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Old 09-10-2008, 03:29 AM
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Default This is the end....

O'Borg 09-08-2008, 03:15 AM *cue the river boat scene from Apocalypse Now*

So, any of you guys thinking of moving to the new site?

Maybe its just 'cos its Monday and I didn't get enough sleep last night, but I am filled with 'meh'. Though the little script with the top right hand corner of the page turned back is pretty neat


Targan 09-08-2008, 03:34 AM More info please (but I have a terrible sinking feeling that I know what you are talking about). O'Borg, I know we here at the Twilight forum are small in numbers compared to the people in the role play chats but are we valued in terms of an advertising audience do you think? Do the powers that be care?

Edit: Ok, just had a look at the sticky thread in RPGHost General about the move to http://www.RPGLife.com. Guess I'd better go take a look.


kcdusk 09-08-2008, 04:04 AM I'm lost, what am i missing? Is this a cry for help? Is the forum closing down/moving?

Yeah, we're kinda small in number. But we post above our weight. We've had some new members join recently so that keeps things freash.

I'm still lost though.


O'Borg 09-08-2008, 04:44 AM There's an Announcement at the top of the forums - http://forums.rpghost.com/announcement.php?f=70

Basically, James is moving the forums to a new site and in a couple of months, this place is locked into Read Only mode.

NB - RPGHost gets 200k users a month? Where are the other 199,950 of them then?


Targan 09-08-2008, 04:45 AM Here is the body of the post informing us of the move.

As you may have noticed in the above announcemnts... We are moving these forums to a new site, so please migrate over to http://www.RPGLife.com and use the forums and tools and groups there.

We will be locking these forums to READ ONLY in a month or two.

As a reward for moving early, you'll get $25 worth of free PDF products from RPGNow.com - so go do it now!

Thanks for understand.


Minion Development.

What a drag huh?


kcdusk 09-08-2008, 06:02 AM Just a new address then is it?

As long as the T2K group stays together its no big deal, right? THeres no room for sentimentallity ...

But yeah, a little sad.

If your keeping score of such things, i guess we all start again on zero posts?


johnfrum 09-08-2008, 06:08 AM Short time viewer, first time poster and disappointed to see that the site is moving! As a TW2000 addict, I'll get moving and read all the old posts! But hopefully it will just be at a new address...


thefusilier 09-08-2008, 06:35 AM This isn't the first time we lost a forum. There was the old twilight 2000 townhall forum that closed down... and most of us from there ended up here (although the numbers have dropped quite a bit).

I guess what I am saying is - its not so bad.

Personally I tend to avoid the yahoo groups... hopefully the new site (rpglife) will be just as good as here.

There is also Antenna's site too... http://www.topbb.com/forum/twilight2000.html - We just need to kickstart some life back into it.


Targan 09-08-2008, 07:39 AM Well I'll be moving to the RPGLife forums as soon as there is a T2K forum there and I hope most if not all of the members at this forum make the move too. I think we've all got a good thing going as a group. Really quite civil and damned informative, for me anyway. I've learned heaps from you guys.


Headquarters 09-08-2008, 07:46 AM Well I'll be moving to the RPGLife forums as soon as there is a T2K forum there and I hope most if not all of the members at this forum make the move too. I think we've all got a good thing going as a group. Really quite civil and damned informative, for me anyway. I've learned heaps from you guys.

dammed !if you arnt spot on old chap !

I suppose moving to another adress isnt bad - losing the report is ..


Mohoender 09-08-2008, 08:52 AM I agree with you all and enjoy our little exchanges. I agree also with HQ and that's why I have been asking for other adresses (just in case). We all have archives of previous posts and we might be able to get a good part of it back :bowdown:

I don't like really the way their new place look but what I like even less is the fact that it looks as an awful lunar desert. If things continue over there I'll be happy then :jump:


copeab 09-08-2008, 11:51 AM Signed up this morning.

Guess if we start enough T2K threads, we'll get out own subforum



Hangfire7 09-08-2008, 11:58 AM What makes me sad it that durring the migration, like any migration we loose some of our own. And our group has dwindled so much over the last couple years we can't afford to loose any of our number.

I kind of feel like the last mamoths cross the stepes having to flee the aproaching glaciers. I just wonder how many of us we will loose as we make our journey to our new home.


FightingFlamingo 09-08-2008, 01:17 PM what a Mo*&#$f*&%er.


Snake Eyes 09-08-2008, 04:45 PM I suppose I'll check in sporadically at wherever y'all land, but I'm falling back to the 2013 boards as primary AO.



Twilight2000V3 09-08-2008, 08:21 PM Ditto Snakes post. I'll make an account there just to keep intouch with ya'll.


Hangfire7 09-08-2008, 08:41 PM Damn, that sucks! I guess its a consiracy to kill off all us hardcore T2Kers!


kcdusk 09-08-2008, 08:56 PM We're all splitting up, and going home, wherever home is.


gstitz 09-08-2008, 09:31 PM This is a bummer.

I know we'll lose people.

I have a hard enough time keeping up with all my passwords NOW. I guess I'm gonna have to learn a couple of new ones, though...

See all yall at the new digs.


Grimace 09-08-2008, 10:25 PM I created an account over at the RPGLife forums, but honestly I don't see that place as becoming a place friendly to Twilight 2000 fans. I think there's going to be a mass of other people who are part of the "hooligan" branch that exist on other parts of this board.

Maybe we could petition for a Twilight section, but if that doesn't happen, I just don't see it being like the group here.



Targan 09-09-2008, 12:21 AM I suppose I'll check in sporadically at wherever y'all land, but I'm falling back to the 2013 boards as primary AO.

/saluteWell you know you'll see me there! My post count at the 2013 boards is already quite healthy.


Snake Eyes 09-09-2008, 12:30 AM Well you know you'll see me there! My post count at the 2013 boards is already quite healthy.

Better than most of the guys who work there, I'd say.


Headquarters 09-09-2008, 12:49 AM is a specialized t2k forum -why not breathe it back to life ?

I mean it would have to take a dozen regular posters and then some but I d rather post with a dozen T2k ers who know how to be civil and are somewhat mature than in a place where there iisnt even a dedicated subforum ..


kato13 09-09-2008, 01:15 AM I appreciate the work antenne did to make that forum but the large number of subforum does not have the same feel as this place. I forget about last weeks threads since they are not all in one place.

Yahoo's layout is also annoying. Requiring too many clicks in order to maximize the ad revenues.

I have built a forum very similar to this one and it is up and running at


I can't promise perfection but if you guys are willing to give it a go so am I.


TiggerCCW UK 09-09-2008, 01:55 AM Can't believe they're shutting us down here. Wankers. I've registered on Kato's forum and am registered on both Antenna's and the 2013 forums, but I think we should try and standardise one location for everyone, otherwise we'll lose people when we move. I'm happy to try any of the other forums, but I'd push for Kato's as it is almost identical to here.


kcdusk 09-09-2008, 02:30 AM I havent seen Katos, but it sounds good.

Antennas is good, but if we moved there we'd have to reduce the amount of sub forums.

2013 is a specialised forum, and it should represent the future of the game ...

I hope we can keep 99% of the people here together.

On the other side of the ledger;

I dont like the yahoo site.

So, where are we going?


Targan 09-09-2008, 03:29 AM 2013 is a specialised forum, and it should represent the future of the game ...I can see how it might seem that way but its not quite true. They have a section specifically for Twilight:2000 and it has heaps of threads in it already.

I hope we can keep 99% of the people here together.Agreed.

On the other side of the ledger; I dont like the yahoo site.Ditto.


O'Borg 09-09-2008, 06:13 AM For general RPG Gaming, I reccomend RPGNet. It's huge. The Play-by-Post zone alone dwarfs many sites. (There was a long running T2K game which I think is on hiatus)

There's no specific game forums aside from a D&D/D20 area, but there are quite a few T2K players (Chalkline, NCC2010 I recognise) and a lot of ex-military folks. One of the site Admins is a former USMC tanker and does WW2 re-enactments

The best thing?

(Aside from the sheer size) Your posts won't spontaneously disappear one day in an unnanounced old-posts purge. Gauranteed.

They only recently decided to clear out the old posts from their off-topic forums, which was done in stages and with opportunity for folks to bump and save their favourite threads.

The worst thing?

Some of the mods can be dicks, but they rarely venture outside the off-topic section. Nobody else is allowed to be a dick, which is both good and bad because sometimes you want to vent at blatant stupidity but calling someone a moron will get you a warning or a couple of days suspension


Grimace 09-09-2008, 06:56 AM Well, I know that I, for one, will not touch the RPG.net forums. It's that third part....the dicks, that turn that site off for me. There are WAAAAY too many of them and way too few people that do anything about them. For every good person on there, there are 10 asses who feel the hot air coming from them is the most precious thing. That's not my cup o' tea.

Sadly, I see this closure as really being the dispersal of a lot of us. Sorta like a Kalisz scenario all over again. "Good luck, you're on your own."


Targan 09-09-2008, 06:58 AM There is a guy at RPGNet going by the handle NotStackmouse and he was the main reason I stopped frequenting the forums there. There were a few other hyper-dickheads as well. I posted there very regularly before I found these forums. I've considered going back but they've changed things since I was there and I couldn't figure out in a short space of time how it works now. NotStackmouse pissed me off enough that if I ever met him in the flesh I would punch his head in, I'm not joking. I'm not the kind of guy who randomly mouths off at people on the internet. If someone seriously disrespects me verbally or in text they had best be prepared to back it up or be very thankful they are at least one continent away from me.

Rant over. Sorry for the vitriol.


O'Borg 09-09-2008, 08:31 AM I guess your first impressions of the place were pretty bad.

I gather there were some reforms a year or two before I joined and now you are allowed to critisize someone's idea, but not them personally (or their race, religion, nationality, sexual preferance, age etc). The eejits who appear tend to flame out pretty rapidly when someone points out the holes in their argument, they sling insults and rapidly get a few days off. Most of them dont come back.

Gotta say I've been at RPGNet for around 3 years now and don't recall seeing anyone with the handle of NotStackMouse. Maybe he changed it or got banned, or both. Same for the other hot-air merchants - there are a few but in the minority.

Stay out of the OffTopic section and you'd probably only meet one or two if you're unlucky.

Enough pimping of RPGNet from me now Looking at RPGlife, I think if you guys from the T2K forum went there en-masse, you'd be biggest group there. I'm still undecided if I should bother registering. Aside from the promise of a Ken St Andre blog, the only thing I can see if offering is less spam.


Targan 09-09-2008, 10:00 AM Sadly, I see this closure as really being the dispersal of a lot of us. Sorta like a Kalisz scenario all over again. "Good luck, you're on your own."I'm prone to pretty severe depression, have been since I was a teenager, it is my greatest failing. Perhaps it is some indication of my lack of a life but the loss of this forum threatens to become something of a trigger for a nasty bout of melancholy for me. But c'mon guys! It doesn't have to mean the end of our group!

Okay, so we're all adults and the older people get the more resistant they become to change. RPGHost is my default web page, that's how much this forum means to me. Surely, oh surely, we can reach a consensus for a new forum that most if not all of us would feel comfortable using? After all it isn't RPGHost that makes this forum so good is it? Its the people! I'll be damned if I let my depression take over and just let this camraderie slip through my fingers!

The way I see it we have some very doable options in front of us. Off the top of my head we have RPGLife (I don't know what would be involved in setting up a T2K specific forum there but there are enough of us that we could make it happen I'm sure); 93 Games Studios' T2K forum (already exists, pretty well used already and there's only a handful of people from here that go there so if we went there we'd actually end up with more posters rather than less); the Yahoo T2K groups; Kato's new T2K forum; Antenna's old T2K forum; RPGNet; any others I might have forgotten?

What do you say guys? A poll maybe? A hearty discussion this coming weekend? Think of the scene in The Blues Brothers when they decide to get the band back together. We CAN make this happen. This does NOT have to be the end my brothers in arms!


Rainbow Six 09-09-2008, 10:31 AM I've been off line since Friday morning, so am kinda playing catch up here, but seems to me like Targan has the right idea, we can make it happen...we just need to agree on our rendevous point.

I don't know much about any of the other forums as I've always concentrated on this one, but what the Hell, if if we reach consenus and someone posts the link, I'll be there...


Mohoender 09-09-2008, 11:15 AM The way I see it we have some very doable options in front of us. Off the top of my head we have RPGLife (I don't know what would be involved in setting up a T2K specific forum there but there are enough of us that we could make it happen I'm sure); 93 Games Studios' T2K forum (already exists, pretty well used already and there's only a handful of people from here that go there so if we went there we'd actually end up with more posters rather than less); the Yahoo T2K groups; Kato's new T2K forum; Antenna's old T2K forum; RPGNet; any others I might have forgotten?

What do you say guys? A poll maybe? A hearty discussion this coming weekend? Think of the scene in The Blues Brothers when they decide to get the band back together. We CAN make this happen. This does NOT have to be the end my brothers in arms!

I agree. A poll may be a good idea. Personnaly I would prefer 93 Games Studios (it already has a T2K section, I think), Kato (it would feel like home) and why not Antenna (I haven't looked at it really).

I don't have anything against RPGLife but starting all over feel a bit painful and I might not take the time to go all over it in order to make it happen (too much work already). About Yahoo, I'm like many of you and I don't really like the Yahoo groups (sorry hang). Nevertheless, I'll be happy to follow so any idea will be more than welcome and a final decision will simply make me happy :haufen:


kcdusk 09-09-2008, 03:03 PM If this wasnt so serious, i'd make a few jokes. Like, O'Borg mentioning less spam at RPGlife ... i mean, if it wasnt for the PM's of porn you get at this site how else would you find it????

I like targans idea, and rant/motivation speach. We're Tee two kay ers, and we're on a mission from God.

A few people have already made comments about each of the site options we have, and most of us are familiar with the sites and there +/-'s.

A poll it is ...


gstitz 09-09-2008, 03:07 PM Well, I don't know where the future home will be, but I predict that it WON'T have "life" in the name, even though I HAVE registered there.

I have registered at the 93 Games Studio site.

My concerns about that are:

1. It's a company site, so I wonder how they will react to negative posts about their products.

2. It's a company site, so I wonder about their long-term financial viability. Bandwidth costs money. If Twilight:2013 doesn't do well, will they keep the forums up?


smokewolf 09-09-2008, 09:26 PM 1. It's a company site, so I wonder how they will react to negative posts about their products.

2. It's a company site, so I wonder about their long-term financial viability. Bandwidth costs money. If Twilight:2013 doesn't do well, will they keep the forums up?

1. I'm a pretty even guy. I appreciate criticism both positive and negative. I learned along time ago that things aren't my way or the highway. I think honest and open reviews would always be welcomed. But, if you just want to 'flame on', then we need to talk.

2. Pretty good actually. My hosting costs are nil. The site is actually siphoned off another domain which is paid for out of other costs. So unless I just want to shut it down for some other reason, money shouldn't be one of those. Again, the domain/bandwidth is paid for from another source that has nothing to do with business or roleplaying.

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Old 09-12-2008, 07:23 PM
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gstitz 09-10-2008, 06:10 AM Keith,

Thanks for the reply.

I have joined the Studio 93 forums already and am FAR more impressed with them than with "life"...

I even have the same signature line...


Law0369 09-10-2008, 10:07 AM 93 studios gave me a bad taste in my mouth from day one. they dissed alot of people on here. not all were dissed just some they know what they did and who they did it too. I will not be involed in anything they have to offer until they tell me why.


smokewolf 09-10-2008, 10:11 AM they know what they did and who they did it too

Actually I don't, so please feel free to enlighten me so that I might make any amends necessary.


Nowhere Man 1966 09-10-2008, 10:46 AM Well, I'm over at RPGlife and Antenna's forum, I plan to go to 93's soon and Kato's. The bad thing about RPGlife is that it is more catered to fantasy/AD&D types, I sort of have gotten away from it since I like games that take place in the late 20th and early 21st Centuries or use that base to start off on like Morrow Project, I can relate to them better since that is the world we live in.

Chuck M.

P.S. - Shame this place is closing or moving. I still liked the old board better.


jasonlips 09-11-2008, 12:10 PM I will be around RPGlife and also Ant's site. Nothing short of T2008 will kill T2000. Nothing can kill it. What really matters is what pops up when you punch "Forum Twilight 2000" in Google.


kato13 09-11-2008, 05:20 PM I will be around RPGlife and also Ant's site. Nothing short of T2008 will kill T2000. Nothing can kill it. What really matters is what pops up when you punch "Forum Twilight 2000" in Google.

I am adjusting my META tags (the site description used by google for classifications) to hopefully move me up the Google tree. I have been watching them index the site so it should happen soon.

I am also going to try to attract Morrow Project people, but I am going to give them their own forum.

Cross links (linnks from other sites) help Google ranking as well so if anyone wants to link to my forum please do. Oh I have removed my family forum so you can just link to http://forum.juhlin.com

edit. It might take a few days until I show up on Google. I may need to upgrade the forum software to get the best search engine optimization. I will keep an eye on things and keep trying to move my forum up the ladder.


Grimace 09-11-2008, 07:39 PM Actually, I learned from my own site, Google doesn't really rely on META tags for its ranking. It's based on several things, but META isn't one of them. Visits is certainly a determinator, though. So the more visits you get, the higher up on the Google search engine you'll go.

Mind you, I know that META tags don't have a bearing because I don't have ANY META tags for my site and when you type the general subject in, it comes up on the list higher and higher each month. Plus, now, when I type in the name of the site, it actually comes up first instead of page 6 like it used to.

So just be patient with Google. META tags might work on other search engines and that will help people go there and visit more, which will boost you in Google.


kato13 09-11-2008, 08:59 PM Yeah you are right about metas. I have not doen SEO (search engine optimization) in a while and I guess Google realized that people could cheat the meta based system pretty easily. I do know that cross links still help as I believe being clicked on within a Google search result.

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