Several times in the past I have mentioned the idea of turning electricity into fuel for post-Exchange vehicles and generators, albeit not diesel or gasoline. In the real world, I have been advocating transitioning from fossil fuels for electricity and transportation to renewables and thorium nuclear for electricity and synthetic natural gas for transportation, heating, and storing electricity from renewables. The Germans are already doing this on a significant scale.
Now if we substitute a functional nuke plant into this equation, we get an output of synthetic natural gas (syngas) that can be used to fuel vehicles, though not without serious modification to the engines. Another possibility is using this energy to synthesize ammonia. Ammonia can be burned in a gasoline or diesel engine with modest modifications.
I'm kind of bummed that the Germans are taking the lead on this. While I realize that they have more motive than we do to replace imported energy with domestic energy, I'm unhappy that they are taking the lead in this area. On the topic of Russian leverage in Europe, turning renewables into SNG has the potential to eliminate European dependence on Russian natural gas AND their dependence on Middle Eastern oil.