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Old 08-05-2009, 02:06 PM
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Default German Federal Republic

While not all of this is completely canon, it does fit into the spirit of the 2300ad universe. I'll be posting all of the major states from My version of the 2300ad universe.

German Federal Republic (Deutsche Bundesrepublik)
Population: d
Capitol: Berlin
Largest City: Berlin (greater)
Ethnic Groups: German 91.5%, Turkish 1.4%, other 7.1% (made up largely of Germans of American, Russian, British, Polish, Serbo-Croatian decent)
Languages: German
Religions: Protestant 44%, Roman Catholic 44%, Jewish 2.8 %, Muslim 2.5%, unaffiliated or other 8.3%
National Holiday: Unity Day (3 October)
Government Type: Federal Republic


to be posted after i find the rest of it.

Executive Branch:
Chief of State: Bundespräsident (Federal President) d
Head of State: Bundeskanzler/Bundeskanzlerin (Federal Chancellor) d
elections: The Federal President is elected for a six-year term by a Federal Convention including all members of the Federal Assembly and an equal number of delegates elected by the state parliaments; election last held 23 May 2300 (next to be held 23 May 2306); the Federal Chancellor is elected by an absolute majority of the Federal Assembly for a four-year term; election last held 22 September 2302 (next to be held September 2306).

Legislative Branch: bicameral Parliament or parlament consists of the lower house known as the Federal Assembly or Bundestag and the upper house known as the Federal Council or Bundesrat.
Bundesrat (Federal Council): 603 seats; elected by popular vote under a system combining direct and proportional representation; a party must win 5% of the national vote or three direct mandates to gain representation; members serve four-year terms
Bundestag (Federal Assembly): 69 votes; state and colonial governments are directly represented by votes; each has 3 to 6 votes depending on population and are required to vote as a block.
elections: Federal Assembly elections where last held 22 September 2302 (next to be held in September 2306); note - there are no elections for the Bundesrat, it’s composition is determined by the composition of the state and colonial-level governments, thus the composition of the Bundesrat has the potential to change any time one of the states holds an election
election results: Federal Assembly - percent of vote by party - SPD 00%, CDU/CSU 00%, FDP 00%, PDS 00%; Federal Council - current composition - NA

Judicial Branch: Federal Constitutional Court or Bundesverfassungsgericht (half the judges are elected by the Bundestag and half by the Bundesrat).

Major Political Parties: The following Political parties have acquired the needed percentage of 5% of the vote to assume seats in the German Federal Parliament. The CSU was the primary political party of the Free State of Bavaria and it’s allied German states, and still retains much of it’s political pull among former Bavarian Colonial Parliaments, and is one of the three political parties that has created the current governing coalition in the German Federal Republic (commonly referred to as the CDU-DP-CSU Coalition).

Christian Democratic Union (Christlich Demokratische Union: CDU): The Christian Democratic Union is currently the most powerful of the pan-German political parties since it had maintained ‘branches’ in all of the pre-unification German States save Bavaria and to a limited extent the other German states within it’s Defense Alliance. The CDU has worked hard to remain pan-German in it’s scope and goals, while devoted to the ideals of a unified Germany, the CDU was more concerned with how to govern a reunified Germany (something that the German Party failed to do). The CDU is the leading member of the current governing coalition in the German Federal Parliament.
Christian Social Union (Christlich-Soziale Union: CSU): The Christian Social Union was the most powerful of the Bavarian Political Parties, and still holds positions of power and influence all throughout the former Bavarian Colonial Holdings, and makes up one of the three political parties that formed the current governing coalitions in the Federal Parliament with the fragmentation of the German Party. The CSU has devoted itself to the new pan-German Federal Republic since it has realized just how much more power they can acquire and how much more influence they possess.
German Party (Deutsche Partei: DP): The German Party was the leading force behind the unification of the German states and the establishment of the German Federal Republic. Unfortunately, it’s political influence had always been devoted to the reestablishment of a unified Federal Government that would bring the German states together once more and was not able to successfully govern the new German Federal Republic once it had been established. Despite the fracturing it has suffered since it’s greatest success, the German Party remains a powerful influence in German politics on both the local and federal level.
German Centre Party (Deutsche Zentrumspartei: DZ): The German Centre Party acts as a moderating voice within the German Federal Parliament, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars the DZ thankfully has not been forced to act as mediators between the various political factions during the various debates on what course of actions to take.
Social Democratic Party (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands: SPD): The Social Democratic Party is a left-of-centre party that has repeatedly attempted to limit the size, growth and scope of the German Federal Armed Forces despite all appearances of possible French Aggression against the young unified German Federal Republic. With the onset of the Kaefer Wars the SPD has received a major blow to its political power and influence, but somehow was able to retain many of its parliamentary seats during the last elections.
German Democratic Union (Deutsche Demokratische Union: DDU): The German Democratic Union is a left-of-centre party that has recently become dedicated to the adoption of resolutions for each the Federal Colonies to become Federal States in a manner like that of the Federal Colonies located in the Neubayern System. The DDU has gained the support of the DP and CDU, but has received only minor support form the CSU towards this goal. The DDU has supported the current build-up of the German Federal Armed Forces and has pushed harder for relief missions up the European Arm to provide aide and assistance for German Colonial Citizens, due to the DDU’s support the German Federal Government sold three of the older Bavarian Elector-class Colony ships to the German Red Cross for conversion into Relief and Medical Vessels for this purpose.

Minor Political Parties: These Political Parties have yet to acquire the needed percentage of 5% of the vote to assume any seats in the German Federal Parliament, but may hold parliamentary seats in the various Federal States, Federal Colonies, Federal Dependencies or Federal Territories.
Free Democratic Party (Freie Demokratische Partei: FDP): The Free Democratic Party
German Communist Party (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei: DKP): The German Communist Party is the most minor of the fringe political parties in the German states, and barely gets 0.5% of the popular vote during national elections. The DKP only remains popular among academic elitists whom feel that communism still is a viable form of government.
Green Party (Grüne Partei: GP): The Green Party is one of the more minor and fringe political parties of in the German states. The Green Party learned over the centuries that it’s interests are best served by leading by example in working to keep the environment of the Earth and it’s colonies clean.
German Freedom Party (Deutsche Freiheits-Partei: DFP): The German Freedom Party is one of the more popular fringe political groups since it is the most popular and strongest political party on the German colonies located on the planet Dunkelheim. The prime platform of the German Freedom Party is a relaxation of various laws and regulations that restrict personal freedoms and this platform has become extremely popular amongst the German people and has been adopted to some extent by the other major political parties. It has been projected that the DFP will break the 5% barrier in the next national elections and be granted seats in the German Federal Parliament.
German National People's Party (Deutsch-Nationale Volkspartei: DNVP): The German National People’s Party is a fringe group made up of various ethnic Germans whom live in German ‘Enclaves’ established on other nations and their colonies that have been pushing for the elevation of the Special Administrative Districts they live in to be redesignated as full-fledged colonial pocessessions. The growth of the wing of the German National Peoples Party to instead establish their enclaves as being Free and Hanseatic Cities has been growing rapidly since this would allow the envclaves to be incorporated into the German Federal Republic as fully acredited federal states.
National Democratic Party (Nationale Demokratische Partei: NDP): The National Democratic Party is a small political group
Free Social Union (Frei-Soziale Union: FSU): The Free Social Union
Liberal German Worker's Party (Freiheitliche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei: FAP): The Liberal German Worker’s Party
Party of Democratic Socialism (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus: PDS): The Party of Democratic Socialism was once the main political party of the former German Democratic Republic during the late-20th Century, and survived the intervening centuries among the German states that had been part of the former East German Communist Republic. The PDS remains dedicated to the Socialist Ideals, but has abandoned much of the Communist Dogma that had held control over it during it’s adoption in the 20th Century. The PDS still remains a fringe political party, but has at times been powerful enough to hold sway over the affairs of the activities of the pre-unification Defense Alliance led by the Electorate of Brandenburg.

Administrative Divisions:
Bundesländ (Federal State)/Bundesländer (Federal States):
Free State of Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern),
Dutchy of Swabia (Herzogtum Schwaben),
Grand Duchy of Baden (Grossherzogtum Baden),
Grand Duchy of Württemberg (Grossherzogtum Württemberg),
Grand Duchy of Hesse (Grossherzogtum Hessen),
Rhineland Palatine (Rhienland-Pfalz),
Saar (Saarland),
Kingdom of Hanover (Königreich Hannover),
Duchy of Brunswick (Herzogtum Braunschwig),
Grand Duchy of Oldenburg (Grossherzogtum Oldenburg),
Grand Duchy of Westphalia (Grossherzogtum Westfalen),
Free State of Northern Rhineland (Freistaat Nordrhienland),
Grand Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein (Grossherzogtum Schleswig-Holstein),
Principality of Lippe (Fürstentum Lippe),
Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg),
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (Freie Hansestadt Bremen),
Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck (Freie und Hansestadt Lübeck),
Electorate of Brandenburg (Kurfürstentum Brandenburg),
Federal District of Berlin (Bundesbezirk Berlin),
Free State of Anhalt (Freistaat Anhalt),
Free State of Pommerania (Freistaat Pommern),
Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg (Grossherzogtum Mecklenburg),
Grand Duchy of Silesia (Grossherzogtum Schlesien),
Free State of Saxony (Freistaat Sachsen),
Grand Duchy of Thuringia (Grossherzogtum Thüringen).

Bundeskolonie (Federal Colony)/Bundeskolonien(Federal Colonies):
Hochtannen, Belle Terra (Alpha Centauri);
Stadt am Zee, Nibelungen (Neubayern);
Neue Kassel, Nibelungen (Neubayern);
Schönenblick, Nibelungen (Neubayern);
Hochmark, Beta Canum IV (Beta Canum Venaticorum);
Landeplatz-Fredrich der Grosse aka Halbinsel, Joi (61 Ursae Majoris);
Neumark, Alderhorst (Vogelheim); d, Dunkelheim (DM+36 2393);
Neupreussen, Dunkelheim (DM+36 2393);
Neuteutoburger Wald, Dunkelheim (DM+36 2393);
Kolonie Zwei, Hochbaden (Hochbaden);
d*, Heidelscheimat (Rho Eridani).
* The Cavarian colonies located on Heidelscheimat do not recognize the German Federal Republic, despite the best diplomatic efforts of the Federal Government to get the so-called 'Bavarian Government-in-Exile' to recognize the Federal Government as the legal governing authority of the Terrestrial German states and to except the status as an independent state with the assistance of the diplomatic corps of the independent state of Freihafen.

d (Federal Protectorate)/d (Federal Protectorates):
d, Venus (Sol);
Deutsche d, Luna (Sol);
Deutsche Sektor, Mars (Sol);
Hansestadt Neues Danzig, d, Jovian System (Sol);
d, Triton, Neptune (Sol);
Geschlossener Stadt, Augrave (Augereau);
Siegfriedstadt, Beowulf (Queen Alice’s Star);
d, Sans Souci (DM+36 2219);
Neues Sudetenland, Nous Volia (Beta Comae Berenices);
Stadt auf den Wolken, Cold Mountain (Delta Pavonis);
d, Daikoku (Beta Hydria); Neu-Tsingtao, Syuhlahm (Zeta Tucanae);
d, Montana (Omicron2 Eridani).

Bundesabhängigkeit (Federal Dependency)/Bundesabhängigkeiten (Federal Dependencies):
Walkure, L-5 Colony (Sol);
d, Grosshiddenhafen (DM+35 2436);
d, Planet IIa aka Swinemünde (DM+18 2276);
Fuchsschanze, Aurore (Eta Bootis);
Hansestadt Steinhafen, Gerollblock (DM-56 328);
d, d ();
d, d ();
d, d ().

Bundesgebiet (Federal Territory)/Bundesgebiete (Federal Territories):
d, d (Wolf 424);
d, d (DM+15 2620);
d, Schönenwelt (DM+27 28217);
d, d (Ross 695); d, d (Ross 974);
d, d (DM+17 2611);
d, d (Wolf 461);
d, d (Gamma Virginis);
d, d (Ross 486).

The Deutsche Bundeswehr (German Federal Armed Forces): The German Federal Armed Forces
Bundesheer (Federal Army): d includes army air arm assets.
Bundesluftwaffe (Federal Air Force): d
Bundesmarine (Federal Navy): d includes naval infantry and naval air arm assets.
Bundessternmarine (Federal Star Navy): D also includes star naval infantry assets.
Bundesgrenzschütz (Federal Border Guard): d includes Colonial Civil Defense and Border Guard units and assets.
Bundespolizei (Federal Police): d
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:07 PM
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German Federal Star Navy (Bundessternmarine)

Ranks of the German Federal Star Navy: d
O-13: Bundesmarshall (Federal Marshal)
O-12: Grossadmiral (Grand Admiral)
O-11: Admiralgeneral (Admiral General)
O-10: Admiral (Admiral)
O-9: Vizeadmiral (Vice Admiral)
O-8: Konteadmiral (Counter Admiral)
O-7: Kommodore (Commodore)
O-6: Kapitän zur Raum (Captain)
O-5: Fregattenkapitän (Frigate Captain)
O-4: Korvettenkapitän (Corvette Captain)
O-3: Kapitänleutnant (Captain-Lieutenant)
O-2: Oberleutant zur Raum (Senior Lieutenant)
O-1: Leutant zur Raum (Lieutenant)
W-4: Stabsoberfähnrich (Senior Staff Warrant Officer)
W-3: Stabsfähnrich (Staff Warrant Officer)
W-2: Oberfähnrich (Senior Warrant Officer)
W-1: Fähnrich (Warrant Officer)
E-12: Stabsoberbootsmann (Staff Senior Boatswain)/ Stabsobermeister (Staff Senior Master)
E-11: Oberbootsmann (Senior Boatswain)/ Obermeister (Senior Master)
E-10: Stabsbootsmann (Staff Boatswain)/ Stabsmeister (Staff Master)
E-9: Bootsmann (Boatswain) / Meister (Master)
E-8: Obermaat (Senior Leading Seaman)
E-7: -maat (Leading Seaman)
E-6: Matrosenoberstabsgefreiter (Senior Staff Able Seaman)
E-5: Matrosenstabsgefreiter (Staff Able Seaman)
E-4: Matrosenhauptgefreiter (Preimer Able Seaman)
E-3: Matrosenobergefreiter (Senior Able Seaman)
E-2: Matrosengefreiter (Able Seaman)
E-1: Matrose (Seaman)

German Federal Army (Deutsches Bundesheer)

The German Federal Army is divided into two main areas of operation; the Field Army and Territorial Army.

The Field Army (Feldheer):

The Territorial Army (Territorialheer): The German Territorial Army contains it’s operations in the Borders of the German Federal Republic unless it is deemed a pressing necessity by the German Federal Army High Command, and is approved by the Bundestag. The forces of the Territorial Commands are second (reserves) and third (home guard & militia) tier forces whose primary purpose is to provide homeland defense for the German people in support of legal authorities. The terrestrial Territorial Commands are divided into Home Defense Commands that are composed of the pre-unification state armies.

Eastern (Brandenburger) Territorial Command (Östliches Territorialkommando): The Eastern Territorial Command is composed of the following German Federal States;
Southern (Bavarian) Territorial Command (Südliches Territorialkommando):The Southern Territorial Command is composed of the following German Federal States;
Northern (Hannoverian) Territorial Command (Nördliches Territorialkommando): The Northern Territorial Command is composed of the following German Federal States;
Colonial Territorial Command (Kolonialterritorialkommando):
Each colony world/system consitutes a single Colonial Territorial Command that is composed of the federal colonies, territories, protectorates and special administrative districts.

Ranks of the German Federal Army:
O-13: Bundesmarshall (Federal Marshal)
O-12: Marschall der Bundesheer (Marshal of the Federal Army)
O-11: Generalfeldmarschall (General Field Marshal)
O-10: Generaloberst (General Colonel)
O-9: General (General)
O-8: Generalleutenant (General Lieutenant)
O-7: Generalmajor (General Major)
O-6: Oberst (Colonel)
O-5: Oberstleutenant (Colonel Lieutenant)
O-4: Major (Major)
O-3: Hauptman (Captain)
O-2: Oberleutenant (Senior Lieutenant)
O-1: Leutenant (Lieutenant)
W-4: Stabsoberfähnrich (Senior Staff Warrant Officer)
W-3: Stabsfähnrich (Staff Warrant Officer)
W-2: Oberfähnrich (Senior Warrant Officer)
W-1: Fähnrich (Warrant Officer)
E-12: Stabsfeldwebel (Staff Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-11: Hauptfeldwebel (Sergeant Major) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-10: Oberfeldwebel (Senior Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-9: Feldwebel (Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-8: Unterfeldwebel (Lance Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-7: Unteroffizer (Corporal)
E-6: Stabsgefreiter (Staff Lance Corporal)
E-5: Hauptgefreiter (Lance Corporal-Major)
E-4: Obergefreiter (Senior Lance Corporal)
E-3: Gefreiter (Lance Corporal)
E-2: Oberschütz (Senior Protector)
E-1: Schütze (Protector) / Jäger (Light Infantry) / Soldat (Soldier) / Grenadier (Heavy Infantry)

German Federal Navy (Bundesmarine)

Ranks of the German Federal Navy:
O-13: Bundesmarshall (Federal Marshal)
O-12: Grossadmiral (Grand Admiral)
O-11: Admiralgeneral (Admiral General)
O-10: Admiral (Admiral)
O-9: Vizeadmiral (Vice Admiral)
O-8: Konteadmiral (Counter Admiral)
O-7: Kommodore (Commodore)
O-6: Kapitän zur See (Captain) / zur Raum
O-5: Fregattenkapitän (Frigate Captain)
O-4: Korvettenkapitän (Corvette Captain)
O-3: Kapitänleutnant (Captain Lieutenant)
O-2: Oberleutant zur See (Senior Lieutenant) / zur Raum
O-1: Leutant zur See (Lieutenant) / zur Raum
W-4: Stabsoberfähnrich (Senior Staff Warrant Officer)
W-3: Stabsfähnrich (Staff Warrant Officer)
W-2: Oberfähnrich (Senior Warrant Officer)
W-1: Fähnrich (Warrant Officer)
E-12: Stabsoberbootsmann (Staff Senior Boatswain)/ Stabsobermeister (Staff Senior Master)
E-11: Oberbootsmann (Senior Boatswain)/ Obermeister (Senior Master)
E-10: Stabsbootsmann (Staff Boatswain)/ Stabsmeister (Staff Master)
E-9: Bootsmann (Boatswain) / Meister (Master)
E-8: Obermaat (Senior Leading Seaman)
E-7: -maat (Leading Seaman)
E-6: Matrosenoberstabsgefreiter (Senior Staff Able Seaman)
E-5: Matrosenstabsgefreiter (Staff Able Seaman)
E-4: Matrosenhauptgefreiter (Preimer Able Seaman)
E-3: Matrosenobergefreiter (Senior Able Seaman)
E-2: Matrosengefreiter (Able Seaman)
E-1: Matrose (Seaman)

German Federal Air Force (Bundesluftwaffe)

Ranks of the German Federal Air Force:
O-13: Bundesmarshall (Federal Marshal)
O-12: Marschall der Bundesheer (Marshal of the Federal Army)
O-11: Generalfeldmarschall (General Field Marshal)
O-10: Generaloberst (General Colonel)
O-9: General (General)
O-8: Generalleutenant (General Lieutenant)
O-7: Generalmajor (General Major)
O-6: Oberst (Colonel)
O-5: Oberstleutenant (Colonel Lieutenant)
O-4: Major (Major)
O-3: Hauptman (Captain)
O-2: Oberleutenant (Senior Lieutenant)
O-1: Leutenant (Lieutenant)
W-4: Stabsoberfähnrich (Senior Staff Warrant Officer)
W-3: Stabsfähnrich (Staff Warrant Officer)
W-2: Oberfähnrich (Senior Warrant Officer)
W-1: Fähnrich (Warrant Officer)
E-12: Stabsfeldwebel (Staff Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-11: Hauptfeldwebel (Sergeant Major) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-10: Oberfeldwebel (Senior Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-9: Feldwebel (Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-8: Unterfeldwebel (Lance Sergeant) / Watchmeister (Watch Master)
E-7: Unteroffizer (Corporal)
E-6: Stabsgefreiter (Staff Lance Corporal)
E-5: Hauptgefreiter (Lance Corporal-Major)
E-4: Obergefreiter (Senior Lance Corporal)
E-3: Gefreiter (Lance Corporal)
E-2: Oberflieger (Senior Airman)
E-1: Flieger (Airman)

German Federal Border Guard ()

Ranks of the German Federal Border Guard:
General (General)
Generalleutenant (Lieutenant General)
Generalmajor (Major General)
Oberst (Colonel)
Oberstleutenant (Lieutenant Colonel)
Major (Major)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Oberleutenant (Senior Lieutenant)
Leutenant (Lieutenant)
Oberstabsmeister (Senior Staff Master)
Stabsmeister (Staff Master)
Obermeister (Senior Master)
Meister (Master)
Hauptwachtmeister (Chief Watch Master)
Oberwachtmeister (Senior Watch Master)
Wachtmeister (Watch Master)
Grenzhauptjäger (Chief Border Guard)
Grenzoberjäger (Senior Border Guard)
Grenztruppjäger (Troop Border Guard)
Grenzjäger (Border Guard)

German Federal Police ()

Ranks of the German Federal Police:
Inspekteur des BP (Inspector of the Federal Police)
Präsident der BP (President of the Federal Police)
Direktor der BP (Director of the Federal Police)
Abteilungspräsident im BP (Department President in the Federal Police)
Leitender Polizeidirektor (Leading Police Director)
Polizeidirektor (Police Director)
Polizeioberrat (Senior Police Advisor)
Polizeirat (Police Advisor)
Polizeihauptkommissar (Police Chief Commissioner)
Polizeioberkommissar (Police Senior Commissioner)
Polizeikommissar (Police Commissioner)
Polizeihauptmeister (Police Chief Master)
Polizeiobermeister (Police Senior Master)
Polizeimeister (Police Master)
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.

Last edited by natehale1971; 08-05-2009 at 03:29 PM.
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:25 PM
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The Administrative Divisions of the German Federal Republic

Bundesländ (Federal State)/Bundesländer (Federal States)

Free State of Bavaria (Freistaat Bayern)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: München (Munich)
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: The Free State of Bavaria became the leader of the German States during the aftermath of the Twilight Wars thanks to its alliance of convince that its leadership had made with France, but over time Bavaria slowly started to become surpassed by the other German States of Hanover and Brandenburg thanks to the fact their French allies had chosen not to share all of their technological advances and their perchance to use their Bavarian allies as cannon fodder in their wars establishing the French Union.

Duchy of Swabia (Herzogtum Schwaben)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Baden (Grossherzogtum Baden)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/ Grossherzogin(Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Württemberg (Grossherzogtum Württemberg)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/ Grossherzogin(Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Hesse (Grossherzogtum Hessen)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/ Grossherzogin(Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Rhineland Palatine (Rhienland-Pfalz)
Head of State: Pfalzgraf (Count-Palatine)/Pfalzgräfin (Countess-Palatine)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: The Rhineland Palatine

Saar (Saarland)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: The Saar suffered greatly under the French Occupation during the years after the Twilight Wars, and half of the population is able to claim French ancestry thanks to the fact the state had been the location of the Headquarters of the Third French Army that oversaw the occupation of the German Rhineland. The Saar was one of the first German states to send representatives to Hanover to discuss the possibility of reunifying the German states into a single federal government.

Kingdom of Hanover (Königreich Hannover)
Head of State: König (King)/Königin (Queen)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: Hanover
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: The Kingdom of Hannover become one of the three leading German states in the aftermath of the Twilight Wars, and the dissolution of the Federal Government that left Germany divided along historical its historical national boundaries.

Duchy of Brunswick (Herzogtum Braunschwig)
Head of State: Herzog (Duke)/Herzogin (Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Free State of Northern Rhineland (Freistaat Nordrhienland)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: The Free State of Northern Rhineland is the location of some of the most Anti-French sentiments in all of the German States, since the state still bears the scars from the aftermath of brutality of the French occupation during the last years of the Twilight Wars.

Grand Duchy of Oldenburg (Grossherzogtum Oldenburg)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/ Grossherzogin(Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Westphalia (Grossherzogtum Westfalen)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/ Grossherzogin(Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein (Grossherzogtum Schleswig-Holstein)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/ Grossherzogin(Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Principality of Lippe (Fürstentum Lippe)
Head of State: Fürst (Prince)/Fürstin (Princess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: The Principality of Lippe

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg (Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg)
Head of State: Graf (Earl/Count)/Gräfin (Countess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: d

Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (Freie Hansestadt Bremen)
Head of State: Graf (Earl/Count)/Gräfin (Countess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: d

Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck (Freie und Hansestadt Lübeck)
Head of State: Graf (Earl/Count)/Gräfin (Countess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: d

Electorate of Brandenburg (Kurfürstentum Brandenburg)
Head of State: Kurfürst (Elector)/(Kurfürstin (Electress)
Head of Government: Kanzler (Chancellor)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/an Elected Monarchy
Notes: d

Federal District of Berlin (Bundesbezirk Berlin)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: The Federal District of Berlin has a unique history, and has remained ‘independent’ of the Electorate of Brandenburg since the Brandenburgers chose to leave Berlin to be a free city that maintained its cultural and political ties to all of the German States. Every year a grand festival was held to celebrate their German cultural and national heritage, longing for the day that the German states would unify once more.

Free State of Anhalt (Freistaat Anhalt)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: d

Free State of Pomerania (Freistaat Pommern)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Silesia (Grossherzogtum Schlesien)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/Grossherzogin (Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg (Grossherzogtum Mecklenburg)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/Grossherzogin (Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Free State of Saxony (Freistaat Sachsen)
Head of State: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: d

Grand Duchy of Thuringia (Grossherzogtum Thüringen)
Head of State: Grossherzog (Grand Duke)/Grossherzogin (Grand Duchess)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

Bundeskolonie (Federal Colony)/Bundeskolonien (Federal Colonies)

The German Federal Republic classifies it’s mature colonial holdings as Federal Colonies, and is working at the process of allowing them to fully mature into the status as Federal States within the Federal Republic itself. The Federal Colonies located on the world of Nielungen in the Neubayern system has been the first to except this challenge, and is already in the process of becoming Federal States, a process that should be completed by 2308.

Hochtannen, Belle Terra (Alpha Centauri)
Head of Government: Herzog (Duke)/Herzogin (Duchess)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-2176
Capitol: d
Population: 98,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: Like many nations the establishment of a colony on Belle Terra was the first interstellar colonial holding established by the Kingdom of Hannover, and the colony of Hochtannen was founded with the assistance of their British allies. Hochtannen is classified by the German Federal Republic as a Federal Colony with the many benefits that are associated with such status, but it is not so recognized by the Belle Terra Colonial Ruling Council since such recognition would require the allowance of a German Representative to be granted a seat on the governing council. Hochtannen is seen as a colony of staunch nationalists whom would love to become a full Federal State, but know that option is not politically viable at this time.

d, Nibelungen (Neubayern)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-2169
Capitol: d
Population: 90,680,701
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: <> was the first colony that was established by Bavaria on Nibelungen. As time passed the Colony grew at such a rate that it became necessary for Bavaria to establish a second colony to deal with the massive economic growth that motivated the Free State of Bavaria to extend rights to establish a colony to the Kingdom of Hannover and later to the Electorate of Brandenburg.

d, Nibelungen (Neubayern)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: <> was the second colony that was established on Nibelungen by Bavaria after the discovery of tantalum and the growth of the colonial economy. <> had absorbed the population of a failed Azanian attempt to build a colony.

d, Nibelungen (Neubayern)
Head of Government: Herzog (Duke)/Herzogin (Duchess)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: <> was founded by the Kingdom of Hannover during a period of time that the Free State of Bavaria was attempting to reach out to it’s northern neighbors. Despite tensions back on Earth, the colonial relationship remained cordial and extremely productive.

d, Nibelungen (Neubayern)
Head of State: <german title> (<English title>)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: <> was the first colony that was established on Nibelungen by Brandenburg with the assistance of the Free State of Bavaria. The duties of the colonial head of state are entirely ceremonial.

Hochmark, Beta Canum IV (Beta Canum Venaticorum)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2207
Capitol: d
Population: 20,429,049
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: d

Landeplatz-Fredrich der Grosse aka Halbinsel, Joi (61 Ursae Majoris)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2241
Capitol: d
Population: 2,784,404
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: Halbinsel was at first a major endeavor taken by Hanoverian government and businesses that had suffered for years under the strict administration of appointed colonial governors whom attempted to curry favor with their superiors back on Earth by enforcing insane quotas. This policy changed after it came to the attention of the new government of the German Federal Government whom federalized the colony and brought its administration in-line with that of the other colonial holdings.

Neumark, Alderhorst (Vogelheim)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2231
Capitol: d
Population: 4,241,653
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: Despite the civil war that nearly destroyed the colony, Neumark has slowly started to recover and the federal representatives who have been assigned to the colony have worked hard to heal the division that was formed between the pro and anti-unificationist factions, as well as working with the French Colony in an attempt to bridge the gap between their two peoples to rebuild the rapport and cooperation that had existed only a decade before.

d, Dunkelheim (DM+36 2393)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2224
Capitol: d
Population: 1,365,793
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: The Free State of Bavaria used the establishment of the penal colony of <name> to promote the best

Neupreussen, Dunkelheim (DM+36 2393)
Head of Government: Kronprinz (Crown Prince)/Kronprinzessin (Crown Princess)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2226
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/a Constitutional Monarch
Notes: The Free State of Bavaria assisted the Electorate of Brandenburg to establish it’s first extra-solar colony on the world of Dunkelheim alongside it’s penal colony of ‘non-violent’ offenders. The Elector of Brandenburg was ecstatic about the possibilities and threw the support of the Brandenburg space assets to seeing that the colony would not fail. The Elector appointed several of the noble families of the other east German states to oversee the construction of the colony of ‘New Prussia’ that had included the Hohenzollern family who have since risen in prominence in the colonies political circles or power and have since become the constitutional monarchs who administer the colony with the aide of the locally elected officials.

Neuteutoburger Wald, Dunkelheim (DM+36 2393)
Head of Government: Herzog (Duke)/Herzogin (Duchess)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2228
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: The Kingdom of Hannover approached the Free State of Bavaria about establishing a colony on Dunkelheim during one of the periods of close Hanoverian and Bavarian cooperation. The French government worried about the founding of the colony since it appeared that the German states where cooperating to well, and French government agents started to work at causing dissension between the German states. If not for the discovery of this fact, the Franco-Bavarian alliance might not have suffered as badly as it did with the losses suffered by the Bavarians during the Central Asian War and the cooling relations between the ruling military junta and Munich.

Kolonie Zwei, Hochbaden (Hochbaden)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2231
Established: day-month-2303
Capitol: d
Population: d
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: The destruction of Kolonie Zwei by the Kaefer has caused a great deal of distress to the German national psyche, and the German Federal Republic has sworn to rebuild the colony. Rumors currently have stated that the new colony will be named Zweite Wahrscheinlichkeit (‘Second Chance’).

d, Heidelscheimat (Rho Eridani)
Head of Government: Ministerpräsident (Prime Minister)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Chinese Arm
Established: day-month-2228
Capitol: d
Population: 1,158,413
Type of Government: Representative Republic (currently functions as an Authoritarian Republic)
Notes: The Bavarian colony of <> located on the world of Heidelscheimat has been a major bone of contention for the German Federal Republic since it had been the destination for the former Bavarian Hardliners whom had established the so-called “Bavarian Government-in-Exile” in France in the aftermath of their failed coup attempt to stop Bavaria form joining with the other German states to form the new Federal Republic.
While the former Bavarian colony of <> on the planet Heidelscheimat does not officially recognize the legitimacy of the new German Federal Republic, the new Federal Government has dispatched representatives to lead the negotiations with the colony that would either end with the colony becoming part of the new Federal Republic, or recognizing that it would be going off on it's own as a new independent nation. These negotiations have been strained since the leaders of the failed ‘Munich Putsch’ have since taken over the leadership positions in the colony. Among these is the former Deputy Prime Minister of the Free State of Bavaria who had attempted to assassinate the then-Bavarian Prime Minister after he had agreed to send Bavarian representatives to the Constitutional Convention to draft a viable frame work to build a unified German government after the passage of the referendum with 75% of the popular vote.
To further complicate matters, the new leaders of the colony have given support to the various 'Free German state' movements that have sprung up since German reunification. The most dangerous, and reckless has been the 'Free Bavaria' who has taken to bombing civilian targets and took responsibility for the sabotage of the Hochbaden defense systems in 2298, and later was directly responsible for the Kaefer Riots that caused so much damage to Hochbaden in the year prior to it's destruction by Keafer forces. It has been feared that the destruction of Hochbaden directly related to acts "Free Bavaria" sabotage.
The recent loss of the last of the great Bavarian battelcrusiers, the BSKMS von der Tann, has caused a lot of concern among the highest ranking members of the so-called Bavarian Government-in-Exile, since it was the only warship that had remained in the Bayernsche Sternkreigsmarine hands capable of carrying fighters. They are becoming more and more attuned to the fact their position has become increasingly unattainable, especially since their heavy handed tactics with the miners of Gerollblock has sent them into the 'Bundesrepublik' camp and request that the Deutsche Bundessternmarine deploy a squadron to protect their trade routes with the Core Worlds. This same kind of tactics has caused constant civil and social unrest amongst the colonists as well. Especially with the current regimes tight control of the colonies boarders and colonial interaction with outsiders. One such skirmish that occurred when a Texas Ranger assisted a family of colonial farmers form being forcefully evicted from their ranch near the colonies boarder with Texan colony. Over thirty Free Bavaria Army personnel where killed in the incident.
With the increasing hostilities towards the Texan colonists has caused severe tension between the Republic of Texas and the 'Bavarian Government-in-Exile.' This has possibly caused the Texans to rethink their earlier position to support the 'Free Bavarian' colony if the Federal Republic would invade. The Federal Ambassador to Texas has started to work out an agreement that would place the colony of Heidelscheimat under Texan jurisdiction until an unbiased referendum could be held to decide the colonies fate in case it does come down to military force being used to quell the 'Free Bavaria" terrorist attacks on German citizens.

d (Federal Protectorate)/d (Federal Protectorates)

The German Federal Republic classifies those settlements and young colonies as Federal Protectorates whereas the majority of interstellar nations refer to these settlements as ‘outposts’. The current German classification primarily has to do with the fact that the German Government has started a policy for the future development of these settlements into full-fledged Federal Colonies.

d, Venus (Sol)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-2160
Capitol: d
Population: 624,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: d

Deutsche Mondterritorien, Luna (Sol)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-2050
Capitol: Keplerstadt
Population: 8,890
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: The German Lunar Territories was divided into three major settlements, they are Keplerstadt: the official capitol of the German Lunar Territories and largest of the German Lunar settlements; Braunstadt: named after the German pioneer in space exploration, Werner von Braun; and finally there is the Oberth Bundesraumfahrtzentrum (the Oberth Federal Space Flight Centre): the Deutsche Bundessternmarine maintains one of the largest command and contorl facilities in the Sol System that acts as the primarily control centre for not only the German Terran Fleet, but coordinates their other assets in all of the Sol System.

Deutsche Sektor, Mars (Sol)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-2070
Capitol: d
Population: 124,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: The Germans have started to search their sector of Mars for deposits of

Hansestadt Neues Danzig, d, Jovian System (Sol)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-2110
Capitol: Neues Danzig
Population: 124,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: The Hanseatic City of New Danzig was established as the central point for a string of the various German mining outposts that where established in the Jovian satellites, and is considered as the official center of the federal colonial government. The Hanseatic City of New Danzig has large numbers of Federal Officials, and Corporate Executives to make sure that the German interests in the Jovian system cannot be infringed upon by any possible hostile foreign forces. Each of the German outposts in the Jovian system are led by a Buergermeister who is also responsible for being the primary representative of their outposts interests into the formation of a council of leadership that will meet on the new station. This council of Buergermeisters acts as the primarily advisors to both the Governor-General and Colonial Administrator in keeping operations in the Jovian system working at full capacity.

d, Triton, Neptune (Sol)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 124,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: d

Geschlossener Stadt, Augrave (Augereau)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2268
Capitol: Kuppelstadt
Population: 5,500
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: Also known as Kuppelstadt, Geschlossener Stadt has recently been expanded to support the Deutsche Rote Kreuz disaster relief and refugee resettlement convoys that have left the Core for the devastated German settlements on the European Arm. Reports form Kuppelstadt indicate that even if it operates as only a tempary way-station for refugees it's own resources would be strained to the breaking point, and it's expansion is not expected anytime soon.

Siegfriedstadt, Beowulf (Queen Alice’s Star)
Head of Government: Herzog (Duke)/Herzogin (Duchess)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: Siegfriedstadt
Population: 65,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: Siegfriedstadt was originally nothing more than a Hanoverian enclave on Beowulf that was established during the period before German Re-Unification when relations between the two allies was extremely good, but it has expanded due to the massive influx of German refugees form the colonies in the direct onslaught of the Kaefer wars. Agreements with the British government has allowed the Deutsche Rote Kreuz to set up a major refugee aide and resettlement outpost centered here. Speculation has begun that Germany will upgrade the status of the settlement to Outpost, and make an announcement that it is now an official German settlement with the full rights accorded by the Melbourne Accords.

d, Sans Souci (DM+36 2219)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 16,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: With the recent agreements that have made with the Third Empire of France, the Germans have recently established a small outpost on Sans Souci to assist in disaster relief expeditions on the French Arm. At first the inhabitants of Sans Souci did not want to except the German presence, but after receiving assistance in their terra forming efforts the colonists grudgingly excepted the Germans. With the recent co-operation between Germans and French Colonists have started rumors that Germany will establish a permanent settlement on Sans Souci with not only French approval, but with some financial support as well.

Neues Sudetenland, Nous Volia (Beta Comae Berenices)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 13,800
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: d

Stadt auf den Wolken, Han Shan/Cold Mountain (Delta Pavonis)
Head of Government: Herzog (Duke)/Herzogin (Duchess)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Chinese Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: Stadt auf den Wolken
Population: 39,875
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: d

d, Daikoku (Beta Hydria)
Head of Government: d
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Chinese Arm
Established: day-month-2213
Capitol: d
Population: 9,789
Type of Government: Representative Republic
Notes: <> was originally established by the ARI as a research outpost to study alien ruins.

Neu-Jiaozhou, Syuhlahm (Zeta Tucanae)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Chinese Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: Neu-Tsingtau
Population: 18,574
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: Tsingto (German: Tsingtau) was the capital city and the port of the former German territory of Kiautschou (Jiaozhou) in China.

Brunsylvannia, Montana (Omicron2 Eridani)
Head of Government: Herzog (Duke)/Herzogin (Duchess)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Chinese Arm
Established: day-month-2279
Capitol: d
Population: 12,857
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Constitutional Monarch
Notes: Brunsylvannia was a small enclave that had been established in 2279 to strengthen the already tight German (Kingdom of Hannover) and Argentine bonds. The German settlement that was established on the Brunsylvannia Tiefebene has grown considerably in the past years with the influx of pro-unification colonists fleeing form the ‘Free’ Bavarian colony on Heidelscheimat, thus Brunsylvannia is on the verge of being reclassified as an Outpost due to the rapid growth in both population and increased economic stability.

Bundesabhängigkeit (Federal Dependency)/Bundesabhängigkeiten (Federal Dependencies)

The German Federal Republic currently classifies those areas that are tied to directly to the German national infrastructure as a Federal Dependency, examples include military outposts, mining outposts or near orbital habitats. But the majority of the Federal Dependencies at this time are military outposts due to the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars.

Walkure, L-5 Colony (Sol)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: Walkure
Population: 2,480
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: d

Bundessternmarinestützpunkt 9, Grosshiddenhafen (DM+35 2436)
Head of Government: Stützpunktkommandant (Base commander)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 2,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Military Governor
Notes: "Bundessternmarinestützpunkt 9" (Federal Star Navy Base 9) was originally nothing more than a Hannoversche Königliche Stern-Marine (Hanoverian Royal Star Navy) refueling outpost established during the Central Asian War whose existance was only known to the Germans and Manchurians who used it for a base to carry out commerce raiding missions on the European Arm, but Bundessternmarinestützpunkt 9 has since experienced a rapid growth spurt with the influx of both military and civilian support personnel form the multinational fleets who have started military operations on the French Arm to counter-attack the Kaefers on their home soil.

Bundessternmarinestützpunkt 12, Planet IIa aka Swinemünde (DM+18 2276)
Head of Government: Stützpunktkommandant (Base commander)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 2,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Military Governor
Notes: Prior to the outbreak of the first Käfer war numerous plans where on the table to build several refueling outposts on the yet unnamed "Planet IIa" of the Wiseman System (DM+18 2776). All proposals where shelved with the outbreak of the war, but unfortunately the Käfer decided to establish a listening outpost on the planet. Shortly after it's discovery several select elite units of the British Royal Marine Corps and Deutsche Bundesstern-Marineinfantrie where sent in to ferret the Käfers out of their dug in positions. While the casualties where high the joint British and German forces finally liberated the world form Käfers and the Germans have since established listening and refueling posts using the Käfers own equipment against them where ever possible.

Fuchsschanze, Aurore (Eta Bootis)
Head of Government: d
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: European Arm
Established: day-month-2299
Capitol: Fuchsschanze
Population: 6,500
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Military Governor
Notes: Fuchsschanze (the Fox’s Lair) is primarily a Bundesheer base that caters to the needs of the Bundesheer personnel and their dependents who are assigned to assist in the liberation of Aurore form the Käfer. With the massive influx of German citizens and specialists to support the Bundesheer units on the planet it was decided that more permeant facilities where needed. To this end the Bundeswehr has established a complete military outpost with full supporting civilian facilities surrounding it with the assistance and blessings of the Free State of Tanstaafl. It's felt that by 2304 the population will grow to an excess of over 1,000,000 with the resettling of Hochbaden refugees getting relocated here.

Hansestadt Steinhafen, Gerollblock (DM-56 328)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: Chinese Arm
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: Steinhafen
Population: 5,450
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: Unlike the troubles that have been experienced with Heidelscheimat, the miners of Hanestadt Steinhafen (Hanseatic City of Stone Haven) have welcomed the representatives of the Federal Republic with open arms. Especially after several "Free Bavarian" Cruisers had fired upon freighters that where registered to the major German corporations that owned major interests in the mines. The Miners Trade Union has since approached the German Federal Government and asked for assistance in the settling matter. This has been one of the reasons that two squadrons of Deutsche Bundessternmarine warships have been on a rotating deployment to the system for almost two years now. Several unofficial skirmishes have been reported between these squadrons and the 'Frei Bayerische Sternkreigsmarine' since the deployments have started, and the last of these skirmishes cost the 'Free Bavarians' the BSKMS von der Tann (their last functioning battlecrusier).
After the destruction of their mother ship, all but one of the six <d>-class fighters surrendered. The remaining fighter attempted to ram the primary orbital O'Neill colonial habitats to 'punish' the ‘renegade’ miners and colonists for their 'treason' against the Free State of Bavaria. Luckily the fighter was destroyed before it could complete it's suicide run against the colonial habitat, it's pilot Oberleutenant zur Raum Helmunt Hess was remanded to the local legal authorities where he was tried for 'Crimes against Humanity' in his attempt to destroy the colonial facilities full of civilians. The remaining five fighter pilots and the nearly eighty survivors of the destroyed BKSMS von der Tann where detained at separate facilities on Gerollblock to await reparation back to Heidelscheimat in the near future.

Bundesgebiet (Federal Territory)/Bundesgebiete (Federal Territories)

The German Federal Republic classifies those areas that they have surveyed and prepared for future colonial development as Federal Territories, but they also classify ‘enclaves’ as a Federal Territory with special status since they exist inside the infrastructure of another powers colonial system. The Federal Government has begun working at a major program to provide these ‘enclaves’ with a limited about of capability of self-sufficiency incase relations with the ‘parent’ or ‘host’ colony becomes strained.

d, Wotanswelt (Wolf 424)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 3,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost that was established on the world of Wotanswelt what has been in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts by the German Federal Republic, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is believed that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devistated colonies on the European Arm. But since the outpost has since become a major refugee center being operated by the Deutsche Rote Kruez it has been hinted that the settlement will be upgraded soon.

d, Nebelwelt (DM+15 2620)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 3,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost on the world Nebelwelt (Mist World) that has been in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is felt that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devastated colonies on the European Arm.

Frischer Anfang, Schönenwelt (DM+27 28217)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-2274
Capitol: Frischer Angang
Population: 1,500
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: Originally founded as a European Space Agency Research station, the Germans have since begun to expand their share of the facilities with plans to establish a major research outpost of their own on Schönenwelt to be known as Frischer Anfang (Fresh Start). Until recent years, the German contribution to the ESA research outpost had been severely understaffed since German Re-Unification, and it's personnel were predominately AR-I sponsored and considered primarily as a civilian concern and not a governmental one to ‘ease ruffled feathers’ of the other ESA member delegations. But this has started to change as the new Federal Chancellor has taken a major interest in increasing governmental support for any scientific research that will hopefully improve the standards of living of Humans in space. Germany hopes that the Schönenwelt Outpost will cement the bonds founded by the ESA and bridge the differences between it and other ESA members.

d, d (Ross 695)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 2,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost that is currently in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is felt that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devastated colonies on the European Arm.

d, d (Ross 974)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 2,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost that is currently in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is felt that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devastated colonies on the European Arm.

d, d (DM+17 2611)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 2,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost that is currently in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is felt that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devistated colonies on the European Arm.

d, d (Wolf 461)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 2,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost that is currently in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is felt that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devistated colonies on the European Arm.

d, d (Gamma Virginis)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 3,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost that is currently in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is felt that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devastated colonies on the European Arm.

d, d (Ross 486)
Head of Government: Governor General (Regler-Allgemein or Regler-General)
Federal Representative: Kolonialverwalter (Colonial Administrator)
Location: d
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: d
Population: 3,000
Type of Government: Representative Republic w/Appointed Governor
Notes: <blank> is a German outpost that is currently in the process of preparing the world for further colonization efforts, but with the outbreak of the Kaefer Wars it is felt that the outposts development will be curtailed in the efforts to rebuild the devastated colonies on the European Arm.

Former Colonies:

Tiranian Free State and Haven (aka Freihafen), Belle Terra (Alpha Centauri)
Head of State: Präsident (President)
Head of Government: Premierminister (Prime Minister)
Location: Core
Established: day-month-year
Capitol: Hauptstadt
Population: 196,160,492
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Notes: d
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:29 PM
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German Noble Titles:

The German states where not the only ones whom reinstated the ranks of nobility and aristocratic peerage in the aftermath of the Twilight Wars during what historians refer as the neo-Feudalism system that rose in the chaos of the Twilight on the world. But the German states did work hard to keep traditions that regulated their noble families towards public service strong and vibrant as ever. The vast majority of the German nobility could be classified as ‘working nobles’ since they all must serve the state in some manner that has prompted many of the Nobles to serve in either the German Military or within the governmental bureaucracy of their native states.

The German state of Brandenburg also introduced an odd tradition of the Elected Monarch (referred to as Elector or Electress) whom is elected form a wide variety of candidates whom where drawn form the best and brightest of the political, social and economic leaders (many of whom where indeed nobles, but not all). These Elected Monarchs where elevated to the same status as Kings or Queens and treated as such even after their term of service had expired by not only their native homeland, but in the neighboring German states as well whom found their system to be quant (but to quote many observers “what ever works, works”).

Inspired by their close ties with the United Kingdom of the British Isles, the Kingdom of Hannover resurrected the tradition of the various Orders of German Knighthood in the mid-21st Century and this prompted many of the other German states to follow suit. The induction into the German Knighthood at first was limited to Military personnel whom had performed some kind of heroic action, but since their return membership has been opened to non-military personnel whom have performed a great service to the state. The only Order of Knighthood that broke this mold was notably the Bavarians whom had opened membership form the start to include non-Military personnel whom had performed great and noble services that had benefitted the Free State of Bavaria.

Kingdom (Königreich): King (König)/Queen (Königin)
Prince Consort (Prinzgemahl)
Crown Prince (Kronprinz)/Crown Princess (Kronprinzessin)
Prince (Prinz)/Princess (Prinzessin)
Electorate (Kurfürstentum): Elector (Kurfürst)/Electress (Kurfürstin)
Principality (Fürstentum): Prince (Fürst)/Princess (Fürstin)
Grand Duchy (Grossherzogtum): Grand Duke (Grossherzog)/Grand Duchess (Grossherzogin)
Duchy (Herzogtum): Duke (Herzog)/Duchess (Herzogin)
County/Earldom (Grafschaft/Graftum): Count/Earl (Graf)/Countess (Gräfin)
Palatine (Pfalz): Count-Palatine (Pfalzgraf)/Countess-Palatine (Pfalzgräfin)
Barony (Freiherrschaft): Baron (Freiherr)/Baroness (Freifrau or Freiherrin)

Knight (Ritter)

Heir (Erbe)/Heiress (Erbin): "Erb" in German means "hereditary" and is placed in front of a title to be inherited
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:30 PM
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German Shipping Houses: D

A. Kirsten
Aktiengesellschaft Reederei Norden Frisia
Bischoff Gruppe
Dampfschifffahrts-Gesellschaft (Neptun)
Flensburger Schiffbaugesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
Hartmann Reederei
North German Lloyd
Oldenburgische Schiffergesellschaft
PoseidonSchiffahrt AG
Reederei Gerhard Frommann und Söhne GBR
Schiffahrts und Befrachtungs Kontor Marker GmbH
Transport & Service GMBH & Co.
Wilhelm E.F. Schmidt GmbH
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.
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Old 08-05-2009, 03:30 PM
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Bundessternmarine (Federal Star Navy)

BSMS (Bundessternmarine Schiff / Federal Star Navy Ship)
DRKS (Deutsche Rote Kruez Schiff / German Red Cross Ship)

Major Warships

06 Fighter Carrier / Raumflugträger (CV/RT) German fighter aces
03 Strasser-class: BSMS Peter Strasser (RT-04), BSMS Erich Hartmann (RT-05), BSMS Adolf Galland (RT-06)
03 Graf Zeppelin-class: BSMS Graf Zeppelin (RT-01), BSMS Richtohofen (RT-02), BSMS Immelmann (RT-03)

02 Battleship / Schlachtschiff (BB/SS)
02 Deutschland-class: BSMS Deutschland (SS-01), BSMS Vaterland (SS-02).

06 Battle Cruiser / Schlachtkreuzer (BC/SK)
00 Tripitz-class: BSMS Tripitz (SK-04), BSMS Schlieffen (SK-05), BSMS Clausewitz (SK-06).
03 Bismarck-class: BSMS Bismarck (SK-01), BSMS Hindenburg (SK-02), BSMS Mackensen (SK-03).

03 Heavy Fighter Carrying Cruiser (FDC/FRK) aviators
03 Mölders-class: BSMS Werner Mölders (FRK-01), BSMS Joachim Müncheberg (FRK-02), BSMS Gerhard Barkhorn (FRK-03).

18 Heavy Cruiser / Großekreuzer (HC/GK) The BSM named the heavy crusiers after the Hanseatic Cities.
09 Königsberg-class: BSMS Königsberg (GK-10), BSMS Reval (GK-11), BSMS Dorpat (GK-12), BSMS Elbing (GK-13), BSMS Thorn (GK-14), BSMS Lüneburg (GK-15), Wismar (GK-16), Demmin (GK-17), Greifswald (GK-18).
09 Lübeck-class: BSMS Lübeck (GK-01), BSMS Bremen (GK-02), BSMS Hamburg (GK-03), BSMS Stettin (GK-04), BSMS Berlin (GK-05), BSMS Breslau (GK-06), BSMS Rostock (GK-07), BSMS Köln (GK-08), BSMS Danzig (GK-09).

21 Missile Cruiser / Flugkreuzer (CG/FK) Missile Cruisers are named after the German federal states.
07 Hannover-class: BSMS Hannover (FK-15), BSMS Lippe (FK-16), BSMS Oldenburg (FK-17), BSMS Braunschwig (FK-18), BSMS Westfalen (FK-19), BSMS Schleswig-Holstein (FK-20), BSMS Nordrhienland (FK-21).
07 Brandenburg-class: BSMS Brandenburg (FK-08), BSMS Sachsen-Anhalt (FK-09), BSMS Mecklenburg (FK-10), BSMS Schlesien (FK-11), BSMS Thüringen (FK-12), BSMS Pommern (FK-13), BSMS Sachsen (FK-14).
07 Bayern-class: BSMS Bayern (FK-01), BSMS Schwaben (FK-02), BSMS Baden (FK-03), BSMS Württemberg (FK-04), BSMS Rhienland-Pfalz (FK-05), BSMS Saarland (FK-06), BSMS Hessen (FK-07).

18 Missile Frigate / Flugfregatte (FFG/FF) Missile Frigates are named after famous German Admirals
06 Admiral Dönitz-class: BSMS Admiral Dönitz (FF-13), BSMS Admiral Kähler (FF-14), BSMS Admiral Saalwächer (FF-15), BSMS Admiral Lütjens (FF-16), BSMS Admiral Koester (FF-17), BSMS Admiral Raeder (FF-18).
06 Admiral Trotha-class: BSMS Admiral Trotha (FF-07), BSMS Admiral Hipper (FF-08), BSMS Admiral Bauer (FF-09), BSMS Admiral Hintze (FF-10), BSMS Admiral Knorr (FF-11), BSMS Admiral Stosch (FF-12).
06 Admiral Graf Spee-class: BSMS Admiral Graf Spee (FF-01), BSMS Admiral Maass (FF-02), BSMS Admiral Koester (FF-03), BSMS Admiral Scheer (FF-04), BSMS Admiral Holtzendorff (FF-05), BSMS Admiral Bödicker (FF-06).

27 Frigate / Fregatte (FF/F) Frigates are named after famous German military commanders.
09 Scharnhorst-class: BSMS Scharnhorst (F-19), BSMS Blücher (F-20), BSMS Gneisenau (F-21), BSMS Goeben (F-22), BSMS Moltke (F-23), BSMS Derfflinger (F-24), BSMS Podbielski (F-25), BSMS Josenhanß (F-26), BSMS Hohnhorst (F-27).
09 Seydlitz-class: BSMS Seydlitz (F-10), BSMS Hoeppner (F-11), BSMS Rommel (F-12), BSMS Guderian (F-13), BSMS Löbbecke (F-14), BSMS Fuchs (F-15), BSMS Thielmann (F-16), BSMS Langsdorff (F-17), BSMS Ramcke (F-18).
09 Lettow-Vorbeck-class: BSMS Lettow-Vorbeck (F-01), BSMS Hammerstein (F-02), BSMS Manteuffel (F-03), BSMS Schäfer (F-04), BSMS Könnecke (F-05), BSMS Falkenhausen (F-06), BSMS Dänner (F-07), BSMS Schellendorff (F-08), BSMS Böhme (F-09).

15 Missile Destroyer / Flugzerstörer (DDG/FZ) Missile Destroyers are named after
06 <d>-class: BSMS <> (FZ-10), BSMS <> (FZ-11), BSMS <> (FZ-12), BSMS <> (FZ-13), BSMS <> (FZ-14), BSMS <> (FZ-15).
09 <d>-class: BSMS <> (FZ-01), BSMS <> (FZ-02), BSMS <> (FZ-03), BSMS <> (FZ-04), BSMS <> (FZ-05), BSMS <> (FZ-06), BSMS <> (FZ-07), BSMS <> (FZ-08), BSMS <> (FZ-09).

30 Destroyer / Zerstörer (DD/Z)
03 <d>-class: BSMS <> (Z-28), BSMS <> (Z-29), BSMS <> (Z-30).
09 <d>-class: BSMS Prinz Eugen (Z-19), BSMS <> (Z-20), BSMS <> (Z-21),BSMS <> (Z-22), BSMS <> (Z-23), BSMS <> (Z-24), BSMS <> (Z-25), BSMS <> (Z-26), BSMS <> (Z-27).
09 <d>-class: BSMS <> (Z-10), BSMS <> (Z-11), BSMS <> (Z-12), BSMS <> (Z-13), BSMS <> (Z-14), BSMS <> (Z-15), BSMS <> (Z-16), BSMS <> (Z-17), BSMS <> (Z-18).
09 <d>-class: BSMS <> (Z-01), BSMS <> (Z-02), BSMS <> (Z-03), BSMS <> (Z-04), BSMS <> (Z-05), BSMS <> (Z-06), BSMS <> (Z-07), BSMS <> (Z-08), BSMS <> (Z-09).

18 Destroyer-Escort / Zerstörer-Eskorte (DE/ZE)
09 <d>-class: BSMS <> (ZE-10), BSMS <> (ZE-11), BSMS <> (ZE-12), BSMS <> (13), BSMS <> (ZE-14), BSMS <> (ZE-15), BSMS <> (ZE-16), BSMS <> (ZE-17), BSMS <> (ZE-18).
09 <d>-class: BSMS <> (ZE-01), BSMS <> (ZE-02), BSMS <> (ZE-03), BSMS <> (ZE-04), BSMS <> (ZE-05), BSMS <> (ZE-06), BSMS <> (ZE-07), BSMS <> (ZE-08), BSMS <> (ZE-09).

Minor Warships

Fast Missile Boat / Schnellesflugboot or S-Boot (S)

Gun Boat / Kannonboot or K-Boot (K)

Stealth Boat / Heimlichkeitboot or H-Boot (H)

Escort Boat / or E-Boot(E)

Shipborne Fighter Craft

interceptor fighter
attack fighter
strike fighter
torpedo fighter
multi-role fighter
aserospace superiority fighter
space superiority fighter

Waspe-class Fighter (Wasp)
Udet-class Fighter (WW1 fighter ace)
Gustav-class Fighter ()
Wiking-class Fighter (Viking)
Komet-class Fighter (Comet)
Pfeil-class Fighter (Arrow)
Hornisse-class Fighter (Hornet)

Shipborne Small Craft

Interface/Aerospace Shuttle
Ship's Boat
Liberty Boat
Landing Craft: Utility
Landing Craft: Personnel
Landing Craft: Vehicle
Landing Craft: Tank

Auxilary Military Vessel: Troop Transports

01 Landing Control Ship:
-class: BSMS ().

06 Troop Transport:
BSMS (),
BSMS (),
BSMS ().
<d>-class (ex-Elector-class colony ship):
BSMS (01; ex-<>),
BSMS (02; ex-<>),
BSMS (03; ex-<>).

Rapid Deployment Troop Transport:
Student-class: BSMS Kurt Student (01),
BSMS (02),
BSMS (03).

Technical Support Ships

Blockade Runner:

Repair Ship:

Fleet Tender:

Fuel Transport:

Operational Support Vessels

Commerce Raider:

Intelligence Gathering Vessel:

Mine Warfare Ship:

Fleet Courier:

Exploration Vessels

Deep Space Explorer:

System Survey Ship:

Planetary Survey Ship:


Miscelleanous Civilian Vessels

Colony Ship: The German Federal Republic inherited a fleet of the old Bavarian Elector-class colony ships after unification, and converted all but one of the vessels to fit other pressing needs (such as troop transports, hospital ships and reflief ships). The remaining Elector-class vessel has been converted into an orbital museum dedicated to the Bavarian colonial effort.

Relief Ship:
<d>-class (ex-Elector-class colony ship):
DRKS <> (ex-<>),
DRKS <> (ex-<>),
DRKS <> (ex-<>).

Hospital Ship:

Luxury Liner:




Tramp Freighter:

Bulk Freighter:

Agricultural / Botantical Transport:

Interplanetary Passenger Transport:

Interstellar Passenger Transport:

Salvage and Recovery Vessel:

Search and Rescue Vessel:

Mining Vessel:
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.

Last edited by natehale1971; 08-06-2009 at 10:42 PM.
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Old 08-05-2009, 03:53 PM
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Bundesheer (Federal Army)

Strategic Reserves (General <surname>)
Intervention Forces Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
Airmobile Operations Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
Special Operations Division (Generalmajor <surname>)

German First Field Army (Generalfeldmarshall <surname>)
I Corps (Generalleutenant <surname>)
Pz Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)

III Corps (Generalleutenant <surname>)
Pz Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)>)

German Second Field Army (Generalfeldmarshall <surname>)
II Corps (Generalleutenant <surname>)
Pz Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)

IV Corps (Generalleutenant <surname>)
Pz Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)
PzGr Division (Generalmajor <surname>)

Eastern Territorial Command (Generaloberst <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Southern Territorial Command (Generaloberst <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Northern Territorial Command (Generaloberst <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Neubayern Territorial Command (Generaloberst <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Dunkelheim Territorial Command (Generaloberst <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Colonial Territorial Command (General <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Colonial Territorial Command (General <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Colonial Territorial Command (General <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Colonial Territorial Command (General <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)
Home Defense Command (Generalmajor <surname>)

Panzer / Pz Division (Tank Division)
Panzergrenadier / PzG Division (Mechanized Infantry Division)
Gebirgsjäger /GJ Division (Mountain Infantry Division)
Division ()

Skijäger / SJ ()
Fallschirmjäger / FJ ()
Gebirgsjäger /GJ ()

Grenadier (Heavy Infantryman)
Jäger (Light Infantryman)
Fallschirmjäger (Paratrooper)
Panzergrenadier (Armored Heavy Infantryman)
Gebirgsjäger (Mountain Infantryman)

1.Marine-Infanterie-Division (1st Naval Infantry Division)

Raubvogel ("bird of prey")
Raubtier ("predator")
Möwe (Seagull)
Falke (Falcon)
Greif (Vulture)
Kondor (Condor)
Seeadler (Sea Eagle)

Luchs (Lynx)
Iltis (Polecat)

Schnellboot / S-Boot (Fast Boat)
Flottentorpedoboot (Fleet Torpedo Boat)
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.

Last edited by natehale1971; 08-06-2009 at 11:54 AM.
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Old 08-06-2009, 03:47 PM
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Bundesheer (Federal Army)

Formal Mess Dress: Grey-green peaked cap, grey-green jacket w/silver buttons, white tie, white shirt, white waistcoat, stone grey trousers, polished black shoes, grey-green cloak w/branch color lining, white dress gloves.

Parade Dress: colour-coded beret or grey-green peaked cap, grey-green double-breasted jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, stone grey trousers, polished black boots or black ankle boots w/white gartiers, white gloves.

Walking-Out Dress: colour-coded beret, grey-green jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, stone grey trousers, polished black boots.

Battle Dress: colour-coded beret, grey-green tunic, grey undershirt, stone grey trousers, black boots.

Army Branch / Beret colors: Orange / Grey-Brown (Paratroopers), Purple (Chaplains), White (Medical), Black (Engineer), Light Green (Mountain Infantry), Green (Infantry), Dark Green (Power Armored Infantry), Bright Red (General Staff), Golden Yellow (Cavalry/Tank), Light Yellow (Signals), Maroon (Chemical, Biological & Radiological Defense), Yellow-Orange (Military Police), Light Blue (Transport), Blue (Logistics), Dark Red (Artillery), Red (Air Defense), Pink (Military Bands), Grey (Aviators), Light Grey (Special Operations), Tan (Long-Range Reconnaissance)

Bundessternmarine (Federal Star Navy)

Officer & NCO Formal Mess Dress: White peaked cap, dark blue-grey jacket w/silver buttons, white dress shirt, white bow tie, white waistcoat, dark blue-grey trousers, polished black shoes, dark blue-grey cloak w/powder blue lining, white gloves.

Officer & NCO Parade Dress: White peaked cap, dark blue-grey double-breasted jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, dark blue-grey trousers, polished black shoes or boots.

Officer & NCO Walking-Out Dress: White peaked cap, blue-grey double-breasted jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, dark blue-grey trousers, polished black shoes or boots.

Officer & NCO Battle Dress: White beret (officers) or light grey beret (NCOs), blue-grey tunic, white turtleneck shirt, blue-grey trousers, black boots.

Enlisted Formal Mess Dress: White flat-top cap, dark blue-grey jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt w/light blue duck collar, black neckerchief, dark blue-grey trousers, polished black dress shoes or ankle boots, white gartiers, white gloves.

Enlisted Parade Dress: White flat-top cap, dark blue-grey jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt w/light blue duck collar, black neckerchief, dark blue-grey trousers, polished black ankle boots, white gartiers, white gloves.

Enlisted Walking-Out Dress: White flat-top cap, dark blue-grey jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt w/light blue duck collar, black neckerchief, dark blue-grey trousers, polished black shoes.

Enlisted Battle Dress: grey beret, dark blue-grey tunic, light blue-grey turtleneck shirt, dark blue-grey trousers, black boots.

Bundesluftwaffe (Federal Air Force)

Formal Mess Dress: Blue-grey peaked cap, blue-grey jacket w/silver buttons, white bow tie, white dress shirt, white waistcoat, blue-grey trousers, polished black dress shoes, blue-grey cloak w/white lining, white gloves.

Parade Dress: Blue-grey beret or blue-grey peaked cap, blue-grey jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, blue-grey trousers, polished black dress shoes or ankle boots w/white gartiers.

Walking-Out Dress: Blue-grey beret or blue-grey peaked cap, blue-grey jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, blue-grey trousers, polished black dress shoes or boots.

Battle Dress: Blue-grey beret, blue-grey tunic, grey undershirt, blue-grey trousers, black boots.

Bundesmarine (Federal Navy)

Officer & NCO Formal Mess Dress: White peaked cap, navy blue jacket w/gold buttons, white dress shirt, white bow tie, white waistcoat, navy blue trousers, polished black shoes, navy blue cloak w/powder blue lining, white gloves.

Officer & NCO Parade Dress: White peaked cap, navy blue double-breasted jacket w/gold buttons, white shirt, black tie, navy blue trousers, polished black shoes or boots.

Officer & NCO Walking-Out Dress: White peaked cap, navy blue double-breasted jacket w/gold buttons, white shirt, black tie, navy blue trousers, polished black shoes or boots.

Officer & NCO Battle Dress: White beret (officers) or light blue beret (NCOs), navy blue tunic, white turtleneck shirt, navy blue trousers, black boots.

Enlisted Formal Mess Dress: White flat-top cap, navy blue jacket w/gold buttons, white shirt w/light blue duck collar, black neckerchief, navy blue trousers, polished black dress shoes or ankle boots, white gartiers, white gloves.

Enlisted Parade Dress: White flat-top cap, navy blue jacket w/gold buttons, white shirt w/light blue duck collar, black neckerchief, navy blue trousers, polished black ankle boots, white gartiers, white gloves.

Enlisted Walking-Out Dress: White flat-top cap, navy blue jacket w/gold buttons, white shirt w/light blue duck collar, black neckerchief, navy blue trousers, polished black shoes.

Enlisted Battle Dress: Dark blue beret, navy blue tunic, light blue turtleneck shirt, Navy blue trousers, black boots.

Bundesgrenzschütz (Federal Border Guard)

Formal Mess Dress: Light green peaked cap, light green jacket w/silver buttons, white tie, white shirt, white waistcoat, light green trousers, polished black dress shoes, light green cloak w/dark green lining, white dress gloves.

Parade Dress: Dark green beret or light green peaked cap, light green jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, light green trousers, polished black ankle boots, white gartiers, white gloves.

Walking-Out Dress: Dark green beret, light green jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, light green trousers, polished black boots.

Battle Dress: Dark green beret, dark green tunic, light undershirt, light green trousers, black boots.

Bundespolizei (Federal Police)

Formal Mess Dress: Grey peaked cap, grey jacket w/silver buttons, white tie, white shirt, white waistcoat, grey trousers, polished black dress shoes, grey cloak w/white lining, white dress gloves.

Parade Dress: Grey peaked cap, grey jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, grey trousers, polished black ankle boots, white gartiers, white gloves.

Walking-Out Dress: Grey peaked cap, grey jacket w/silver buttons, white shirt, black tie, grey trousers, polished black ankle boots.

Duty Uniform: Grey peaked cap, grey tunic, light grey undershirt, grey trousers, black ankle boots.
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.

Last edited by natehale1971; 08-06-2009 at 04:15 PM.
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Old 08-06-2009, 08:48 PM
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natehale1971 natehale1971 is offline
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German Awards, Decorations and Medals

Order of the Black Eagle (Hoher Orden vom Schwarzen Adler)

Order of the Black Eagle w/the Chain (Hoher Orden vom Schwarzen Adler mit der Kette)
Order of the Black Eagle or w/o the Chain (Hoher Orden vom Schwarzen Adler ohne Kette)

Order of the Red Eagle (Roter Adlerorden)

Order of the Red Eagle Grand Cross (Roter Adlerorden Großkreuz)
Order of the Red Eagle Knights Cross 1st class (Roter Adlerorden Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse)
Order of the Red Eagle Knights Cross 2nd Class (Roter Adlerorden Ritterkreuz 2. Klasse)
Order of the Red Eagle Knights Cross 3rd Class (Roter Adlerorden Ritterkreuz 3. Klasse)
Order of the Red Eagle Knights Cross 4th Class (Roter Adlerorden Ritterkreuz 4. Klasse)
Order of the Red Eagle Medal (Roter Adlerorden medaille)

Pour le Mérite / Blue Max (Blauer Max)

Order of the Iron Cross

Star of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (Stern Zum Großkreuz Des Eisernen Kreuzes)
Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes)
Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten)
Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with Oakleaves, Swords & Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit dem Eichenlaub mit Schwertern und Brillanten)
Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with Oakleaves & Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit dem Eichenlaub mit Schwertern)
Knights Cross of the Iron Cross with Oakleaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub)
Knights Cross of the Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes)
Iron Cross 1st Class (Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse)
Iron Cross 2nd Class (Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse)

Order of the Griffin (Greifen-Orden)

Order of the German Cross

Honor Cross (Ehrenkreuz)

Order of Merit

Military Merit Cross (Militär-Verdienstkreuz)
Merit Cross (Verdienstkreuz)
Merit Medal (Verdienstmedaille)

Hanseatic Cross (Hanseatenkreuz)
Fuck being a hero. Do you know what you get for being a hero? Nothing! You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy! You get divorced... Your wife can't remember your last name, your kids don't want to talk to you... You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy. I do this because there is nobody else to do it right now. Believe me if there was somebody else to do it, I would let them do it. There's not, so I'm doing it.

Last edited by natehale1971; 08-06-2009 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 02-12-2014, 02:05 PM
Olefin Olefin is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Greencastle, PA
Posts: 3,003

So did either of the two American attempts at making private fiefdoms that are mentioned in Going Home survive to become the nucleus of any of the German States in your version of 2300? (i.e. the one around the nuclear plant or at Fulda)
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