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Old 01-11-2009, 01:57 PM
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Default Another Middle-East OOB

I changed the title as I went largely away from cannon when treating the Middle East. That OOB is also better for T2013 or so I think.

I never liked the idea of Iran siting with US. Therefore, Iran is with Russia and engaged in war with the Allied. However, US is fully backing Jundullah and what was the Baluchi's terrorist organization became a full army corps.

Colonel Fatollah Shahrestani (KingsRansom)
Academician Yasmina Sharestani (Economy)
Sirjan Khorrasani (Pasdaran)
Bashir Ghazali (Tudeh chairman)
General Mahmoud Tadayyon (Popular Mobilization Army)
General Omar Sirjani (Special Police)
Abbasalli Rhanema (Qoranic Law Committee chairman)
Lt. Colonel Hashemi Mahdavi.
Major Ghovan Farzane
Lt. Colonel Sajam Hassad
Major Ali Farnou
Dr. Adnan Khazami (National Emergency Council)
Ayatollah Kuros Vahidi (Qoranic Law Committee chairman)
Field Marshall Djimshid Gatzvieh

Iranian People’s Army OOB
Iranian HQ Reserve
- 23rd Special Forces Division (600 men)
- 55th Parachute Division (900 men, 4 FH105)
- 351st SSM Brigade (280 men, 2 BM-30)
- 75th Logistics Brigade (600 men)
- Iranian Army Helicopter Brigade (350 men, 5 AH-1J, 4 CH-47C, 6 UH-1)
- 7th Artillery Group (600 men, 22 FH122)
- 43rd Independent Mountain Battalion (600 men)
- 79th Cavalry Battalion (450 cavalry)

First Army Headquarters
- 18th Armored Division (1,200 men, 14 T-72, 6 T-55, 11 BMP-2, 8 M109)
- 88th Armored Division (1,500 men, 12 M60A3, 4 Chieftain, 12 BTR-60, 9 BTR-50, 6 M109, 3 FH-155)
- 28th Mechanized Division (1,400 men, 6 T-72, 13 BMP-1, 6 M109, 3 FH155)
- 1st Artillery Group (1,000 men, 10 BM-21, 9 MRL-107, 35 FH-122)

Second Army Headquarters
- 81st Armored Division (1,000 men, 13 Chieftain Mk3/5, 13 M113, 3 M 110, 2 SO-122)
- 30th Infantry Division (1,500 men, 7 FH155, 6 FH122)
- 40th Infantry Division (1,400 men, 3 FH155, 9 FH122)
- 4th Artillery Group (800 men, 22 MRL-107, 25 FH122)

Third Army Headquarters
- 84th Mechanized Division (1,100 men, 10 T-72, 12 BMP-1, 5 SO-122)
- 58th Infantry Division (900 men, 8 FH122)
- 64th Infantry Division (800 men, 4 FH155, 3 FH122)
- 77th Infantry Division (1,100 men, 4 FH155, 7 FH122)
- 5th Artillery Group (900 men, 27 MRL-107, 28 FH122)

Iranian People’s Air Force
TFB 2 : Tabriz
22nd Tactical Fighter Wing
- 21st TFS : 7 F-5E
- 23rd TFS : 4 Mig-29
91st Tactical Fighter Wing
- 91st TFS : 3 F-4E
TFB 3 : Hamadan
11th Tactical Fighter Wing
- 11th TFS : 4 F-4E, 2 RF-4E.
- 83rd TFS : 5 F-14A
1st Tactical Transport Wing
- 11th TTS : 3 C-130.
TFB 14 : Mashhad
61st Tactical Fighter Wing
- 61st TFS : 5 F-4E
- 62nd TFS : 5 F-4E
71st Tactical Fighter Wing
- 72nd TFS : 2 Su-24, 1 Su-25
- Flying Training School : 3 T-33, 2 EMB-312, 2 PC-7.

- 156th Engineer Battalion (400 men)
- 1st “Mourabitin” Armored Division (1200 men, 68 AFVs): Tehran
- 1st Infantry Division (1900 men, 15 AFVs): Kermanshah
- 12th Infantry Division (2000 men, 25 AFVs): Sirjan
- 5th Infantry Brigade (800 men, 9 AFVs): Esfahan
- 7th Infantry Brigade (500 men, 6 AFVs): Zahedan
- 8th Infantry Brigade (600 men, 10 AFVs): DezfuVShustar
- 4th Cavalry Brigade (800 cav): Tabriz
- 6th Cavalry Brigade (900 cav): Mahabad

Jundullah (Sword of Allah/Balluchi’s resitance movement of Iran)
Colonel Hossein Kharakhitai is the supreme leader of Shir Iran.
Lt. Colonel Safi Pahlbod is his chief deputy.
James Masadi, a renegade CIA agent, is his chief advisor.
Captain Jamid Eskandari runs the intelligence network.

- 1st Baluchi Brigade (700 cavalry)
- 2nd Baluchi Brigade (800 cavalry)
- 3rd AD (3000 men, 10 Chieftain, 4 M48A5)
- 3rd ID (2000 men, 6 Scimitar)
- 12th ID (3000 men, 10 Scimitar)
- 16th Airborne Division (2000 men)
- Army Aviation Brigade (400 men, 4 AH-1T, 6 UH-60)
- 227th Fighter Squadron (200 men, 4 F-5E)

Israel is engaged against Syria, Lebanon and the Palestinian but it is still around. The country is exploiting oil shale and get some fuel from this (getting a fair advantage). Nevertheless the situation is frozen and the country is now entirely made up of militarized kibbutz.
Mossad Lefafkiddim Meyouchadim
Sheruf Bifachon KIalt (Shin Beth)
Major Joseph Malachi Barlev (MOSSAD)

Israeli ORBAT
- 36th Armored Division “Ga’ash” (3900 men, 74 Merkava)
- 847th Armored Brigade “Merkavot Haplada” (2300 men, 12 Merkava, 7 M60)
- 1st Infantry Brigade “Golani” (1500 men, 9 Merkava)
- 474th Infantry Brigade (1600 men, 7 Sho’t)
- 7th Armored Brigade (800 men, 18 Merkava)
- West Bank Division (6800men, 54 Merkava, 14 Magasch 7)
- 91st Reserve Division (7000men, 43 Merkava 3, 14 M60A3)
- 162nd Commando Division “Utzvat Ha'Barzel” (3000 men)
- 900th Brigade “Kfir” (1200 men)
- 401st Armored Brigade “Hat'ivat I'kvot” (2000 men, 21 Merkava, 12 M60A3)
- Nahal Brigade (1,800 men)
- 35th Airborne Brigade (900 men)
- Gaza Division (3000 men, 22 Merkava, 12 Magasch 7)
- Givati Brigade (1200 men, 10 Merkava)
- Edom Brigade (1200 men, 10 Merkava)
- Sinai Brigade (1600 men, 7 Merkava, 9 Sho’t)
- 500th Armored Brigade “Kfir” (1500 men, 26 Merkava)
- 401st Armored Brigade “Ikvot Habarzel” (1500 men, 30 Merkava)

Israeli Air Force
- 149 Squadron: 8 Kfir, 6 A-4
- 253 Squadron: 2 F-15, 5 F-16
- 109 Squadron: 200 men, 10 AH-1T, 6 UH-1
- 113 Squadron: 2 OH-58, 4 AH-1
- 124 Squadron: 6 UH-60

Saudi Arabia collapsed but the army is still there, backed by the allied. Regular troops (army and air force) are stationed in Iraq and they obey the allied command. Most soldiers were allowed to bring their family and they now represent a sizable community in US allied Iraq. SANG troops, however, remained in Saudi Arabia and they are the backbone of the Mekha-Jeddah Califate.
Saudian Army
SAUDI I Corps (Maj. Gen. Sultan Ibn Al Mutairi)
- 2nd ABN Bde (400 men)
- 1st ARM Bde (1000 men, 20 AMX-30)
- 14th Artillery Bde (1,700 men, 34 Towed Howitzers)
2nd Arm Div (Iraq)
- 8th ARM Bde (1,500 men, 26 M60A3)
- 16th ARM Bde (2,000 men, 40 M1A2)
- 20th MECH Bde (1,400 men 12 M60A3)
1st Mech Div (Jordanian Border)
- 12th ARM Bde (2,200 men, 40 M1A2)
- 6th MECH Bde (1,200 men 11 M60A3)
3rd Mech Div (Yemen Border)
- 4th ARM Bde (1,000 men, 20 AMX-30)
- 10th MECH Bde (1,800 men 13 M60A3)
- 11th MECH Bde (1,400 men 9 AMX-30)

SANG (Saudi Arabia National Guard/Col. Turki Al Firmi)
- Royal Guard Bde (2,000 men, 8 AMX-30)
- 3rd SANG MECH Bde (1,400 men, 4 AMX-30)
- 7th SANG MECH Bde (1,300 men, 4 AMX-30)
- 15th SANG MECH Bde (1,500 men, 6 AMX-30)
- 5th SANG Inf Bde (1,200 men)
- 7th SANG Inf Bde (1,000 men)
- 13th SANG Inf Bde (1,500 men)
- 15th SANG Inf Bde (1,400 men)
- 19th SANG Inf Bde (1,600 men)

Royal Saudi Air Force: Dhahran RSAFB, SA
- 4 Squadron: 400 men, 12 Tornado ADV
- 7 Squadron: 200 men, 9 Tornado IDS
- 34 Squadron: 140 men 6 F-15C/D
- Royal Saudi Land Forces Army Aviation Group: 70 men, 2 AH-64, 5x UH-60
- Royal Saudi Naval Forces Aviation: 60 men 3 AS-365, 2 AS-332

The official government of Iraq, as the Kurds, is with the allied. The sunni guerilla has received equipments from Russia and reformed a New Republican Guard. The Shiite are, then, backed by Iran. Nevertheless, the situation is unstable and Sunni and Shiite often fight among each other. That also happens between the Kurds and the official government.
Iraqi National Defense Force (US Supported)
- 1st Division (1800 men, 4 T-72, 3 BMP-1)
- 2nd Division (2700 men, 5 BMP-1)
- 3rd Division (1700 men, 14 M113)
- 4th Division (3400 men, 15 M113)
- 5th Division (3600 men, 18 M113)
- 8th Division (3500 men, 10 BMP-1)
Iraqi National Guard (US Supported)
- 10,000 men light infantry in 50 Battalions
Kurdish Group Iraq (US Supported)
- Group Kirkuk (800 cavalry)
- Group Ar Ramadi (600 men)
- Group Dezful (1200 men, 4 T-72)

New Republican Guard (Russia Supported)
- 1st Hammarubi Div (1,400 men, 4 T-72s)
- 2nd Al-Medinah Div (1,200 men, 10 T-72s)
- 3rd Tawakalna Div (1,100 men, 10 T-72s)
- 4th Al-Faw Div (1,800 men, 17 T-72s)
- 5th Baghdad Div (3,000 men, 12 T-72s)
- 6th Nebuchadnezzar Div (1,400 men, 12 T-72s)
- 7th Adnan Div (1,300 men, 4 T-72s)

Shiite Revolutionary Army (Iran supported)
- 1st ArmBde (1,000 men, 12 T-55)
- Basrah Bde (1,000 men, 4 Chieftain)
- Al Amarah Bde (800 cavalry)
- Al Ubayyid Bde (700 men)
- 1st Ma'dan Group (500 men)
- 2nd Ma'dan Group (400 men)
- Moqtadah al-Sadr Militia (8000 men)

Syria is with no doubt the most reliable allied to Russia in the region. It performed much better than expected against both Israel and the allied.
Headquarter + reserves
- Assad Armored Bde (800 men, 10 T-72)
- 8th Arm Bde (600 men, 6 T-62)
- 11th Inf Bde (600 men)
- 12th Arm Bde (700 men, 5 T-62)
- 32nd Inf Bde (600 men)
- 42nd Mech bde (800 men, 4 T-55)
- 2nd Commando Group (500 men)
- 8th Commando group (600 men)
Syrian I Corps (border to Israel)
- 5th Mech Div (1.300 men, 8 T-72)
- 7th Mech Div (1.700 men, 6 T-72, 5 T-62)
- 14th Arm Bde (400 men, 2 T-55)
- 15th Arm Bde (500 men, 4 Centurion Mk3/5)
- 52nd Mech Bde (300 men)
- 4th Commando Group (250 men)
Syrian II Corps (border to Jordania & Iraq)
- 9th Mech Div (1.900 men, 12 T-72)
- 19th Inf Bde (450 men)
- 91st Arm Bde (400 men, 2 Centurion Mk3/5)
- 123rd Inf bde (600 men)
- 6th Commando group (300 men)
Syrian IV Corps (Border with Iraq)
- 1st AD (2,000 men, 16 T-72s)
- 3rd AD (1.000 men, 18 T-72s)
- 85th Inf Bde (700 men)
- 10th Cmdo Grp (400 men)
Border to Turkey
- 89th Infantry Bde (700 men)
Syrian Air Force
- 77th Ftr Sqn (90 men, 6 Mig-23s)
- 216th Ftr Sqn (160 men, 7 Mig-23s)
- 697th Ftr Sqn (50 men, 2 Mig-29s)
- 819th Attack Sqn (100 men, 2 Su-20, 4 Su-25)
- 825th Attack Sqn (80 men, 3 Mig-21, 2 L-39C)
- 826th Transport Sqn (50 men, 2 An-2, 1 An-26)
- 907th Helo Sqn (300 men, 5 SA-342Ls, 9 Mi-8s)

Lebanon was expected to site with the allied but that was not the case as anger toward Israel was more important than division among the population.
OOB Lebanese Army
- Republican Guard brigade (500 men, 7 M48A5's)
- Commando regiment (350 men)
- Airborne regiment (400 men, 7 UH-1)
- Navy Commando regiment (250 men)
- 1st Artillery Regiment (500 men, 7 TR 155mm)
- 2nd Artillery Regiment (300 men, 4 TR 155mm)
North Command
- North Special Forces Regiment (300 men)
- 1st Infantry Brigade (900 men, 3 M48A5's)
- 3rd Infantry Brigade (1,100 men, 5 M48A5's)
Mount Lebanon Command
- Mount Lebanon Special Forces Regiment (500 men)
- 6th Infantry Brigade (1,000 men, 6 T55's)
Beka Command
- Beka Special Forces Regiment (300 men)
- 7th Infantry Brigade (800 men, 4 M48A1's)
- 8th Infantry Brigade (900 men, 4 T55's)
Beirut Command
- South Special Forces Regiment (200 men)
- Beirut Special Forces Regiment (400 men)
- 9th Infantry Brigade (1,300 men, 7 T55's)
- 11th Infantry Brigade (600 men, 3 T55's)
- 12th Infantry Brigade (1,000 men, 5 T55's)
- Eagle Mechanized Brigade (1,800 men, 10 T-72's)
- Pheonix Mechanized Brigade (2,200 men, 12 T-72's)
- Armored Brigade (1,900 men, 20 T-72's)

Bahrain is with US.
OOB Bahrain Army
- 1st Armor Battalion (200 troops 14 M60)
- 2nd Infantry Battalion (500 troops, 5 Ferret, 14 Saxon)
- 3rd Infantry Battalion (300 troops, 17 M3 APC).
- Artillery Battery (100 troops, 6 G6)
- Mortar Battery (150 troops, mortar 120).
Bahrain Emiri Air Force
- 1st FS: 4x F-16
- 6th FS: 3x F-5E
- 7th AHS: 3x AH-1W

Oman Stand with the Franco-Belgian Union.
OOB Oman Army
- 1st Mechanized Brigade (1700 troops, 14 M60, 12 Scorpion, 29 VAB, 8 FH-70, 8 Bofors L/60)
- Sultan’s Special Forces (200 troops)

As Bahrain, it is allied with US
OOB Qatar Army
- 2nd Royal Guard Battalion (450 men, 8 AMX-30, 14 AMX-10P)
- 1st Royal Infantry Battalion (900 men, 18 VAB)
- 3rd Royal Infantry Brigade, (700 men, 15 V-150)
- 1 Artillery Regiments (700 men, 18 F3 155)
- 1 ADA Battery (100 men, 3 Rapier)
Qatar Emiri Air Force
- 7 Squadron: 3 Mirage 2000, 2 Alpha Jet

As Oman, it stand with the Franco-Belgian Union.
OOB UAE and Dubai Army
- Royal Guard Brigade (1200 men, 40 M1A1, 40 AMX-10P, 20 AML-90, 15 F3 155)
- Armored Brigade (1500 men, 50 AMX-30, 50 AMX-10P, 14 Scorpion, 6 F3 155)
- Mechanized Brigade (1500 men, 50 AMX-30, 50 VAB, 15 AML-90, 10 F3 155)
- UAE Infantry Brigade (1700 men, 12 Light Gun)
- Dubai Infantry Brigade (2000 men, 15 Light Gun)
- Artillery Brigade (800 men, 19 G6 de 155, 11 GDF-35, 2 Crotale, 3 Rapier)
United Arab Emirates Air Force
Al Dhafra AB:
- 2 Squadron: 5 Mirage 2000
- 3 Squadron: 7 AH-64
Sharjah AB:
- 1 Squadron: 2 Mirage 2000EAD

Kuwait is, of course, still allied with the allied and the British HQ is based here. Moreover, the Kuwaitis are engaged in southern Iraq against the Shiite.
OOB Kuwaiti Army
- 1st Mech Bde (900 troops, 5 Chieftain, 6 M113, 10 BMP-2)
- 2nd Arm Bde (600 troops, 5 M-84, 17 M113)
- 4th Arm Bde (750 troops, 10 M-84, 17 BMP-2)
- Reserve Bde (800 troops)
- Art Bde (300 troops, 7 F3 155, 2 M109, 3 F1 GCT)
- Arm Rec battalion (100 troops, 2 Chieftain, 4 FV-432)
Kuwait: Kuwaiti Air Force
- 9 Squadron: 2 F/A-18C
- 25 Squadron: 4 F/A-18C
- 61 Squadron: 9 Mirage F-1
- 33 Squadron: 3 AH-64

Jordania collapsed whan Aman was nuked but a son of the royal family escaped. It is supported by the nomads and what is left of the army is holding the ground between Israel and the allied forces.
OOB Jordanian Army
- 5th Armored Div (2500 men, 24 Chieftain)
Royal Jordanian Air Force
- 25 Squadron: 5 F-16
- 12 Squadron: 8 AH-1W

Egypt collapsed when several cities (including Alexandria and Cairo) and the canal were nuked. However, what is left of the army established a government at Asyût and controls part of the Nile valley. The "Assuan Dam" was destroyed and the Nile is flooding the land again. The new government of Egypt withdrew from the war.
OOB Egyptian Army (Maj. Gen. Salah Mohamed Attia Halaby)
- Egyptian 1st Ranger Regiment (900 men)
- Egyptian Republican Guard Brigade (1000 men, 8 M60A3)
- Egyptian 3rd Mechanized Division (1700 men, 6 M109A2)
- Egyptian 4th Armored Division (2,500 men, 24 M1A1s, 5 M109A2)

These are still a bunch of militias that are all engaged against Israel. As today, they are also fighting among themselves and they still are not on the winning side.
- PFLP: 800 (Ahmed Sadat)
- Fatah: 6900 (Ahmed Qurei)
- DFLP: 500 (Nayef Hawatmeh)
- Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade: 900
- Fatah Tanzim: 10000 (Hachem Balawy)
- HAMAS: 16700 (Sheik Muhammed Abu Tayr)
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Old 01-14-2009, 12:14 PM
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Default Middle East 1st archive

Iranian Air Force Order of Battle for Twilight: 2000
Order of Battle as of 1 January 1995

Includes Army Aviation and Naval Aviation

TFB 1: Meherabad/Tehran IAP

11th Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW)
11th TFS: F-4E (Note 1)
12th TFS: MiG-29A/UB (some ex-Iraqi) (Note 2)
13th CIS: F-4E, F-5E/F, F-14A (Combat Instructor School)
14th TFS: Su-24MK (ex-Iraqi)
83rd TFS: F-14A
Recon Flight: 2 RF-4E

1st TTW (Tactical Transport Wing)
11th TS: C-130H
12th TS: C-130H

1st STW (Strategic Transport Wing)
13th TS: KC-707
14th TS: Boeing 747F

Base Flight: Bell 214C

TFB 2: Tabriz

22nd TFW
21st TFS: F-5E/F
22nd TFS: F-5E/F
23rd TFS: MiG-29A/UB

Base Flight: Bell 214

TFB 3: Nojeh/Hamadan AB

31st TFW
31st TFS: F-4E
32nd TFS: F-4E
33rd TFS: F-4E
Recon Flight: 2 RF-4E
Base Flight: Bell 214C

TFB 4: Vahdati/Dezful AB

41st TFW
41st TFS: F-5E/F
42nd TFS: F-5E/F
43rd TFTS: F-5F (Tactical Fighter Training Squadron, known as the Tigers)
Recon Flight: 2 RF-5A
Base Flight: Bell 214C

TFB 5: Omidyeh AB

51st TFW (Note 3)
51st TFS: F-16A/B
52nd TFS: F-16A/B
53rd TFS: F-16A/B

TFB 6: Bushehr AB

61st TFW
61st TFS: F-4E
62nd TFS: F-4E
Recon Flight: 2 RF-4E
Base Flight: Bell 214C

TFB 7: Shiraz AB

71st TFW
71st TFS: F-5E
72nd TFS: Su-24MK
71st TTS (Tactical Training Squadron): T-33

71st TTW
71st TS: C-130H
72nd TS: C-130H
73rd TS: Il-76MD (ex-Iraqi)
74th Helicopter Squadron: CH-47C

71st ASW Squadron: P-3F

TFB 8: Khatami-Esfahan AB

81st TFW (Note 4)
81st TFS: F-14D
82nd TFS: F-14D
Base Flight: Bell 214C

TFB 9: Bandar Abbas AB

91st TFW
91st TFS (The Sharks): F-4E
92nd TFS: F-4E
Base Flight: Bell 214C

TFB 10: Chah Bahar AB

101st TFW
101st TFS: F-4D
306th TFS: F-4D Peace Enforcer

TAB 11: Tehran/Gahle-Morgi

Flying Training School

4 Training Squadrons with Beech Bonanza, EMB-312 Tucano, and PC-7 Turbo Trainer

TAB 12: Tehran/Doshen Toppeh

121st TS: Fokker F-27 Friendship

TFB 13: Zahedan

131st TFW
131st TFS: Su-25K (ex-Iraqi) (Note 5)

TFB 14: Mashad

141st TFW
141st TFS: Mirage F-1E (ex-Iraqi)
142nd TFS: Mirage F-1E (ex-Iraqi)

Iranian Army Aviation:


6 Squadrons with Bell 214C and AB-205 (Italian license variant of UH-1D)
3 Squadrons with AH-1J


1 Squadron with AB-205, 1 Liasion Squadron with AB-206 (Italian variant of OH-58A),
3 Heavy Transport Squadrons with CH-47C, 4 Support Squadrons with Bell 214C, 3 Attack Squadrons with AH-1J


1 Squadron with AB-205, 1 Liasion Squadron with AB-206, 2 Transport Squadrons with UH-60A, 2 Attack Squadrons with AH-1T, 1 Special Operations Squadron with Mi-8/17, Mi-24, and AB-206 (Note 6)

Iranian Naval Aviation:

TFB 6: Bushehr AB (Bushehr NAS to Iranian Navy)

2nd ASW Squadron: RH-53D, AB-212AS (ASW version of AB-212 Huey variant)

TFB 7: Shiraz

1st Transport Squadron: Dassault Falcon 20, Rockwell Shrike Commander, Fokker F-27-400M/600M

TFB 9: Bandar Abbas (NAS Bandar Abbas satellite field)

1st ASW Squadron: ASH-3D Sea King
1st Helo Squadron: AB-205, AB-206


11th TFS is a MiG-29 squadron IRL
12th TFS is an F-4E squadron IRL
51st TFW is equipped with Chengdu F-7M Airguards; a PRC variant of the MiG-21F-13. In T2K the F-7s were sold to the U.S. in 1994 by the Iran Nowin Government and F-16s supplied in return
81st TFW is F-14A equipped IRL. In T2K, the F-14s were rebuilt in the U.S. by Grumman to D standard, with the intention of having all of Iran’s F-14s so upgraded, however the outbreak of the Iranian Civil War and of the Sino-Soviet War prevented the completion of the program.
This unit was a Pasdaran (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Command) squadron IRL, but the Iran Nowin Government transferred all IRGC air assets to the Iranian AF.
The Iranian Army ordered AH-64As in 1994, before the Civil War broke out, and as an interim measure, all of Iran’s AH-1s were to be upgraded to the T standard, with both TOW and Hellfire capability. Only the Kerman Group’s helos were so upgraded before the Civil War broke out. The AH-64 order was diverted to the U.S. Army after the outbreak of U.S./Soviet hostilities. The Mi-8/17s and Mi-24s were ex-Iraqi helos flown to Iran in 1991.
The Iranian AF evaluated the ex-Iraqi aircraft that landed in Iran during DESERT STORM, and only kept the MiG-29s, Su-24s, Su-25s, and Il-76s. All other aircraft after evaluation, including MiG-23s and Su-20/22s, were used as decoys at various air bases, or as targets on bombing ranges. Iraqi Civil-registered aircraft were also impounded and put into service with Iranian airlines. Several captured Kuwaiti airliners flown to Iran were returned to Kuwait at the conclusion of DESERT STORM.
The Khomeni Regime ordered 36 MiG-29s and 12 Su-24s in 1989, and these were delivered in 1990 IRL. In T2K the Iran Nowin decided to keep the aircraft in service pending replacement by either F-16s or F/A-18s in the case of the MiG-29s, and F-15Es in the case of the Su-24s. No order was placed before the Civil War broke out, as Danilov wanted to maintain Iran as a neutral in the Gulf region, and ordered MiG and Sukhoi to continue parts support and maintenance programs for the Iranians up until the Soviet invasion. The aircraft had Western IFF installed and were painted with special markings to preclude friendly fire incidents after December 1996.


Aerospace Encyclopedia of World Air Forces, edited by David Willis
ACIG.org web site: http://www.acig.org
Iran-Iraq War in the Air: 1980-1988, by Tom Cooper and Farzad Bishop
Iranian F-4 Phantom Units in Combat, by Cooper and Bishop
Iranian F-14 Units in Combat, by Cooper and Bishop

Israeli Army

Northern Command

36th Armored Division “Ga’ash”
7th Armored Brigade
188th Armored Brigade “Barak”
91st Division (Reserve)
847th Armored Brigade “Merkavot Haplada”
1st Infantry Brigade “Golani”
474th Infantry Brigade

Central Command

West Bank Division
Menashe Brigade
Ephraim Brigade
Shomron Brigade
Binyamin Brigade
Etzion Brigade
Yehuda Brigade
162nd Armored Division “Utzvat Ha'Barzel”
900 Brigade “Kfir”
401st Armored Brigade “Hat'ivat I'kvot”
Nahal Brigade

35th Airborne Brigade

Southern Command

Gaza Division
Givati Brigade
Edom Brigade
Sinai Brigade
500 Armored Brigade “Kfir”
401st Armored Brigade “Ikvot Habarzel”
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Old 01-14-2009, 12:21 PM
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Default Middle East 2nd archive (Antenna & Matt Wiser)

2nd ABN Bde (400 men)
14th Artillery Bde (1,700 men, 34 Towed Howitzers)

2nd Arm Div
8th ARM Bde (1,500 men, 26 M60A3)
16th ARM Bde (2,000 men, 40 M1A2)
20th MECH Bde (1,400 men 12 M60A3)

1st Mech Div
12th ARM Bde (2,200 men, 40 M1A2)
6th MECH Bde (1,200 men 11 M60A3)

3rd Mech Div
4th ARM Bde (1,000 men, 20 AMX-30)
10th MECH Bde (1,800 men 13 M60A3)
11th MECH Bde (1,400 men 9 AMX-30)

SANG (audia Arbaia National Guard)
Royal Guard Bde (2,000 men, 8 AMX-30)
3rd SANG MECH Bde (1,400 men, 4 AMX-30)
7th SANG MECH Bde (1,300 men, 4 AMX-30)
15th SANG MECH Bde (1,500 men, 6 AMX-30)
5th SANG Inf Bde (1,200 men)
7th SANG Inf Bde (1,000 men)
13th SANG Inf Bde (1,500 men)
15th SANG Inf Bde (1,400 men)
19th SANG Inf Bde (1,600 men)


The 1st Mechanized Division is gurading the northwestern border against Jordania.
The 2nd Armored Division is gurading the northern border against Iraq.
The 2nd Mechanized Division is gurading the southern border against Yemen.
The SANG is an interior force for guarding the royal family.

*Note the ARM and MECH bde should be true what exists in the real world, that would also be true for AF OOB


Prewar ORG Saudi Army
Headquarter Company
2 Tanks
4 M113 (staff, also maybe M577A1)
6 M106
6 FIM-92A Stinger/MIM-43A Redeye
2 TANK Companies
14 Tanks
3 TANK Troops
4 Tanks

Headquarter Company
4 M113 (Staff, also maybe M577A1)
6 M106
6 FIM-92A Stinger/MIM-43A Redeye
12 Anti-armor vehicles
2 MECH Companies
3 MECH Platoons

Those Brigades with M1A1 uses M2 Bradley IFV, M109SP, M163 Vulcan, VCC-1 with TOW-I

Those Brigades with M60A3 uses M113A2 APC, M109SP, M163 Vulcan, VCC-1 with TOW-I

Those Brigades with AMX-30 uses AMX-10P IFV, 155mm GCT, AMX-30SA, AMX-10PSP HOT

Headquarter company
5 M113 (or M577A1)
3 ARTILLERY Batteries
6 SP howitzers

Headquarter company
5 M113 (or M577A1)
3 ARTILLERY Batteries

Reconnaissance company
12 Panhard M-3

3 Tank Batt
1 Mech Batt
1 Field artillery batt
1 AAA artillery batt
1 support batt
1 Recce Coy

1 Tank Batt
3 Mech Batt
1 Field artillery batt
1 AAA artillery batt
1 support batt
1 Recce Coy

1 Support Batt


Sang Org
2 V-150
6 MIM-43 Redeye
6 V-150 w M40RR
3 Infantry Battalions
12-14 V-150

MECH BAttalions
2 V-150
6 FIM-92 Stinger
3 Infantry Battalions
12-14 LAV-25

ARMOR Battalions
2 AMX-30
6 FIM-92 Stinger
3 Infantry Battalions
10-12 AMX-30

4 M577A1
2 Batteries
6 M101/M102 or M198 or FH-77

When the War in Gulf started the AMX-30s that had been in store was transfeered from the Saudi Army to the SANG. One Mech battalion in the SANG mech battalions was converted to Tank Battalion.

4 Infantry Battalions
1 Artillery battalion

3 Mechanized Battalions
1 Armor Battalion
1 Artillery Battalion

Iranian OOB

Iranian HQ Reserve
23rd Special Forces Division (600 men)
55th Parachute Division (900 men, 4 M101A1)
351st SSM Brigade (280 men, 2 SCUD Launchers)
75th Logistics Brigade (600 men)
Iranian Army Helicopter Brigade (5 AH-1J, 3 CH-47C, 5 UH-1)
7th Artillery Group (600 men, 22 M-46/type-59-1)

First Army Headquarters
18th Armored Division (1,200 men, 14 T-72, 6 T-55, 11 BMP-2, 8 M109)
88th Armored Division (1,500 men, 12 M60A1, 4 M47, 12 BTR-60, 9 BTR-50, 6 M109, 3 GHN-45)
28th Mechanized Division (1,400 men, 6 T-72, 13 BMP-1, 6 M109, 3 GHN-45)
1st Artillery Group (1,000 men, 10 BM-21 MRL, 9 Type-63 MRL, 35 M-46/Type-59-1)

Second Army Headquarters
81st Armored Division (1,000 men, 13 Chieftain Mk3/5, 13 M113A1/A2, 3 M 107, 2 2S1)
30th Infantry Division (1,500 men, 7 M-46/type-59-1, 6 D-30)
40th Infantry Division (1,400 men, 9 M-46/type-59-1, 3 D-30)
4th Artillery Group (800 men, 22 Type-63 MRL, 25 M-46/type-59-1)

Third Army Headquarters
84th Mechanized Division (1,100 men, 10 T-62, 12 BMP-1, 5 2S1)
58th Infantry Division (900 men, 8 M-46/type-59-1)
64th Infantry Division (800 men, 4 M-46/type-59-1, 3 D-30)
77th Infantry Division (1,100 men, 7 M-46/type-59-1, 4 D-30)
5th Artillery Group (900 men, 27 Type-63 MRL, 28 M-46/type-59-1)

First Army is locatd Around Bushehr
Second Army is Located around Bandar-e-Khomeyni/Shiraz
Third Army is located around Sirjan


11st Sqn (2 F-4E, 1 RF-4E)
22nd Sqn (7 F-5)
61st Sqn (5 F-14A)
62nd Sqn (5 F-4D)
91st Sqn (3 C-130)

The Iranian has got loads of spareparts for their aircrafts thru USA when the war begun. Therefore they could make airworthy a larger part of their old airforce.

Matt Wiser

Good work on a ground OB, but you have some things wrong with the Iranian AF, may I suggest:

11th TFS: at least two more F-4Es and another RF-4E.
21st TFS: F-5s seem OK.
61st TFS was and still is an F-4E unit. The F-14s are concentrated in the 81st, 82nd, and 83rd TFS. 81st and 82nd are at Khatami-Esfhahan (TFB , the 83rd is at Meherabad IAP/TFB 1.
62nd TFS is also an F-4E squadron.
91st is a TFS: they are F-4E equipped, they're known as the Sharks. C-130s are in the 11th and 12th TTS.
F-4Ds are in either the 101st TFS at Chah Bahar, or in the 306th TFS at Shahroki-Hamadan AB.
No Su-24s? They are in the 71st and 72nd TFS at Shiraz AB. MiG-29s are in the 12 TFS and the 23rd TFS. (Mehrabad IAP/TFB1 and Tabriz AP/TFB 2.

There would only be four active ABs in 2000: Shiraz International (known as TFB 7), Bushehr (TFB 6) Omidyeh (TFB 5) and Bandar Abbas (TFB 9) . Where are the squadrons located?


Thanx Matt for the Iranian AF OOB, I wasn't shure on the fact I had aviable =)

I buy your version any day.


Matt Wiser

If you want, use my RDF OB from a while back: the Iranian AF is included. Your ground info is dead on.


Well, I checked your AF OOB two days ago and send it to one of the yahoo lists to someone that needed OOBs about the Gulf/T2k =)

I looks really good =)


What to do with the US forces that enter the RDF domain from Europe Dec/2000 ?

Well, here is one idea I run a couple of years ago (found notes remeber this is when the net was young and innocent)

~200 men would go to US Navy
~600 men would go to US Airforce

That leaves us with ~5100 men (true the book says 6,000 men but I said 5,900 men instead in my notes, not a misscalc just how I wanted it)

Well, these troops would on their journey to Iran have a rough idea what forces they could form and would have had limited infosharing with a higher command what was aviable in these 5,900 men force.

So here is my take on US Army addition (note that these forces would have to train togther for at least 1-2 months before entering the fighting ranks, just to give the troopers an idea what unit they are in the gulf)

511th ABN RGT (700 men)
90th MTN RGT (600 men)
27th LTH CAV/MOTO RGT (1,000 men, 6 M101A1)
28th LTH CAV/MOTO RGT (1,000 men, 6 M101A1)
29th LTH CAV/MOTO RGT (1,000 men, 6 M101A1)

Diffenerent "replacments/strengthen up" for various Support units : 600 men

The question about Iraqi Army when there came revised OOBs for the USA Forces in the Gulf made me do this. The Forces in Iraqi Armed Forces is taken before the War on Terror and the attack on Iraq. The Divisions has been moved around a little to also be more true to the RDF SB OOB. Some notes is also added. The armed Forces on the ground is the regular army and the Republican Guard (who ihas best equipment). There is also 10,000 men and women in the defence battalions, they still only have AKM assault guns and SKS rifles. Later on I will try to get my view on other equipment and the Iranian Forces.

IRAQ USSR Supported

I Corps
5th MD (600 men, 4 T-62s)
8th ID (1,200 men, 3 T-55s)
16th ID (1,800 men, 5 T-55s)
38th ID (900 men)

II Corps
3rd AD (1,200 men, 14 T-62s)
15th ID (400 men)
34th ID (100 men) [Most of this division defected to USA]
V Corps
6th AD (1,000 men, 12 T-62s)
10th AD (1,400 men, 3 T-62s)
14th ID (1,000 men)

III Corps
1st MD (1,000 men, 10 T-62s)
4th ID (1,200 men)
6th AD (600 men, 2 T-62s)
51st MD (800 men, 6 T-62s)
IV Corps
2nd ID (1,000 men, 3 T-55s)
11th ID (1,000 men, 3 T-55s)
18th ID (1,500 men, 4 T-55s)


1st Hammarubi Div (1,400 men, 4 T-72s)
7th Adnan Div (1,300 men, 4 T-72s)

3rd Tawakalna Div (1,100 men, 10 T-72s)
4th Al-Faw Div (1,800 men, 17 T-72s)
5th Baghdad Div (3,000 men, 12 T-72s)

2nd Al-Medinah Div (1,200 men, 10 T-72s)
6th Nebuchadnezzar Div (1,400 men, 12 T-72s)

10,000 men light infantry in 150 Coy's & Batt

84th Sqn (3 Mig-23)
9th Sqn (1 Mig-21, 1 J-7)
69th Sqn (2 Su-20)
5th Sqn (4 Su-25)
6th Sqn (2 Mig-29)
8th Sqn (2 An-2, 1 An-26)

Group Kirkuk (400 cav)
Group Ar Ramadi (300 men)
Group Dezful (800 men, 4 T-55s) [ex 34th ID]

The Us supported forces is mainly a hit and run forces won by heart of mind.

1st ArmBde (1,000 men, 12 AMX-30s)
Basrah Bde (1,000 men, 4 AMX-30s)
Al Amarah Bde (800 cav)
Al Ubayyid Bde (700 men)
1st Ma'dan Group (500 men)
2nd Ma'dan Group (400 men)

The France supported forces is equiped with frence weapons those who has tanks.
The cavalry and infantry bde's has standard Iraqi weapons as for antional defence battalions, with french AT weapons

Israeli ORBAT
Here we go with Israeli ARMY DIV/BDE ORBAT


36th Division (2,300men, 12 Merkava 1, 7 M60A3)
1st Bde
2nd Bde
401st Arm Bde

146th Division (3,100men, 9 Merkava 1, 4 Centurion Mk3/5)
3rd Bde
6th Bde
27th Arm Bde

240th Division (3,100men, 23 Merkava 4, 36 Merkava 3 Baz)
8th Arm Bde
19th Arm Bde
37th Arm Bde


85th Division (5,000men, 12 Merkava 3, 9 Merkava 2, 12 M60A3)
4th Bde
5th Bde
9th Arm Bde

91st Division (7,000men, 31 Merkava 3, 12 Merkava 2, 14 M60A1)
16th Bde
17th Bde
10th Arm Bde
45th Arm Bde

162nd Division (3,000men)
31st Para Bde
55th Para Bde
202nd Para Bde

880th Division (6,800men, 20 Merkava 4, 34 Merkava 3 Baz, 14 Magasch 7)
18th Bde
19th Bde
17th Arm Bde
188th Arm Bde


143rd Division (3,000men, 12 Merkava 3 Baz, 10 Merkava 1, 12 Magasch 7)
9th Bde
30th Bde
79th Arm Bde

252nd Division (4,000men, 27 Merkava 3, 9 Centurion Mk3/5)
79th Bde
211th Bde
20th Arm Bde

440th Division (3,000men, 35 Merkava 3 Baz, 14 Merkava 2, 7 Merkava 1)
70th Arm Bde
500th Arm Bde


35th Abn Bde (900men)
7th Arm Bde (800men, 13 Merkava 4, 5 Merkava 3)

Headquarter + reserves
Assad Armored Bde (800 men, 10 T-72)
8th Arm Bde (600 men, 6 T-62)
11th Inf Bde (600 men)
12th Arm Bde (700 men, 5 T-62)
32nd Inf Bde (600 men)
42nd Mech bde (800 men, 4 T-55)
2nd Commando Group (500 men)
8th Commando group (600 men)

Syrian I Corps (border to Israel)
5th Mech Div (1.300 men, 8 T-72)
7th Mech Div (1.700 men, 6 T-72, 5 T-62)
14th Arm Bde (400 men, 2 T-55)
15th Arm Bde (500 men, 4 Centurion Mk3/5)
52nd Mech Bde (300 men)
4th Commando Group (250 men)

Syrian II Corps (border to Jordania)
9th Mech Div (1.900 men, 12 T-72)
19th Inf Bde (450 men)
91st Arm Bde (400 men, 2 Centurion Mk3/5)
123rd Inf bde (600 men)
6th Commando group (300 men)

Border to Turkey
89th Infantry Bde (700 men)

Syrian IV Corps (as RDF Sourcebook)
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Old 01-14-2009, 12:29 PM
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Default Middle East 3rd archive

France Side
OOB Bahrain Army
1 Armor Battalion (44 Challenger 2)
2 Mech Battalion (44 Warrior)
1 Artillery Battery (8 G6)
1 MRL BAttery (6 MRLS)

OOB Oman Army
1st Mech Brigade
1 Armor Battalion
2 Mech Battalion
1 Artillery Battalion
1 ADA Battery

Armor Battalion Mech Battalion Artillery Batt ADA Batt
HQ Company HQ Company HQ Company HQ Company
2 Challenger 2 2 Warrior 5 M577A1 8 HMMWV
6 Warrior (Scout) 6 Warrior (Scout) 3 Artillery Batt 3 Batteries
3 Armor Companies 4 Mech Companies 8 G6 SP 8 Avengers
12 Challenger 2 14 Warrior

OOB Qatar Army
2nd Royal Armored Brigade, (4500men, 88 Challenger 2, 116 Warrior
2 Armored Regiments 38 Vextra 105, 18 G6 SP)
2 Mechanized Regiments
1 Armored Reconnaissance Regiment
1 Artillery Regiments

1st Royal Infantry Brigade, (4500men, 18 G6 SP)
4 Light Infantry Regiments
1 Infantry Reconnaissance Companies
1 Artillery Regiments

3rd Royal Infantry Brigade, (4500men, 18 G6 SP)
4 Light Infantry Regiments
1 Infantry Reconnaissance Companies
1 Artillery Regiments

Independent Units
1 Infantry Reconnaissance Regiments (650 men)
1 Airborne Regiment (650 men)
1 Field Engineer Regiment (700 men)
1 Artillery Regiments (700 men, 18 G6 SP)

OOB UAE and Dubai Army
The Amred Forces of Dubai and UAE was due to upgrade after 1991, but when the
Twilight war started, the armed forces of UAE and Dubai only had recived 80 BMP-3's
out of around 430 vehicles. None of the 469 Leclercs was delivered to the countries.
Instead they got their hands on second hand vehicles. Still even if the army is
realtive large it cannot support actions outside the borders due to largely a
not so well developed support force. Also the lack of Anti-armor weapons

The Royal Guard Brigade
2 mech battalions (50 M113's)
2 Arm battalions (50 M60A1's)
1 Artillery Battalion (16 AMX-155)
1 Recce Coy (24 BMP-3's)

The Armored Brigade
2 Arm battalions (50 AMX-30's)
1 Mech Battalion (50 AMX VCI's)
1 Artillery Battalion (16 AMX-155)
1 Recce Coy (24 BMP-3's)

The Mechanized Brigade
1 Arm battalion (50 AMX-30's)
2 Mech Battalions (50 AMX VCI's)
1 Artillery Battalion (16 AMX-155)
1 Recce Coy (24 BMP-3's)

1st UAE Infantry Brigade
3 Lt Infantry Brigades (12 TOW-2, 24 M2 CG)
1 Artillery Battalion (16 TR 155mm)

2nd UAE Infantry Brigade
3 Lt Infantry Brigades (12 TOW-2, 24 M2 CG)
1 Artillery Battalion (16 TR 155mm)

1st Dubai Infantry Brigade
3 Lt Infantry Brigades (12 TOW-2, 24 M2 CG)
1 Artillery Battalion (16 TR 155mm)

2nd Dubai Infantry Brigade
3 Lt Infantry Brigades (12 TOW-2, 24 M2 CG)
1 Artillery Battalion (16 TR 155mm)

The Artillery Brigade
4 Artillery Battalions (29 TR 155mm, 33 AMX-33)

OOB Iraqi Army (USSR Supported)
I Corps
5th MD (600 men, 4 T-62s)
8th ID (1,200 men, 3 T-55s)
16th ID (1,800 men, 5 T-55s)
38th ID (900 men)

II Corps
3rd AD (1,200 men, 14 T-62s)
15th ID (400 men)
34th ID (100 men) [Most of this division defected to USA]
V Corps
6th AD (1,000 men, 12 T-62s)
10th AD (1,400 men, 3 T-62s)
14th ID (1,000 men)

III Corps
1st MD (1,000 men, 10 T-62s)
4th ID (1,200 men)
6th AD (600 men, 2 T-62s)
51st MD (800 men, 6 T-62s)
IV Corps
2nd ID (1,000 men, 3 T-55s)
11th ID (1,000 men, 3 T-55s)
18th ID (1,500 men, 4 T-55s)


1st Hammarubi Div (1,400 men, 4 T-72s)
7th Adnan Div (1,300 men, 4 T-72s)

3rd Tawakalna Div (1,100 men, 10 T-72s)
4th Al-Faw Div (1,800 men, 17 T-72s)
5th Baghdad Div (3,000 men, 12 T-72s)

2nd Al-Medinah Div (1,200 men, 10 T-72s)
6th Nebuchadnezzar Div (1,400 men, 12 T-72s)

10,000 men light infantry in 150 Coy's & Batt

84th Sqn (3 Mig-23)
9th Sqn (1 Mig-21, 1 J-7)
69th Sqn (2 Su-20)
5th Sqn (4 Su-25)
6th Sqn (2 Mig-29)
8th Sqn (2 An-2, 1 An-26)

OOB Syrian Army
Headquarter + Reserves
Assad Armored Bde (800 men, 10 T-72)
8th Arm Bde (600 men, 6 T-62)
11th Inf Bde (600 men)
12th Arm Bde (700 men, 5 T-62)
32nd Inf Bde (600 men)
42nd Mech bde (800 men, 4 T-55)
2nd Commando Group (500 men)
8th Commando group (600 men)

Syrian I Corps (border to Israel)
5th Mech Div (1.300 men, 8 T-72)
7th Mech Div (1.700 men, 6 T-72, 5 T-62)
14th Arm Bde (400 men, 2 T-55)
15th Arm Bde (500 men, 4 Centurion Mk3/5)
52nd Mech Bde (300 men)
4th Commando Group (250 men)

Syrian II Corps (border to Jordania)
9th Mech Div (1.900 men, 12 T-72)
19th Inf Bde (450 men)
91st Arm Bde (400 men, 2 Centurion Mk3/5)
123rd Inf bde (600 men)
6th Commando group (300 men)

Border to Turkey
89th Infantry Bde (700 men)

Syrian IV Corps (as RDF Sourcebook)
1st Arm Div (2.000 men, 16 T-72)
3rd Arm Div (1.000 men, 18 T-72)
85th Inf Bde (700 men)
10th Commando Group (400 men)
907th Helo Sqdn (300 men, 4 SA-341Fs, 6 Mi-17s)

OOB Lebanese Army
Lebanon Infected by war since the 60's has no cooherent force to wage war. The
Syrians threatens to invade from the east and Israel from south. The Lebanese
Army don't want to challenge the ISraelis without support from USSR and Syria.

Republican Guard brigade (500 men, 7 AMX-13's)
Commando regiment (350 men)
Airborne regiment (400 men, 7 UH-1)
Navy Commando regiment (250 men)
1st Artillery Regiment (500 men, 7 TR 155mm)
2nd Artillery Regiment (300 men, 4 TR 155mm)

North Command
North Special Forces Regiment (300 men)
1st Infantry Brigade (900 men, 3 M48A1's)
3rd Infantry Brigade (1,100 men, 5 M48A1's)
Mount Lebanon Command
Mount Lebanon Special Forces Regiment (500 men)
6th Infantry Brigade (1,000 men, 6 T54/55's)
Beka Command
Beka Special Forces Regiment (300 men)
7th Infantry Brigade (800 men, 4 M48A1's)
8th Infantry Brigade (900 men, 4 T54/55's)
Beirut Command
South Special Forces Regiment (200 men)
Beirut Special Forces Regiment (400 men)
9th Infantry Brigade (1,300 men, 7 T54/55's)
11th Infantry Brigade (600 men, 3 T54/55's)
12th Infantry Brigade (1,000 men, 5 T54/55's)
Eagle Mechanized Brigade (1,800 men, 10 T-72's)
Pheonix Mechanized Brigade (2,200 men, 12 T-72's)
Armored Brigade (1,900 men, 20 T-72's)

US Side
While not following RDF at all, but rather LAW0369's idea of what would happen in
the gulf, the reinforcment would come from Korea in 2001. After the European
evacutaion of US troops the fleet steams for Korea to get troops home. All troops
in Korea (except 41si Inf Div and 45th Inf Div) is shiped to the gulf. I would
point out that ideas is for this I got from LAW0369 and Frank Frey.

3rd US Army (Current Location Persian Gulf)
75th Infantry Rgt (Ranger)
6th Air Defense Brigade, (650 Men, 7 Patriot, 8 I-Hawk)
11th Air Defense Brigade, (700 Men, 9 Patriot, 8 I-Hawk)
6th Military Police Brigade, (400 Men)
8th Military Police Brigade, 950 Men

Ist Amphibious Corps
1st Marine Division (3000 men, 6 M1's)
3rd Marine Division (4000 men, 15 M1's)
5th Marine Division (3000 men, 20 M60A3's)
18th Field Artillery Brigade, (1000 Men, 19 M198)

XVIIIth Airborne Corps
82nd Airborne Division (3000 men, 4 AH-64's, 12 UH-60's)
101st Air Assault Division (4000 men, 12 M8 Buford's)
6th Air Cavalry Combat Brigade (900 men, 4 OH-58's, 10 AH-64's)
17th Aviation Brigade, (800 Men, 7 AH1F, 5 OH58, 1 UH1H, 4 CH47D)
18th Combat Aviation Brigade, (900 Men, 8 UH60, 1 U21, 4 OH58, 3 UH1H, 5 CH47D)
45th Field Artillery Brigade, (700 Men, 13 M119A1)
20th Engineer Brigade, (900 Men, 3 M728 CEV)

IInd US Corps
2nd Infantry Division (4000 men, 4 M1's)
9th Infantry Division (4000 men, 12 M8 Buford's)
24th Infantry Division (4000 men, 9 M1A2's)
196th Field Artillery Brigade, (1300 Men, 15 M198, 11 M109A2, 18 MLRS)
209th Field Artillery Brigade, (300 Men, 2 M119A1)
169th Field Artillery Brigade, (500 Men, 6 M119A1)

VIth US Corps
7th Infantry Division (500 men)
2nd Infantry Division (2000 men, 4 M1)
25th Infantry Division (600 men)
26th Infantry Division (5000 men, 13 M8 Buford's)
163rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (300 men, 4 M8 Buford's)
153rd Field Artillery Brigade, (550 Men, 8 M119A1)
115th Field Artillery Brigade, (700 Men, 10 M119A1)
631st Field Artillery Brigade, (600 Men, 9 M119A1)

East African Regional Command
Current Location: Kenya
173rd Airborne Brigade (1500 men)
10th Cavalry Regiment (750 men, 8 M8 Buford's)
228th Aviation Battalion (2 O/AH-6, 4 UH-60, 6 UH-1J, 3 AH-1V, 2 OV-10, 4 A-1J)

OOB Iraqi Army (US Supported)
Group Kirkuk (400 cav)
Group Ar Ramadi (300 men)
Group Dezful (800 men, 4 T-55s) [ex 34th ID]

The US supported forces is mainly a hit and run forces won by heart of mind.

OOB Israeli Army
In the Twilight war the Israeli army philosophy was to have a core of rediness
for each division that would basically be 2 battalions at high alert in Israel.
The strength would within hours be 4 folded from original strength within 36
hours. This is basically the theory what the israeli army would do if she got
invaded to wage war on their neighbours. Still 36th Division occupies the line
from Tyre to Golan Heights and has full strength.
NOTE : this OOB reflect the strength before call up, aditional men will ad to
the formations when they get called up.

36th Division (8,300men, 43 Merkava 3, 34 Merkava 1)
1st Bde, 2nd Bde, 401st Arm Bde
146th Division (3,100men, 22 Merkava 1, 17 Centurion Mk3/5)
3rd Bde, 6th Bde, 27th Arm Bde
240th Division (3,100men, 39 Merkava 4, 77 Merkava 3 Baz)
8th Arm Bde, 19th Arm Bde, 37th Arm Bde

85th Division (5,000men, 24 Merkava 3, 53 Merkava 2, 19 M60A3)
4th Bde, 5th Bde, 9th Arm Bde
91st Division (7,000men, 98 Merkava 3, 43 Merkava 2, 33 M60A1)
16th Bde, 17th Bde, 10th Arm Bde, 45th Arm Bde
162nd Division (3,000men)
31st Para Bde, 55th Para Bde, 202nd Para Bde
880th Division (6,800men, 43 Merkava 4, 67 Merkava 3 Baz, 23 Magasch 7)
18th Bde, 19th Bde, 17th Arm Bde, 188th Arm Bde

143rd Division (3,000men, 21 Merkava 3 Baz, 30 Merkava 1, 12 Magasch 7)
9th Bde, 30th Bde, 79th Arm Bde
252nd Division (4,000men, 27 Merkava 3, 39 Centurion Mk3/5)
79th Bde, 211th Bde, 20th Arm Bde
440th Division (3,000men, 35 Merkava 3 Baz, 14 Merkava 2, 71 Merkava 1)
70th Arm Bde, 500th Arm Bde

35th Abn Bde (900men)
7th Arm Bde (800men, 13 Merkava 4, 5 Merkava 3)

4 Infantry Battalions 3 Armored Battalions 4 Abn/Para Battalions
2 Tank Companies 1 Mechanized Battalion 1 Lght Artillery Batt.
1 Engineer Battalion 1 Engineer Battalion 1 Engineer Battalion
1 Artillery Battalion 1 Artillery Battalion (SP) 1 Pathfinder Platoon
2 Anti-tank Company 1 Support Battalion 1 Support Battalion
1 Support Battalion

1 Artillery Battalion
1 Armored Engineers Battalion
1 Airdefence Battalion
1 Military Intelligence Battalion
1 Recon Company
1 Chemical Company
1 Signals Battalion
1 Support Battalion

Infantry Battalion
2 M113
4 M577A1

OOB Iranian Army
Iranian HQ Reserve
23rd Special Forces Division (600 men)
55th Parachute Division (900 men, 4 M101A1)
351st SSM Brigade (280 men, 2 SCUD Launchers)
75th Logistics Brigade (600 men)
Iranian Army Helicopter Brigade (5 AH-1J, 3 CH-47C, 5 UH-1)
7th Artillery Group (600 men, 22 M-46/type-59-1)

First Army Headquarters
18th Armored Division (1,200 men, 14 T-72, 6 T-55, 11 BMP-2, 8 M109)
88th Armored Division (1,500 men, 12 M60A1, 4 M47, 12 BTR-60, 9 BTR-50, 6 M109, 3 GHN-45)
28th Mechanized Division (1,400 men, 6 T-72, 13 BMP-1, 6 M109, 3 GHN-45)
1st Artillery Group (1,000 men, 10 BM-21 MRL, 9 Type-63 MRL, 35 M-46/Type-59-1)

Second Army Headquarters
81st Armored Division (1,000 men, 13 Chieftain Mk3/5, 13 M113A1/A2, 3 M 107, 2 2S1)
30th Infantry Division (1,500 men, 7 M-46/type-59-1, 6 D-30)
40th Infantry Division (1,400 men, 9 M-46/type-59-1, 3 D-30)
4th Artillery Group (800 men, 22 Type-63 MRL, 25 M-46/type-59-1)

Third Army Headquarters
84th Mechanized Division (1,100 men, 10 T-62, 12 BMP-1, 5 2S1)
58th Infantry Division (900 men, 8 M-46/type-59-1)
64th Infantry Division (800 men, 4 M-46/type-59-1, 3 D-30)
77th Infantry Division (1,100 men, 7 M-46/type-59-1, 4 D-30)
5th Artillery Group (900 men, 27 Type-63 MRL, 28 M-46/type-59-1)

First Army is locatd Around Bushehr
Second Army is Located around Bandar-e-Khomeyni/Shiraz
Third Army is located around Sirjan

OOB Kuwaiti Army
Due to the 1st Gulf War, the Iraqi army was reformed and was understrength during
the Twilight war. Ordering equipment from those who could sell arms to the army
has left the kuwaiti army with a ragtag army.

1st Mech Bde
1 batt (50 M-84's)
2 batt (42 M113's, 14 BMP-3's)
1 coy of arm rec (14 BMP-2's)

2nd Arm Bde
2 batt (50 M-84's)
1 batt (57 M113's)
1 coy of arm rec (14 BMP-2's)

4th Arm Bde
1 batt (50 M1A2's)
2 batt (48 BMP-3's)
1 coy of arm rec (14 BMP-2's)

The Art bde
3 battalions (total 16 F3, 20 M109A2, 18 GCT)

The Arm Rec battalion
2 coy Lt Motorized Infantry (10 Fahd)
2 coy Arm Cav (10 Chieftain's, 4 Dessert Warrior's)

The Reserve Bde
4 Infantry Battalions (14 TOW-2)

Gurkha Mechanized Division (3.400 men, 11 Chieftains)
6th Queen Elizabeth's Gurkha Rangers Regiment (600 men)
7th Duke of Edinburgh's Gurkha Rangers Regiment (750 men)
1/King's own Scottish Borderer's (400 men)

Hong Kong garrison only infantry shown
2nd King Edward VII's Gurkha Rifle Regiment (1000 men)
10th Princess Mary's Gurkha Own Rifle Regiment (950 men)
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Old 01-02-2010, 09:37 PM
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Another version of the Saudis and Syrians:

Saudi Arabian Defense Force 1 OCT 96, T2k

Royal Saudi Land Forces

Eastern Area Dharan
2nd Motorized Infantry Brigade King Fahd Military City

Northern Area Hafr al-Batin
20th Mechanized Brigade King Khalid Military City
8th Armored Brigade King Khalid Military City
1st Aviation Brigade King Khalid Military City
1st Field Artillery Brigade King Khalid Military City

Northwest Area Tabuk King Faisal Military City
12th Armored Brigade King Faisal Military City
6th Mechanized Brigade King Faisal Military City
2nd Field Artillery Brigade King Faisal Military City

Southern Area Khamis Mushayt
3rd Field Artillery Brigade King Abd al-Aziz Military City

Jizan Sub-Area Command
4th Armored Brigade King Abd al-Aziz Military City
11th Mechanized Brigade King Abd al-Aziz Military City

Najran Sub-Area Command
10th Mechanized Brigade Sharawrah

High Command
Royal Guard Regiment Riyadh
Airborne Brigade Riyadh
2nd Aviation Brigade Riyadh
Royal Saudi Navy Marine Regiment Jubail

raised after the outbreak of war:
17th Motorized Infantry Brigade Riyadh
18th Motorized Infantry Brigade Jeddah
19th Motorized Infantry Brigade Medina

Saudi Arabian National Guard

1st (Imam Mohammed Bin Saud) Brigade Riyadh
1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Combined Arms Battalions (LAV-25)
1st Artillery Bn (M-102 105mm howizers)
1st Engineer Co

2nd (King Abdul Aziz) Brigade Hofuf
5th, 6th, 7th & 8th Combined Arms Battalions (V-150)
2nd Artillery Bn (M-198 155mm howitzers)
2nd Engineer Co

3rd (Prince Saad Abdulrahman) Brigade Riyadh
9th, 10th, 11th & 12th Combined Arms Battalions (LAV-25)
3rd Artillery Bn (M-198 155mm howitzers)
3rd Engineer Co

King Faisal Infantry Brigade Medina

King Khalid Infantry Brigade Riyadh

King Saud Infantry Brigade Jeddah

Omar bin Kattab Infantry Brigade Taif

Prince Mohammed Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud Infantr Brigade Jubail

Turki Infantry Brigade Damman

Model TO&Es

Armored Brigade
3 tank bns w/ 40 tanks ea
mech bn w/54 IFV
SP Arty bn w/ 18 guns
engineer co
armored recon co w/AML-90

Mechanized Brigade
tank bn w/ 40 tanks
3 mech bns w/54 IFV/APC ea
mech bn w/45 APCs
SP Arty bn w/ 18 guns
engineer co
armored recon co w/AML-90

Motorized Brigade
mech bn w/54 APC
2-3 infantry bns in trucks
artillery bn w/18 towed howitzers

Royal Guard Regiment
3 motorized bns w/35 UR-416s ea
engineer co
armored recon co w/AML-90

Airborne Brigade
2 parachute battalions
3 Special Forces companies
recon company (light vehicles)
artillery bn w/18 M-102 105mm howitzers

Field Artillery Brigade
1-2 artillery bns w/18 155mm M-198 or FH-70 towed howitzers
MLRS battery w/ 9 MLRS
Rocket battery w/6 127mm ASTROS II

SANG Light Motorized Brigade
4 Light Motorized bns (ea. 3 LAV 25 co's, LAV AT co & LAV-105 co., scout platoon w/ LAV 25s & hvy mortar plt of 2 sections of 3 LAV 120mm mortars ea.)
artillery bn w/24 towed howitzers
engineer co

SANG Light Infantry Brigade
4 infantry bns in trucks
recon company (HMMWV/Jeeps/Land Rovers)
engineer co

Marine Regiment
2 motorized bns w/55 BMR-600s ea
1 infantry bn in trucks
artillery bn w/24 M-102 105mm howitzers
armored recon co w/AML-90
engineer co

Syrian Army, 1 OCT 96, T2k

High Command

Republican Guard Mechanized Division Damascus
1st Republican Guard (Armored) Bde T-72
2nd Republican Guard (Armored) Bde T-72
3rd Republican Guard (Armored) Bde T-72
4th Republican Guard (Mechanized) Bde T-72
5th Republican Guard (Artillery) Bde

14th Special Forces Division Golan Heights
1st SF Regiment
2nd SF Regiment
3rd SF Regiment
4th SF Regiment

5th SF Regiment Lebanon
7th SF Regiment al-Qutafey
8th Commando Bde al-Qutafey
9th SF Regiment Jabal Qasyun
10th SF Regiment Tripoli, Lebanon
11th SF Regiment Tartus
12th Commando Bde Bhamdun, Lebanon
13th Commando Bde Aleppo

Missile Command Aleppo
63rd Artillery Rocket Bde SS-21 bn & 2 SCUD bns
72nd Artillery Rocket Bde SS-21 bn, SCUD bn & SS-23 bn

18th Artillery Bde Golan-Damascus area
56th Artillery Bde Golan-Damascus area
16th Anti-Tank Bde Golan-Damascus area
79th Anti-Tank Bde Golan-Damascus area
30th Infantry Bde

120th Mountain Infantry Bde Jabal Qasyun
121st Mech Bde
97th Helicopter Bde Damascus 42 Gazelle
76th Helicopter Bde 36 Mi-24

1st Corps Damascus
5th Armored Division
76th Armored Bde T-62
17th Armored Bde T-62
96th Armored Bde T-62
112th Mech Bde T-62
50th Artillery Bde
6th Armored Division (formerly known as 569th AD)
12th Armored Bde T-55
22nd Armored Bde T-55
98th Armored Bde T-55
11th Mech Bde T-55
60th Artillery Bde
7th Mechanized Division
58th Armored Bde T-55
68th Armored Bde T-55
78th Mech Bde T-55
33rd Mech Bde T-55
70th Artillery Bde
8th Armored Division
62nd Armored Bde T-62
65th Armored Bde T-62
86th Armored Bde T-62
32nd Mech Bde T-62
80th Artillery Bde
9th Armored Division
43rd Armored Bde T-62
53rd Armored Bde T-62
91st Armored Bde T-62
52nd Mech Bde T-62
89th Artillery Bde
69th Artillery Rocket Bde
45th Commando Bde

2nd Corps Zebdani (Zabadan)
1st Armored Division
4th Armored Bde T-55
44th Armored Bde T-55
46th Armored Bde T-55
42nd Mech Bde T-55
64th Artillery Bde
3rd Armored Division
20th Armored Bde T-72
47th Armored Bde Baalbek, Lebanon T-72
82nd Armored Bde Rayak airfield, Lebanon T-72
132nd Mech Bde Jub Jenin, Lebanon T-72
13th Artillery Bde
4th Mechanized Division
1st Armored Bde T-72
2nd Mech Bde T-72
61st Mech Bde T-72
89th Mech Bde T-72
40th Artillery Bde
10th Mechanized Division Shtoura, Lebanon
51st Armored Bde Bekaa Valley T-55
85th Armored Bde Dahr al-Baidar, Lebanon T-55
21st Mech Bde T-55
123rd Mech Bde Yanta, Lebanon T-55
100th Artillery Bde
11th Armored Division
60th Armored Bde T-72
67th Armored Bde T-72
81st Armored Bde T-72
87th Mech Bde Rashaye, Lebanon T-72
110th Artillery Bde

3rd Corps Aleppo
2nd Reserve Armored Division
14th Armored Bde T-55
15th Armored Bde T-55
19th Mech Bde T-55
36th Mech Bde T-55
20th Artillery Bde
37th Infantry Bde
71st Infantry Bde
122nd Infantry Bde
142nd Infantry Bde

Border Guard Bde
70th Armored Bde T-62
6th SF Regiment Turkish border
Coastal Defense Bde Latakia
1st Bn Latakia
2nd Bn Banias
3rd Bn Hamidieh
4th Bn Tartous

Reserve Units:
12th Motorized Division
73rd Armored Bde T-55

141st Armored Bde T-55
34th Infantry Bde
38th Infantry Bde
120th Artillery Bde

13th Motorized Division
88th Armored Bde T-55
92nd Armored Bde T-55
90th Infantry Bde
140th Infantry Bde
130th Artillery Bde

77th Artillery Bde
29th Infantry Bde
35th Infantry Bde
55th Infantry Bde
57th Infantry Bde
66th Mech Bde T-55
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...
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Old 01-03-2010, 06:00 AM
Abbott Shaull Abbott Shaull is offline
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Some neat stuff. Thank you for sharing.

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