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Old 09-27-2008, 10:48 PM
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Antenna Antenna is offline
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Default Sdep

Well, what to say about swedish policeforce...

I was on a security mission from school to take a look on some african-negros who was supposed to start at the collage over here. And found out that they had a peculiar way of living and the topics they had between each other the momant they switched for speaking english from zwahili was that I had to do some investigations longer then I had to expect. So I hovered around their livingspace for getting information that I needed. Soon there was late evening and a young skinhead turns up from nowhere. He starts to argue with a southeuropean who also lives in the house where the africans live. Soon he smears some blood on the outside door that forms and resembles of a minus (-). I was terrified this was not good news so I tried to get the boy to leave and alert the securityman at the building but before this happen the police shows up and get the boy to leave and the securityman gets out of the building. I try to alert the securityman that there is a blood minus on the door. But in vein the securityman just talks to the police about other areas. Then I just take the lead and tells them that there can be a loose canon amongs those africans that just gonna belive in bloodmath or other sience that can be related to cannibalism (remeber that this was common in the 20th century in Africa) the police just smiled at me so I walked away around 200 meters and phoned headsecuritymaster at the collage to get the securityman to get his pieces together. And what happen the police finds me and take me into custudy for disturbing the peace of the area. After a phonecall to the collage I get released from custudy. At that point I have tried to explain that the relation between Rh- and bloodmath and africans that lack knowledge and belive in almost everything that their minds can invent for getting their ways solved.

Swedish Dougnut Eating Police = SDEP
A force to count on when you trying to prevent crime

SISU - the ability to show the warrior inside you in the right moment
SISUKNIPPEN - many of those with SISU
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