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Default OT - Forum aliases

ReHerakhte 09-22-2004, 07:35 AM G'Day everone,

This is very OT but after having been asked a few times in the last couple of months about my forum name, I thought posting this thread might be interesting.

Somewhat related to the intro threads that have been posted before, I was wondering if people wanted to share the meaning/reasons for choosing/significance of their forum alias. I know that for some of us, the forum alias is easy enough to figure (such as Antenna because his name is Antti - did I spell it right!? I'm not familiar enough with Swedish names!)

I suppose I have an obligation to go first because I'm the nosey fool asking the question...

ReHerakhte is the name of one of the forms of the Egyptian god Horus, I chose it because I am interested in the ancient civilizations of that area (Mediterranean/Middle East) and have been fascinated by many aspects of ancient Egypt in particular (like those bloody pyramids!). I was originally using another name, ShemsuHor (meaning Followers of Horus) because Horus had started life as something of a martial god from what I remember and I kinda 'connected' with that ,being former military.

I had used that name in a number of forums for ease of use but had to change it because some dumb-ass males thought ShemsuHor meant Shemsu-Whore and kept trying to hit on me (which is just too damned disturbing to think about). The next best unique name I could think of was ReHerakhte (which means Horus of the Two Horizons - depending on which translation you use! - and has a connection to the god Ra)

When I joined the earlier TownHall forums, I had been using ReHerakhte for a number of months and when we shifted to RPGHost, it was smarter to stay with my 'known' alias.

So, that's my boring little tale does anyone else wish to share their reasons for choosing a particular tag?




TiggerCCW UK 09-22-2004, 07:57 AM My forum name is based on a couple of things. I was born in the year of the tiger, I really like Tigger and I used to work as a bouncer, plus I have a tattoo of Tigger on my left arm. The CCW refers to Camp Conrad Weiser, a YMCA summer camp in PA where I worked in 1999 as an NRA instructor, using the camp name Tigger. The UK is merely a reference to where I live. Not as interesting or informative as ReHerakhte's explanation, but its the best I can manage.


Antenna 09-22-2004, 08:59 AM Well, Antenna comes from my email addy at my 'versity mail, not the name Antti (that infact is a Finnish name). So ReHerakthe you where right on person but wrong on explanation on why I choosed this nickname No hard feelings from me but just let you know why I choosed Antenna. Then I have had other nicks but the Antenna nickname is the first I used and have stayed with it pretty long The email addy started anthen-6. After 2 hours of thinking what I would use on my first post as Nick on the ancient WebRPG, I choosed the nick you know me by.



TR 09-22-2004, 04:56 PM Mine is anti-climatic... TR are the initials of my first and middle name.

Until Later



pmulcahy 09-22-2004, 07:01 PM The "pmulcahy" part is simple -- My name is Paul Mulcahy. Usually, the screen name "pmulcahy" is already taken, so on other boards you will see things tacked onto my screen name like "11b", "11b2p," etc., because I was a paratrooper in the Army and those add-ons are easy to remember (usually).


Snake Eyes 09-22-2004, 08:27 PM An appreciation of the depth and complexity in development of the black-clad ninja/commando character in the GI Joe comic books is one source of inspiration for the 'Snake Eyes' handle - but I suppose that is pretty obvious.

The other is a reference to one of those late-night, freshman-year study sessions in which it was suggested that, if indeed life is nothing but a genetic crapshoot, my parents must have rolled double-ones.

I had recently read the Tom Maddox short story "Snake Eyes" in Bruce Sterling's book Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology, and somehow it just stuck - and also became the source for the quote in my sig.


Grimace 09-22-2004, 09:31 PM Mine came about as a nickname that my co-workers bestowed upon me. After being called that for a couple of years, it basically became my nickname for those that know it. I don't go around telling people "my name is Grimace", but I respond just the same to either my real name or to Grimace. So it only seemed logical to use it online.

Oh, and when I asked them "why Grimace?" no one knew.


graebarde 09-23-2004, 05:56 AM Well for anyone that sees me my handle is pretty obvious. Though I have gray in my hair on top of my head, what I have left anyways, my facial hair has been gray for many years, and I have had a beard since 1980. The spelling was chosen as it 'sounded' middle ages, and unique rather than just gray beard.

Ive been tacked with another nick as well that I used a bit that has a more humorus story behind it. I'm referd to as F.O.R.D. at work sometimes. It started when two guys (I sell autoparts) were discussing the merits of Ford v. Chevy at the counter. As I walked out of the office past a female customer, she commented "Fat old raggedy dog!". I stopped, turned and looked at her and said "Excuse me?" She became all flustered trying to tell me she wasnt refering to me, but alas my co-workers had picked up on it, and I responded with "I take offense to being called OLD." From that day hence I was FORD, or some time just Dawg, which my wife and kids picked up no less.

But graebarde, some times grae or barde, are what everyone generally knows me by, and I have never seen another spelling of it anywhere.


thefusilier 09-23-2004, 08:26 PM Hey,

For me I'm a sergeant in an infantry regiment titled as a fusilier regiment. Our privates are called fusiliers just like other titled regiments such as guardsmen and the like, so I carried the name over. Not much else to it I guess.



pmulcahy 09-23-2004, 09:27 PM "Fusilier" -- I'm not sure of the language, but it more or less means "rifleman," doesn't it? Appropriate for infantrymen...


thefusilier 09-23-2004, 09:39 PM Hello,

Yes, Fusiliers were infantrymen equiped with light flintlock muskets called a fusil. Over time as weapontry evolved, fusilier regiments were reformed primarily as basic light infantry, such as the unit I am with now, and regimental names are traditionally kept.



Twilight2000V3 09-24-2004, 06:48 PM Well mine was pretty easy... my original RPG host naem was MSGT MULDOON.

Im sure everyone can figure that one out. If ya don't know... ask.



dawg180 09-26-2004, 11:21 AM Well several years ago back when "Snoop Dogg" was really popular I was drinking with a couple of my friends and one of them said "It ain't easy being Sven D O double G" inreference to one of Snoop Doggs Lyrics. Yes, my name is Sven and no I do not like Snoop dogg (I am a half Swedish half Welsh Amreican, go figure!)

Anyhow, Everyone started calling me "Sven Dogg" after that and eventually the spelling evolved to "Dawg" to remove the Snoop Dogg reference.

I I originally wanted the email address Dawg 18 at AOL.com (my very first ISP) but it was taken so I took Dawg180 figuring it was close enough.

And there you go, the legend of Dawg180!


Rainbow Six 09-26-2004, 05:47 PM Fairly obvious and relatively unimaginative for me I guess...

I was reading Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy when I first started posting on the old boards...

That's it...


Webstral 09-26-2004, 10:26 PM Webstral is an obscure comic book character who tickled my fancy. In 1986, Marvel introduced its New Universe series of titles. One title was "Justice." A character in "Justice" was a wizard named Webstral who had enough power to foresee a great disaster but insufficient power to stop it. He recognized that only the title character of the book had the means to set things aright, but the title character had lost his "purity" and so was incapable of executing the mission. Webstral sacrificed himself in order to purify the title character. Webstral, though not the character in the spotlight, was a team player. I liked that enough to take the name for myself.



recon35 09-27-2004, 11:09 AM Mine's kinda lame. The recon is from what I thought about doing, had I been able to go into the military. The 35 was my basketball number from when I was 10 yrs old.


Aaron 09-27-2004, 12:20 PM Shhhh....

Its my secret identity

Actually its kind of dull, I couldn't think of anything else to use when I first signed up.


ReHerakhte 09-28-2004, 05:57 AM I know some people have felt their forum names are a little dull but what I have found more interesting than just a cool/interesting/pimp name is what people have chosen for their name and whether they have added a sig and/or avatar.

For instance, Aaron says he lacked inspiration for his name but the inclusion of : -

Scratch, scratch. "I can just make it out, it's in Russian. It says this face towards enem..."

Din the Decisive, his last words

tells me he probably read/owned Phoenix Command and has a sense of humour like mine. Phoenix Command was the very first modern combat type game I checked out when I was looking for a modern military RPG way back in the '80s. And although I completely screwed up how Antenna got his nickname, his avatar is kinda neat when you have seen his photo (I think TR has it on his site?)




joemomma 10-10-2004, 02:36 AM Fairly simple for mine. My first name is Joe. Way back when I worked swing shift at an electronics company we had no supervisor on that shift so the dayshift supervisor had us fill out a nightly production log wich, I simply signed "joe" unaware of his actions a buddy I worked with always filled out the log after me and appended "momma" to my name. People started calling me Joemomma and it stuck.

As a side note one of the engineers at the company asked me how I pronounced my last name. He looked dumfounded when I told him. His reply: "So your last name isn't Momma?" He was serious.


antimedic 10-10-2004, 11:57 AM Mine is an I.D I use on several different forums. I am a firefighter in Florida, and in order to promote to Lt. or higher, you have to be a paramedic. I kind of disagree with that, since I always thought firemen were supposed to put out fires, do extrication, etc. Plus sick people are annoying. Therfore, the Antimedic was born.


ChalkLine 10-13-2004, 03:52 AM ChalkLine is my old Counterstrike player name, I ran on a dial up out of provincial Australia and the lag was so great I was usually dead before I saw them coming. One day a guy started tagging along with me because some twinks were just waiting for me to turn up and punish my laggy arse, he rode shotgun on me until I could get set up with a sniper rifle and cover his back, his comment was "I've never seen anyone play a chalk outline before" and the name stuck.


Ed the Coastie 10-22-2004, 11:35 PM Mine is fairly obvious...my first name is Ed, and I did a hitch in the Coast Guard when I was a kid. Ironically, I spent longer in the Army than I did in the Coast Guard, but I'm still a Coastie at heart. (I'm a Coast Guard brat, too...my father is a retired Master Chief Petty Officer.)

Incidentally, I recognized the origin of ReHerakhte's nickname almost immediatly: I had once used it as an alternate name for Horus in a Greco-Aegyptian D&D campaign I ran years years ago. Webstral's took some research, but I knew I had seen it too before somewhere and just had to remember where I had done so. (I spent several months chasing a red herring, believing it to have been the handle of a Shadowrun decker...)

I was so wrong with Chalkline that I hadn't even bothered to second-guess myself. I assumed that you were some sort of police forensics dude who DREW the chalk outline, rather than be the one around which the the outline was drawn.


pmulcahy 10-23-2004, 12:02 AM I got Chalkline's name origins wrong too...a "chalk" is one name for a group of jumpers in airborne parlance. I thought Chalkline was a fellow paratrooper.


graebarde 10-23-2004, 06:58 AM Well I know Chalky is a surveyor by trade, I though it was some Oz rendention of the chain.. LOL.. I enjoyed the real reason better LOL


Milano 10-28-2004, 01:55 AM It was a REAL cold (about 10 below) morning when our Sgt. called me Milano. My real name is Italian, err.. Italian-American anyway. It's fifteen letters long and is harder to pronounce or spell than any Egyptian would be willing to admit.

This Sgt. got tired of stumbling over my name when bashing my family haritage and the questionable knowlage of my own father. So, he called me Milano and the nickname stuck.

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