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Old 09-10-2008, 03:10 AM
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Default 1 day left for the PACIFIC BLOODBATH PART 2

General Pain 05-22-2008, 03:47 AM Yup the Norweigian T2K team @ RPGHOST is having our first session this summer in OSLO... :mg:

General Pain

Headquarters (GM)

Airmarshal Willis (not attending)

Fieldmarshal DeCorba

General Sanchez

Te-Pong (the 3rd character he plays in that family)

I can say I can't wait....hours again....

U know I sometimes say you have T2K sessions and the dead time (RL) in between them....

I hope the session will be succesfull , but they usually are...I just have to stay away from the sharp objects in my home....no ride to the E.R. this time


semi-unlimited amounts of booze

46" screen for Google earth use

various computers for soundeffects and the bigbook of war

huge amaounts of german sasauge,ham and cheese

+ a complementary cigar for each participant...

also obligatory taste of my newest whisky - Knob Creek

I will probably post a review of the bloodbath on sunday/monday....

Will this be the end of General Pain???????????


Targan 05-22-2008, 03:51 AM General Pain, I have to tell you, so many of your posts make me laugh out loud, not least of which your last.


General Pain 05-22-2008, 04:20 AM General Pain, I have to tell you, so many of your posts make me laugh out loud, not least of which your last.

Right back at u Targan

we're both funny guys...

Are u btw a born in the sign of Capricorn - it's a well known fact that they have as dry humor as the Australian Desert....

Sadly most of my jokes are not publishable in this forum....they are more likely to be used in a drunken haze in Taxi/Cab Queue...

but I have one cunning remark u can say to a person u don't like:

Is that your wife or did someone puke in the sofa?

(expect brokenbottles,chairs flying and black eyes to be followed....)


Headquarters 05-22-2008, 04:30 AM Yup the Norweigian T2K team @ RPGHOST is having our first session this summer in OSLO... :mg:

General Pain

Headquarters (GM)

Airmarshal Willis (not attending)

Fieldmarshal DeCorba

General Sanchez

Te-Pong (the 3rd character he plays in that family)

I can say I can't wait....hours again....

U know I sometimes say you have T2K sessions and the dead time (RL) in between them....

I hope the session will be succesfull , but they usually are...I just have to stay away from the sharp objects in my home....no ride to the E.R. this time


semi-unlimited amounts of booze

46" screen for Google earth use

various computers for soundeffects and the bigbook of war

huge amaounts of german sasauge,ham and cheese

+ a complementary cigar for each participant...

also obligatory taste of my newest whisky - Knob Creek

I will probably post a review of the bloodbath on sunday/monday....

Will this be the end of General Pain???????????

I should think so .


Targan 05-22-2008, 04:47 AM Are u btw a born in the sign of Capricorn - it's a well known fact that they have as dry humor as the Australian Desert....

Actually I'm a Scorpio. My birthday is Halloween.

Here's one for you. A pirate captain walks into a bar with what looks like a ship's wheel attached to the front of his pants. The barman says 'Excuse me, is that a ship's wheel?' and the pirate captain replies 'Aye, and its drivin' me nuts'.


General Pain 05-22-2008, 05:00 AM I should think so .


U just lost your priviliges to eat,drink and smoke......u might be allowed to sleep in the barn....sadly I don't have a barn,,,,,but if I ever get one you will be the first to sleep there....hahahahahahahahahahmuahahahahahahmuahahah ah

u know it takes more than:

dusins of assasination attempts

various disceases

multiple traumatic experiences

numerous hits by every calibre known to man

near drownings

full body burns

airplane crashes

a couple of overdoses

hours and hours of torture


various insect,animal and human bites

loss an arm and a leg

mental disorders



radiation sickness

cigar smoking

extreme alcoholism ( u know when your pee smells better than your breath)

car crashes

endless amounts of melee combat (armed and unarmed)

numerous infections..

to kill General Pain

...damn did I leave anything out........

I think General Pain just won the ANTI-DARWIN AWARD

......but anyway HQ.....plz don't kill me


General Pain 05-22-2008, 05:48 AM Actually I'm a Scorpio. My birthday is Halloween.

Here's one for you. A pirate captain walks into a bar with what looks like a ship's wheel attached to the front of his pants. The barman says 'Excuse me, is that a ship's wheel?' and the pirate captain replies 'Aye, and its drivin' me nuts'.

here's some 4 u

A skeleton walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What'll you have?" The skeleton says, "Give me a beer, and a mop."

A polar bear, a giraffe and a penguin walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"

A guy walks into a bar in Cork, in Ireland, and asks the barman: "What's the quickest way to get to Dublin?" "Are you walking or driving?" asks the barman. "Driving," says a man. "That's the quickest way," says the barman.

A fellow walks into a pub near Buckingham Palace in London, sits down, and says, "Give me a beer. I've had a rough day at work." And the bartender says, "Oh? What do you do?" The guy says, "I take care of the corgis--you know, the dogs the royal family owns." The bartender asks, "Tough job, huh? The guy says, "Yeah. All that inbreeding has led to low intelligence and bad temperaments. And the dogs aren't too smart, either."

A man goes into a bar and says, "Give me a drink before the trouble starts." And the bartender pours him a drink. He drinks it and says, "Give me another drink before the trouble starts." He downs that one and says quotation mark, give me another drink before the trouble starts." Finally, the bartender asks, "Just when is this trouble going to start?" The man says, "The trouble starts just as soon as I tell you that I don't have any money."

A tourist goes into a bar where a dog is sitting in a chair playing poker. He asks, "Is that dog there really playing poker?" And the bartender says, "Yeah, but he's not too smart. Whenever he has a good hand, he starts wagging his tail."

This cowboy walks into a bar and orders a beer. His hat is made of brown wrapping paper. And so are his shirt, vest, chaps, pants, and boots. His spurs are also made of paper. Pretty soon, the sheriff arrives and arrests him for rustling.

A guy goes into a bar, orders four shots of the most expensive 30-year-old single malt Scotch whisky and downs them one after the other. The bartender says, "You seem to be in a great hurry." The guy says, "You would be too if you had what I have." The bartender asks, "What have you got? "Fifty cents," is the reply.


Headquarters 05-22-2008, 06:46 AM Really......

U just lost your priviliges to eat,drink and smoke......u might be allowed to sleep in the barn....sadly I don't have a barn,,,,,but if I ever get one you will be the first to sleep there....hahahahahahahahahahmuahahahahahahmuahahah ah

u know it takes more than:

dusins of assasination attempts

various disceases

multiple traumatic experiences

numerous hits by every calibre known to man

near drownings

full body burns

airplane crashes

a couple of overdoses

hours and hours of torture


various insect,animal and human bites

loss an arm and a leg

mental disorders



radiation sickness

cigar smoking

extreme alcoholism ( u know when your pee smells better than your breath)

car crashes

endless amounts of melee combat (armed and unarmed)

numerous infections..

to kill General Pain

...damn did I leave anything out........

I think General Pain just won the ANTI-DARWIN AWARD

......but anyway HQ.....plz don't kill me

quite the list .you forgot exposure to harsh climate and a wife that was as vicious as a Al- Qaida ambush.(In game ..heheh)

but dont exaggerate-there are still afew calibers they havnt used on you yet -

but we will get there ..

thing is -its always the players that kill themselves -the key being their actions when they are told "you are under fire "..I guess people just react differently to such information .

now-I cant do anything but relay what the almighty dice has proclaimed in its infinite wisdom--to interfere with the results would be..sacriligious....

put your faith in the dice my son -and fear not .The death of one PC harkens the birth of another -who will be just as well loved and fiercly hated - in time ..


General Pain 05-22-2008, 11:34 AM quite the list .you forgot exposure to harsh climate and a wife that was as vicious as a Al- Qaida ambush.(In game ..heheh)

but dont exaggerate-there are still afew calibers they havnt used on you yet -

but we will get there ..

thing is -its always the players that kill themselves -the key being their actions when they are told "you are under fire "..I guess people just react differently to such information .

now-I cant do anything but relay what the almighty dice has proclaimed in its infinite wisdom--to interfere with the results would be..sacriligious....

put your faith in the dice my son -and fear not .The death of one PC harkens the birth of another -who will be just as well loved and fiercly hated - in time ..

pouh......forgota bout the dice and the stupidity of my fellow players actions....I usually do stupid things in real life when we have sessions.... :1peace:


Solz 05-22-2008, 08:27 PM know that you are the envy of all of us that don't currently have a FtF game right now.

Bask in the envious warmth...


Headquarters 05-23-2008, 01:16 AM know that you are the envy of all of us that don't currently have a FtF game right now.

Bask in the envious warmth...




hmmm..what time is it ..? still 10 hrs to go ..damn it ....


Targan 05-23-2008, 01:20 AM My campaign is still slooowly rolling along. Anyone envious of me too?


General Pain 05-23-2008, 04:16 AM know that you are the envy of all of us that don't currently have a FtF game right now.

Bask in the envious warmth...

Basking.....at work....

5,45 hours left


General Pain 05-23-2008, 04:22 AM [QUOTE=General Pain]


semi-unlimited amounts of booze

46" screen for Google earth use

various computers for soundeffects and the bigbook of war

huge amaounts of german sasauge,ham and cheese

+ a complementary cigar for each participant...

also obligatory taste of my newest whisky - Knob Creek


One of my customers gave me a bottle of champagne today.....so it seems that the welcom drink will be champagne mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Targan 05-23-2008, 04:23 AM In my campaign we are continuing the pre-game adventures of Lt Cmdr Harley Davidson Black, USN SEALs, and his assigned ISA team on the trail of a suspected Spetznaz group operating in northern Virginia and Delware in December 2000.


General Pain 05-23-2008, 06:04 AM In my campaign we are continuing the pre-game adventures of Lt Cmdr Harley Davidson Black, USN SEALs, and his assigned ISA team on the trail of a suspected Spetznaz group operating in northern Virginia and Delware in December 2000.

Interesting scenario Targan

I recommend the Spetznaz using :

VSK-94 - Silenced Sniper Rifle

VSS - Vintorez - Silenced Sniper Rifle

AK-47 Twin mount

VSSK Vychlop - silenced 12.7

PP-19 Bizon - silenced smg

Korovin TK pistol

just to add flavour to the game....the possibilities are endless

PS: all above can be found at TBBoW


TiggerCCW UK 05-23-2008, 06:07 AM My FtF is on hold at present as we've moved onto a different GM. Star Wars at the minute, then Warhammer RPG, then back to Twilight. Maybe a little basking going on here too.


General Pain 05-23-2008, 06:17 AM Interesting scenario Targan

I recommend the Spetznaz using :

VSK-94 - Silenced Sniper Rifle

VSS - Vintorez - Silenced Sniper Rifle

AK-47 Twin mount

VSSK Vychlop - silenced 12.7

PP-19 Bizon - silenced smg

Korovin TK pistol

just to add flavour to the game....the possibilities are endless

PS: all above can be found at TBBoW

I Guess none of the player are playing Spetznaz so these weapons chould prove usefull in an ambush.


Targan 05-23-2008, 08:00 AM I have the stats for all of those Spetznaz weapons. Matter of fact it was analysis of bullets dug out of a corpse that led Lt Cmdr HD Black and his ISA analysts to conclude that Spetznaz were involved.


Headquarters 05-26-2008, 01:17 AM The Ftf is over - the cold ,harsh grip of reality closes once again..3 morte months to go before another round of basking is possible..

Yes i am envious of all the rest of you guys who have Ftfs coming up...

Anyways -summer is coming .

Ought to be good for something


General Pain 05-26-2008, 02:12 AM The Ftf is over - the cold ,harsh grip of reality closes once again..3 morte months to go before another round of basking is possible..

Yes i am envious of all the rest of you guys who have Ftfs coming up...

Anyways -summer is coming .

Ought to be good for something

Yes......Im back into the chains of oppresion called work.....

But it was a glorious session


and offcourse bullets flying


TiggerCCW UK 05-26-2008, 10:35 AM So what was the body count like this time round? Any out of game injuries to keep things interesting? We ended up with most of our gaming group at mine on Saturday night, playing Zombies (http://www.twilightcreationsinc.com/zombies/). Not a bad nights craic, but the game did seem to last forever. Probably started playing about 10 ish and finished about 4am. We'll probably not bother using the expansions next time - they just made the game last a lot longer without adding a huge amount to it.


Headquarters (GM)

Airmarshal Willis (not attending)

Fieldmarshal DeCorba

General Sanchez

Te-Pong (the 3rd character he plays in that family)

I can say I can't wait....hours again....

U know I sometimes say you have T2K sessions and the dead time (RL) in between them....

I hope the session will be succesfull , but they usually are...I just have to stay away from the sharp objects in my home....no ride to the E.R. this time


semi-unlimited amounts of booze

46" screen for Google earth use

various computers for soundeffects and the bigbook of war

huge amaounts of german sasauge,ham and cheese

+ a complementary cigar for each participant...

also obligatory taste of my newest whisky - Knob Creek

I will probably post a review of the bloodbath on sunday/monday....

Will this be the end of General Pain???????????


Targan 05-22-2008, 03:51 AM General Pain, I have to tell you, so many of your posts make me laugh out loud, not least of which your last.


General Pain 05-22-2008, 04:20 AM General Pain, I have to tell you, so many of your posts make me laugh out loud, not least of which your last.

Right back at u Targan

we're both funny guys...

Are u btw a born in the sign of Capricorn - it's a well known fact that they have as dry humor as the Australian Desert....

Sadly most of my jokes are not publishable in this forum....they are more likely to be used in a drunken haze in Taxi/Cab Queue...

but I have one cunning remark u can say to a person u don't like:

Is that your wife or did someone puke in the sofa?

(expect brokenbottles,chairs flying and black eyes to be followed....)


Headquarters 05-22-2008, 04:30 AM Yup the Norweigian T2K team @ RPGHOST is having our first session this summer in OSLO... :mg:

General Pain

Headquarters (GM)

Airmarshal Willis (not attending)

Fieldmarshal DeCorba

General Sanchez

Te-Pong (the 3rd character he plays in that family)

I can say I can't wait....hours again....

U know I sometimes say you have T2K sessions and the dead time (RL) in between them....

I hope the session will be succesfull , but they usually are...I just have to stay away from the sharp objects in my home....no ride to the E.R. this time


semi-unlimited amounts of booze

46" screen for Google earth use

various computers for soundeffects and the bigbook of war

huge amaounts of german sasauge,ham and cheese

+ a complementary cigar for each participant...

also obligatory taste of my newest whisky - Knob Creek

I will probably post a review of the bloodbath on sunday/monday....

Will this be the end of General Pain???????????

I should think so .


Targan 05-22-2008, 04:47 AM Are u btw a born in the sign of Capricorn - it's a well known fact that they have as dry humor as the Australian Desert....

Actually I'm a Scorpio. My birthday is Halloween.

Here's one for you. A pirate captain walks into a bar with what looks like a ship's wheel attached to the front of his pants. The barman says 'Excuse me, is that a ship's wheel?' and the pirate captain replies 'Aye, and its drivin' me nuts'.


General Pain 05-22-2008, 05:00 AM I should think so .


U just lost your priviliges to eat,drink and smoke......u might be allowed to sleep in the barn....sadly I don't have a barn,,,,,but if I ever get one you will be the first to sleep there....hahahahahahahahahahmuahahahahahahmuahahah ah

u know it takes more than:

dusins of assasination attempts

various disceases

multiple traumatic experiences

numerous hits by every calibre known to man

near drownings

full body burns

airplane crashes

a couple of overdoses

hours and hours of torture


various insect,animal and human bites

loss an arm and a leg

mental disorders



radiation sickness

cigar smoking

extreme alcoholism ( u know when your pee smells better than your breath)

car crashes

endless amounts of melee combat (armed and unarmed)

numerous infections..

to kill General Pain

...damn did I leave anything out........

I think General Pain just won the ANTI-DARWIN AWARD

......but anyway HQ.....plz don't kill me


General Pain 05-22-2008, 05:48 AM Actually I'm a Scorpio. My birthday is Halloween.

Here's one for you. A pirate captain walks into a bar with what looks like a ship's wheel attached to the front of his pants. The barman says 'Excuse me, is that a ship's wheel?' and the pirate captain replies 'Aye, and its drivin' me nuts'.

here's some 4 u

A skeleton walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "What'll you have?" The skeleton says, "Give me a beer, and a mop."

A polar bear, a giraffe and a penguin walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"

A guy walks into a bar in Cork, in Ireland, and asks the barman: "What's the quickest way to get to Dublin?" "Are you walking or driving?" asks the barman. "Driving," says a man. "That's the quickest way," says the barman.

A fellow walks into a pub near Buckingham Palace in London, sits down, and says, "Give me a beer. I've had a rough day at work." And the bartender says, "Oh? What do you do?" The guy says, "I take care of the corgis--you know, the dogs the royal family owns." The bartender asks, "Tough job, huh? The guy says, "Yeah. All that inbreeding has led to low intelligence and bad temperaments. And the dogs aren't too smart, either."

A man goes into a bar and says, "Give me a drink before the trouble starts." And the bartender pours him a drink. He drinks it and says, "Give me another drink before the trouble starts." He downs that one and says quotation mark, give me another drink before the trouble starts." Finally, the bartender asks, "Just when is this trouble going to start?" The man says, "The trouble starts just as soon as I tell you that I don't have any money."

A tourist goes into a bar where a dog is sitting in a chair playing poker. He asks, "Is that dog there really playing poker?" And the bartender says, "Yeah, but he's not too smart. Whenever he has a good hand, he starts wagging his tail."

This cowboy walks into a bar and orders a beer. His hat is made of brown wrapping paper. And so are his shirt, vest, chaps, pants, and boots. His spurs are also made of paper. Pretty soon, the sheriff arrives and arrests him for rustling.

A guy goes into a bar, orders four shots of the most expensive 30-year-old single malt Scotch whisky and downs them one after the other. The bartender says, "You seem to be in a great hurry." The guy says, "You would be too if you had what I have." The bartender asks, "What have you got? "Fifty cents," is the reply.


Headquarters 05-22-2008, 06:46 AM Really......

U just lost your priviliges to eat,drink and smoke......u might be allowed to sleep in the barn....sadly I don't have a barn,,,,,but if I ever get one you will be the first to sleep there....hahahahahahahahahahmuahahahahahahmuahahah ah

u know it takes more than:

dusins of assasination attempts

various disceases

multiple traumatic experiences

numerous hits by every calibre known to man

near drownings

full body burns

airplane crashes

a couple of overdoses

hours and hours of torture


various insect,animal and human bites

loss an arm and a leg

mental disorders



radiation sickness

cigar smoking

extreme alcoholism ( u know when your pee smells better than your breath)

car crashes

endless amounts of melee combat (armed and unarmed)

numerous infections..

to kill General Pain

...damn did I leave anything out........

I think General Pain just won the ANTI-DARWIN AWARD

......but anyway HQ.....plz don't kill me

quite the list .you forgot exposure to harsh climate and a wife that was as vicious as a Al- Qaida ambush.(In game ..heheh)

but dont exaggerate-there are still afew calibers they havnt used on you yet -

but we will get there ..

thing is -its always the players that kill themselves -the key being their actions when they are told "you are under fire "..I guess people just react differently to such information .

now-I cant do anything but relay what the almighty dice has proclaimed in its infinite wisdom--to interfere with the results would be..sacriligious....

put your faith in the dice my son -and fear not .The death of one PC harkens the birth of another -who will be just as well loved and fiercly hated - in time ..


General Pain 05-22-2008, 11:34 AM quite the list .you forgot exposure to harsh climate and a wife that was as vicious as a Al- Qaida ambush.(In game ..heheh)

but dont exaggerate-there are still afew calibers they havnt used on you yet -

but we will get there ..

thing is -its always the players that kill themselves -the key being their actions when they are told "you are under fire "..I guess people just react differently to such information .

now-I cant do anything but relay what the almighty dice has proclaimed in its infinite wisdom--to interfere with the results would be..sacriligious....

put your faith in the dice my son -and fear not .The death of one PC harkens the birth of another -who will be just as well loved and fiercly hated - in time ..

pouh......forgota bout the dice and the stupidity of my fellow players actions....I usually do stupid things in real life when we have sessions.... :1peace:


Solz 05-22-2008, 08:27 PM know that you are the envy of all of us that don't currently have a FtF game right now.

Bask in the envious warmth...


Headquarters 05-23-2008, 01:16 AM know that you are the envy of all of us that don't currently have a FtF game right now.

Bask in the envious warmth...




hmmm..what time is it ..? still 10 hrs to go ..damn it ....


Targan 05-23-2008, 01:20 AM My campaign is still slooowly rolling along. Anyone envious of me too?


General Pain 05-23-2008, 04:16 AM know that you are the envy of all of us that don't currently have a FtF game right now.

Bask in the envious warmth...

Basking.....at work....

5,45 hours left


General Pain 05-23-2008, 04:22 AM [QUOTE=General Pain]


semi-unlimited amounts of booze

46" screen for Google earth use

various computers for soundeffects and the bigbook of war

huge amaounts of german sasauge,ham and cheese

+ a complementary cigar for each participant...

also obligatory taste of my newest whisky - Knob Creek


One of my customers gave me a bottle of champagne today.....so it seems that the welcom drink will be champagne mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Targan 05-23-2008, 04:23 AM In my campaign we are continuing the pre-game adventures of Lt Cmdr Harley Davidson Black, USN SEALs, and his assigned ISA team on the trail of a suspected Spetznaz group operating in northern Virginia and Delware in December 2000.


General Pain 05-23-2008, 06:04 AM In my campaign we are continuing the pre-game adventures of Lt Cmdr Harley Davidson Black, USN SEALs, and his assigned ISA team on the trail of a suspected Spetznaz group operating in northern Virginia and Delware in December 2000.

Interesting scenario Targan

I recommend the Spetznaz using :

VSK-94 - Silenced Sniper Rifle

VSS - Vintorez - Silenced Sniper Rifle

AK-47 Twin mount

VSSK Vychlop - silenced 12.7

PP-19 Bizon - silenced smg

Korovin TK pistol

just to add flavour to the game....the possibilities are endless

PS: all above can be found at TBBoW


TiggerCCW UK 05-23-2008, 06:07 AM My FtF is on hold at present as we've moved onto a different GM. Star Wars at the minute, then Warhammer RPG, then back to Twilight. Maybe a little basking going on here too.


General Pain 05-23-2008, 06:17 AM Interesting scenario Targan

I recommend the Spetznaz using :

VSK-94 - Silenced Sniper Rifle

VSS - Vintorez - Silenced Sniper Rifle

AK-47 Twin mount

VSSK Vychlop - silenced 12.7

PP-19 Bizon - silenced smg

Korovin TK pistol

just to add flavour to the game....the possibilities are endless

PS: all above can be found at TBBoW

I Guess none of the player are playing Spetznaz so these weapons chould prove usefull in an ambush.


Targan 05-23-2008, 08:00 AM I have the stats for all of those Spetznaz weapons. Matter of fact it was analysis of bullets dug out of a corpse that led Lt Cmdr HD Black and his ISA analysts to conclude that Spetznaz were involved.


Headquarters 05-26-2008, 01:17 AM The Ftf is over - the cold ,harsh grip of reality closes once again..3 morte months to go before another round of basking is possible..

Yes i am envious of all the rest of you guys who have Ftfs coming up...

Anyways -summer is coming .

Ought to be good for something


General Pain 05-26-2008, 02:12 AM The Ftf is over - the cold ,harsh grip of reality closes once again..3 morte months to go before another round of basking is possible..

Yes i am envious of all the rest of you guys who have Ftfs coming up...

Anyways -summer is coming .

Ought to be good for something

Yes......Im back into the chains of oppresion called work.....

But it was a glorious session


and offcourse bullets flying


TiggerCCW UK 05-26-2008, 10:35 AM So what was the body count like this time round? Any out of game injuries to keep things interesting? We ended up with most of our gaming group at mine on Saturday night, playing Zombies (http://www.twilightcreationsinc.com/zombies/). Not a bad nights craic, but the game did seem to last forever. Probably started playing about 10 ish and finished about 4am. We'll probably not bother using the expansions next time - they just made the game last a lot longer without adding a huge amount to it.

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