Originally Posted by B.T.
From my personal point of view it does not matter, that he is American. This kind of crime would have been just as horrible, if it had been done by an Australian, a Brit, a Finn, or a German.
Ain't that the truth.
Originally Posted by B.T.
Normally I do not participate on threads like this. Why? I'm German. Whenever you talk about such things, you're dancing on thin ice, if you're German. Some "wise guy" usually mentiones the war crimes of the Nazis, and that's the end to a lot of discussions.
I feel sorry for young Germans (and Japanese for that matter) when it comes to discussing WWII. Every German I've spoken to who is my age or younger has expressed horror and disgust at what the Nazis did. I'm sure there were many Germans at the time, among those who knew what was happening, who were shocked and disgusted too. Young Japanese are a slightly different case. In my experience, most young Japanese people seem to know very little about what their military did during WWII.