About scenarios, adventures and campaigns
Ei! Bon dia!
When I discovered this forum by chance, I was lurking through the Internet in search of a quick disposable material regarding Twilight:2000. This is task I use to do, looking for materials not only about T2K, but about Traveller, GURPS or Star Wars. Sometimes I must prepare a new adventure in a short time and I’m always looking for prepared scenarios, seeds for new adventures and possible plots for new campaigns. Developed NPC’s, good maps, deckplans and schematics go in an important second place.
You can easily find a good number of house made, ready-to-play adventures, adventure seeds or short scenarios about other games, (Star Wars or Traveller would be a good example), but, always in my opinion, this kind of direct aids to the GM are scarce in Twilight, when compared to other games. And actually, in this forum, while discussing about a wide range of matters, I’ve discovered some interested plots to exploit in a campaign or in a single adventure. So, please, put your developed or undeveloped adventure or campaigns ideas in this thread. From a little seed, to a ready-to-play scenario. There’s not need to detailed explanations, if you don’t want it (though I think it would be great!). A little seed can create a great adventure.