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Old 05-02-2019, 12:51 PM
Mahatatain Mahatatain is offline
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Default Kalisz Area Maps

I'm wondering if anyone can help me with detailed maps for the Kalisz area that are pre 2000 and available in an electronic format? I'm looking to start a new online Escape from Kalisz scenario and I'd rather not use Google Maps as a reference point.

I've tried the University of Texas at Austin website as their maps of Vietnam are incredible (presumably a legacy of the Vietnam War) but they don't have anything as detailed for Poland, specifically the Kalisz area.

I therefore wondered if anyone here had had any success in finding appropriate maps of Poland/Kalisz area in something like 1:50,000 to 1:250,000 scale? My presumption is that something would have been produced during the Cold War.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Old 05-02-2019, 06:19 PM
Mahatatain Mahatatain is offline
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I've found some US Army maps of Poland from 1944 and a comment from someone that "the infrastructure in 1995 wouldn't be radically different to 1944".

Do people agree with that? Do you think that it's feasible to use a 1944 maps to represent what Poland would look like in 2000?
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Old 05-02-2019, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Mahatatain View Post
I've found some US Army maps of Poland from 1944 and a comment from someone that "the infrastructure in 1995 wouldn't be radically different to 1944".

Do people agree with that? Do you think that it's feasible to use a 1944 maps to represent what Poland would look like in 2000?
They're a good start point and I would agree that up to a point, the infrastructure probably wouldn't have changed that much. The only issue I think you'll face using 1944 maps is that many place names will be German (because many of the areas were part of East Prussia) and it can take a bit of time to find what the town has been renamed in Polish. That plus some former German towns were taken over by the Soviets and made closed sites.

I have a vague memory of seeing some Soviet military maps of Poland & Germany dating from the 1960s and/or 1980s in some online map collection. I'll search for them and if I actually do remember it correctly, I'll post the info.
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Old 05-02-2019, 08:26 PM
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This may be of some use. https://maps.vlasenko.net/?y=48.34&x..._map=0&search=
Shame it's all in Russian though...
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Old 05-03-2019, 12:22 AM
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If you want to spend some money, the following sites have topographic maps from the 1970s-90s for varying prices: -

If you're not so keen to spend money, these links have maps of various utility: -

Map: Poland - Time: 1967 - Scale: 1:1,250,000 - Note: large download size
If nothing else, this map will give you a good comparison to check for changes from the 1940s maps. (On this particular map, find Warsaw in the top right-hand side, then head S-W to Lodz, then move slightly West to find Kalisz).

Map - Krakow and surrounds - Time: 1956 - Scale: 1: 500,000 - Note: large download size
Same story as map above, doesn't show small detail but gives a good overview of the region in the 1950s. (On this map, locate Lodz in the top right-hand corner and travel slightly West to find Kalisz).

This map may be some help as well. It shows land use as of August 1990. You can see that a lot of Poland is used for agriculture and forestry. Even in 2010 (I was in Poland for about a month in 2010), they were barely growing enough food for their own consumption.

And there's this tactical pilotage chart from 2001 that covers a wide section of Poland. Again, the download size is rather large.
Scale: 1:500,000
On this map, find Warsaw in the top centre of the map, head S-W to locate Lodz and again travel slightly W to find Kalisz.

Hopefully with those three maps, you can chart any significant increase in town sizes compared to the 1940s maps. From a quick glance, I would say that generally, watercourses, road & rail have barely changed locations (if at all).
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Old 05-03-2019, 09:28 AM
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