-74/6 small demo charges
AK-74/RPO-10 flamethrower
AK-74/10 WP grenades
AKR/2 AT mines
AKR/2 AT mines
AKMR/pole charge
RPK-74/5 thermite grenades
RPK-74/5 thermite grenades

Vehicle group
Ural-375 (5-ton truck) w/ PKM
Ural-375 (5-ton truck) w/ DShK
Ural-375 (5-ton truck) w/ DShK
Ural-375 (5-ton truck) w/ DShK
Ural-375 (5-ton truck) w/ DShK
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Old 02-27-2010, 11:40 AM
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Nice work. Anyone else have details of units in their campaigns to this degree?
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Old 02-27-2010, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by kalos72 View Post
Nice work. Anyone else have details of units in their campaigns to this degree?
I'll try to dig mine out. I had all the teams in the PC's unit in my campaign written up on file cards, with their names, ranks, positions in the unit, nicknames, personal call signs and important weapons and equipment. Problem is I packed it all away when my campaign ended and my fiance moved in. I will eventually post it all, its just going to take some time.
"It is better to be feared than loved" - Nicolo Machiavelli
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Old 02-28-2010, 09:50 AM
kota1342000 kota1342000 is offline
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Heehee.....I did filecards for a while too, and of course the good dog would paw them off the table...or some get lost, etc. Also I started losing my mind doing card after card with as fast as I go through NPCs, so I just build lists like the one above now. Its simpler and I REALLY try to restrict myself to just the details you see there. Anything else I found was taking too much away from story building.
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:45 PM
Dog 6 Dog 6 is offline
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this is my XI Corps:

50th Armored: 8000 men grudiadz
175 IPM-1, 230 apc/ifvs, 39 M-109's, 4 MLRS, 2 AH-1 , 2 OH-58 , 2 UH-60

5th mech: 6000 men bydgoszcz
25 M-1A2, 31 M-1A3 , 45 M-1A1, 37 M-109, 240 apc/ifv, 3 MLRS

2nd Marine Division: 8000 men Gdansk
60 apc/ifv/aavp, 27 IPM-1, 1 leo 3 , 2 T-80, 8 M-109,19 LAV-25, 32 155mm towed how.

8th Mech : 5000 men tczew
90 stingray 2, 208 apc/ifv , 35 M-109,4 MLRS, 1 AH-64 , 1 OH-58 , 2 UH-60

116 ACR 1600 men naklo
11 M-8, 5 M-60A3/4 , 3 T-72, 2 T-80, 25 M-3, 26 LAV-25, 8 M-109, 2 AH-1, 4 OH-58

1 Canadian mech Division: 4000 men chojnice
19 LEO 1, 21 M-109, 108 apc/ifv, 1 OH-58

2nd marine air wing: 600 men gdyina
2 AV-8B+, 2 MV-22, 4 AH-1W, 3 CH-53E, 4 UH-60

11 arty bde : 1700 men stargard
22 M-109, 8 M-110, 8 MLRS

11th MP bde: 800 men chojnice
24 M-750, 2 M-113

11th Combat Engineer bde: 950 men chojnice
3 CEV , 8 ACE, 5 M-1 AEV, 6 ribbon bridge sections, 3 M-1 AVLB, 6 M-60 AVLB

11th supply/support bde : 2000 men chojnice
8 M-88, 40 large Stills, 160 trucks, 80 tanker trucks.

11th Crops HQ 900 men chojnice
1 M-1A1, 12 acp/ifv

all dated 6/1/ 2001 one year after the 2000 summer offensive.
"There is only one tactical principal which is not subject to change. It is to use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time."
--General George S. Patton, Jr.

Last edited by Dog 6; 03-01-2010 at 01:55 AM.
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Old 02-28-2010, 05:01 PM
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You've still got the 5th as an effective and intact unit?
That's a huge departure. It implies you've radically changed the events of 2000 over a large scale too, especially when the 8th's location is also considered.
If it moves, shoot it, if not push it, if it still doesn't move, use explosives.

Nothing happens in isolation - it's called "the butterfly effect"

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Old 01-23-2011, 02:30 AM
Dog 6 Dog 6 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dog 6 View Post
this is my XI Corps:

50th Armored: 8000 men grudiadz
175 IPM-1, 230 apc/ifvs, 39 M-109's, 4 MLRS, 2 AH-1 , 2 OH-58 , 2 UH-60

5th mech: 6000 men bydgoszcz
25 M-1A2, 31 M-1A3 , 45 M-1A1, 37 M-109, 240 apc/ifv, 3 MLRS

2nd Marine Division: 8000 men Gdansk
60 apc/ifv/aavp, 27 IPM-1, 1 leo 3 , 2 T-80, 8 M-109,19 LAV-25, 32 155mm towed how.

8th Mech : 5000 men tczew
90 stingray 2, 208 apc/ifv , 35 M-109,4 MLRS, 1 AH-64 , 1 OH-58 , 2 UH-60

116 ACR 1600 men naklo
11 M-8, 5 M-60A3/4 , 3 T-72, 2 T-80, 25 M-3, 26 LAV-25, 8 M-109, 2 AH-1, 4 OH-58

1 Canadian mech Division: 4000 men chojnice
19 LEO 1, 21 M-109, 108 apc/ifv, 1 OH-58

2nd marine air wing: 600 men gdyina
2 AV-8B+, 2 MV-22, 4 AH-1W, 3 CH-53E, 4 UH-60

11 arty bde : 1700 men stargard
22 M-109, 8 M-110, 8 MLRS

11th MP bde: 800 men chojnice
24 M-750, 2 M-113

11th Combat Engineer bde: 950 men chojnice
3 CEV , 8 ACE, 5 M-1 AEV, 6 ribbon bridge sections, 3 M-1 AVLB, 6 M-60 AVLB

11th supply/support bde : 2000 men chojnice
8 M-88, 40 large Stills, 160 trucks, 80 tanker trucks.

11th Crops HQ 900 men chojnice
1 M-1A1, 12 acp/ifv

all dated 6/1/ 2001 one year after the 2000 summer offensive.
I need to work on the wp side of things,

positive thoughts are welcome

if you don't like it plz don't post
"There is only one tactical principal which is not subject to change. It is to use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wounds, death and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time."
--General George S. Patton, Jr.
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