Thinking about going old-school with hesitation
Background - I own v1 and 2.2 of tw2k and also 2013. We play 2.2 because it's the version we all know best and also because it's the easiest to get into (we play infrequently and the players don't know much of the rules anyway). I know all of the versions so I know how they compare, but we never played much v1 at all.
The initiative rules in v2.2 are quick; almost everyone gets 1 action per round, except for high initiative chars, who get 2. i.e. I guess it is assumed that the characters with initiative <6 spend 1/2 their time hesitating.
In v1:
time in combat -> CUF -> hesitations per 6x5 second turn (or whatever it was called).
As a rough comparison I was going to say hesitations = 6 - v2.2 Initiative and roll back the initiative system to something like v1. The only reason I'm thinking of doing this is because I like the system where repeated actions do not suffer from hesitations, and because I find the doubling of actions for Initiative > 5 to be a bit coarse and advantageous.
Those of you who are familiar with how the v1 system worked in practice, could you give me advice and your thoughts?