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Old 06-09-2009, 07:24 PM
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Default Alternate Timeline... (WIP)

Hello everyone, as i promised... here is the timeline i have been using for my home Twilight campaign. unfortunately I have lost the finished timeline. And I need help in rebuilding it. here is what i've been able to put back together... I use the Twlight 1st edition timeline for my Canon campaign, and decided to continue the 1st edition timeline until the delayed start of the war.

if anyone would like to help me rebuild this timeline, please... please do. I could use all the help i can get in getting it finished agian.

1988: d
January 1988. d
February 1988. d
March 1988. D
April 1988. d
May 1988. D
June 1988. d
July 1988. D
August 1988. d
September 1988. D
October 1988. D
November 1988. George H.W. Bush (R-TX) is elected President of the United States of America. George H.W. Bush will continue the policies of the Reagan Administration to continue to develop those policies and practices that will confront and pressure the Soviet Union.
December 1988. D

<month> 1988. The People’s Democratic Republic of the Congo annexes the war torn nations the Republic of Burundi and the Republic of Rwanda.

<month> 1988. Soviet Union realizes that it is heading for an inevitable major economic collapse, and its war in Afghanistan can no longer be sustained. The Soviet Union withdraws all of its forces from Afghanistan, and slowly starts the downsizing of many of its other overseas ‘projects’. This will set into motion the events that are yet to come.

1989: d
January 1989. Even with the reforms that had been undertaken by the Gorbachev regime, the economies of the Soviet Union and its satellite states are at their breaking points due to their attempts to keep up with the Reagan Administration policies, and the proposed American Star Wars Program when their technological capabilities are so far surpassed that even many hardliner communist leaders are hard pressed to come up with policies to counter these problems. As the Gorbachev regime starts to allow the grip on their Eastern Bloc satellite states lesson to the point where many had allowed democratic elections that had placed non-communist or socialist political parties in positions of power, a cabal of Communist Hardliners start working at establishing the groundwork to ensure their continued control over not only the Soviet Union, But their Eastern Bloc client-states.
February 1989. d
March 1989. D
April 1989. d
May 1989. D
June 1989. d
July 1989. D
August 1989. d
September 1989. D
October 1989. D
November 1989. d
December 1989. D

<month year>. Communist Hardliners in the Soviet Union start too gravitate between two men; Nikolai Ivanovich Tukhachevsky (a decorated high-ranking Soviet Army Officer whose exploits as a Soviet Military advisor in Vietnam and Afghanistan had drawn a large following that gave him a major following within the Soviet military machine and among those industries that produced the soviet military war machines) and Konstantin Dmitrievich Danilov (a mid-level KGB Official whose charismatic speaking ability draws the loyalty of even those who had been supportive of Gorbachev and his reforms). These two men will rise to control the two largest factions of hardliners jockeying into position to oppose the reforms that where about to bring an end the Soviet hegemony over Eastern Europe.

<month year>. Operation: Red Phoenix (aka the Black Winter). Communist hardliners in the Soviet Union execute a bloody coup that replaces Gorbachev and his reform government, replacing it with a Committee for State Emergency and immediately mobilizes the Soviet Armed forces throughout its satellite states in Easter Europe to brutally to put down the various attempts that was being undertaken by the members of the Warsaw Pact to introduce democratic and capitalistic reforms.

<month year>. Danilov, a KGB Official is chosen to be promoted to the position as the new Premier of the Soviet Union by the hardliners who had removed Gorbachev and his reformers in the Soviet Government. Danilov institutes a series of reforms that does not go as far as those Gorbachev had envisioned, but they allow him to maintain the Soviet system of government. Note: Danilov’s reforms are in fact very similar to those that the PRC have enacted IRL, by allowing limited amounts of ‘capitalist’ policies and investments to be tightly controlled by the central government and military.

<month year>. The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 culminating in the Tiananmen Square Massacre occur in China.

<month year>. In an effort to save the economy, the Soviet Union gives up on its operations to destabilize the influence of the Allied Western powers in Africa and the rest of the Third World. The Soviet Union will continue to sell weapons systems and other armaments to these client states, but will not provide continued economic support.

1990: d
January 1990. d
February 1990. d
March 1990. D
April 1990. d
May 1990. D
June 1990. d
July 1990. D
August 1990. d
September 1990. D
October 1990. D
November 1990. d
December 1990. D

<month> 1990. The Republic of Iraq invades and subsequently directly annexes the Emirate of Kuwait in an effort to remove the country that owns the largest percentage of the debt Iraq had built up during the Iran-Iraq War. In the aftermath of Operation: Red Phoenix (aka the Black Winter), many western nations see the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait as having been at the bequest of the Soviet Union. The new Soviet Premier gives reassurances to the West that they had no knowledge of this action and stated that if the west acts against Iraq they will remain out of the fighting.

1991: d
January 1991. The US-led Coalition launches a major offensive to liberate the Emirate of Kuwait from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Iraq. The combined efforts of the air, land and sea invasion of the occupied Middle Eastern state will become the most brutal and graphic military assault the world will see in the later half of the 20th century.
February 1991. After the initial ground battles and urban combat, the US-Led Coalition is able to liberate the Emirate of Kuwait from the Iraqi armed forces, pushing them back into Iraq. The Coalition forces destroyed some of the best military formations in the Middle East. The ease in which the US-led coalition causes the Soviet Union to rethink and reorganize their entire military doctrine, to modernize their armed forces using the lessons from Operation Desert Strom.
March 1991. D
April 1991. d
May 1991. D
June 1991. d
July 1991. D
August 1991. d
September 1991. D
October 1991. D
November 1991. d
December 1991. D

<month year>. Operation: Desert Storm. A US-Led Coalition against Iraq to liberate the Emirate of Kuwait. True to their word, the Soviet Union remains out of the fighting, but reinforces their statement that the current regime in Bagdad would not be overthrown. In the aftermath of Operation: Desert Storm the Soviets have proven that if client states step out of line they would be harshly punished.

<GEN> Jonathan L. Cummings is awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor due to his valorous conduct while under direct fire during Operation Desert Storm, when he personally commanded troops on the field of combat when the Iraqi Republican Guard made a concerted offensive that had somehow flanked American and allied forces to make an attack against the rear echelon support services. Cummings actions had delivered an embarrassing defeat to the Iraqi forces. And proved that even non-combat support personnel where more than capable to fight ‘elite’ frontline military forces.

December 1991. The United States Army numbers nearly 20 active duty divisions that have been deployed to various Unified Combatant Commands (aka theaters of operation) all around the world.

The United States Armed Forces creates the Combat Action Badge for all military personnel that have found themselves under direct fire by enemy forces. The new Combat Action Badge is seen as being equal to both the US Army Combat Infantryman Badge and Combat Field Medic Badge that can be awarded to all other military personnel in all branches of service.

Due to the extensive use of the US Marine Corps as Rapid Reaction Forces, leaving the Marine Corps unable to continue their normal duties protecting US Naval Bases and facilities around the world prompts the United States Navy to institute the formation of US Naval Infantry battalions that would be primarily composed of those personnel whom had not completed the US Navy SEAL program, or those whom wished to receive training that would one day allow them to complete the US Navy SEAL training program. Along with former US Navy SEAL trainees and volunteer US Navy SEAL hopefuls, the Naval Infantry Battalions find many volunteers drawn from those naval personnel who had been caught on the ground during Operation Desert Storm and fought alongside other non-combat support personnel under the command of <GEN> Cummings. The US Navy chooses to create the US Naval Infantry badge that will have many of the same features that are part of the US Navy SEALS badge.

1992: d
January 1992. d
February 1992. d
March 1992. D
April 1992. d
May 1992. D
June 1992. d
July 1992. D
August 1992. d
September 1992. The Red Army launches a major program of modernization using the lessons they learned while watching Operation: Desert Storm to make sure that any ground combat between the Soviet Union and NATO will not be as one sided as the US-Led War against Iraq. The Soviet Union attempts to create a professional NCO Corps in a manner similar to that of the West and many of the nations of the Warsaw Pact.
October 1992. D
November 1992. William Jefferson Clinton (D-AK) is elected president of the United States. The Clinton Administration will be plagued by personal and private scandals that will limit it’s abilities to deal with international affairs and embolden the leaders of all of the various anti-American Alliances around the world.
December 1992. High ranking officers in the Mexican armed forces overthrows the sitting government in Mexico City, and launches a series of major reforms and modernization programs to improve the lives of the average citizens of Mexico. Despite the initial misgivings of the American left, the Clinton Administration decides to put its support behind the military junta with grants and financial aide thanks to the passage of NAFTA. The Junta is able to rebuild the Mexican economy and infrastructure by using the Mexican Army as its primary tool. Over the next few years the Mexican Army is fully modernized with the aide of the United States who wished to create a stable democracy on its southern border.

<month year>. Operation Restore Hope is carried out to provide humanitarian assistance to the Somali Republic.

1993: d
January 1993. d
February 1993. During the first summit meeting between US President Clinton and Soviet Premier Danilov occur, the two world leaders quickly come to realize that they are a lot like, with many of the same interests. They will be able to work well together in an attempt at stabilizing the balance of power in the world. Unfortunately, their attempts at shaping the world will lead to the creation of the treaties and political alliances that will end with the world descending into a brutal and bloody world war whose repercussions that will take the world nearly a century to recover from.
March 1993. Due to the Summit meeting between Clinton and Danilov, the Republic of Iraq is semi-officially divided into three sectors that are under the control of the United States (Kurdish region to the North and those areas to the south bordering Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) and Soviet Union (central Iraq, including the capitol of Baghdad that would remain under the government of Saddam Hussein).
April 1993. Despite the initial opposition from certain parts within the Clinton Administration, the Pentagon is allowed to continue the Reagan Administration’s programs that will continue to build up the strength of the US Armed Forces to deal with the growing threats around the world. The fact that the Pentagon had taken such a major stance against the desires of the civilian leadership would become known as the <Pentagon> Revolt by the American Media.
May 1993. D
June 1993. The Military Junta ruling Mexico makes ‘peace’ with the Communist and leftist insurgents that had been operating in the Mexican countryside, brining them into the many programs that have been meant to reform and improve the nation.
July 1993. D
August 1993. d
September 1993. D
October 1993. D
November 1993. d
December 1993. D

<month year>. Operation Gothic Serpent in the Somali Republic.

<month year>. The People’s Democratic Republic of the Congo annexes the Central African Republic and the Republic of Uganda. The People’s Democratic Republic of the Congo sponsors a coup in the Republic of the Congo that places a pro-communist regime in power, the new national government signs a treaty that creates the military alliance that will become known as the Congo Pact Alliance.

<month year>. The Peoples Republic of China carries out a brutal crackdown of a growing group of pro-democracy protestors at Tiananmen Square. This horribly brutal massacre will severely damage the Chinese foreign relations for years to come.

The Union of African People’s Democratic Republics (aka the African Union)

1994: d
January 1994. d
February 1994. d
March 1994. D
April 1994. d
May 1994. D
June 1994. d
July 1994. D
August 1994. d
September 1994. D
October 1994. D
November 1994. d
December 1994. D

Lillehammer, Kingdom of Norway, hosts the XVII Winter Olympic Games in 1994.

<month year>. Tensions increase between Vietnam and China over the Spratley Islands, which have substantial oil reserves. The Soviet Union assists Vietnam in developing a more effective navy and air force. This annoys China, which begins shifting military forces closer to Vietnam and the Soviet border.

<month year>. The Soviet Union enters into major trade agreements with India and Vietnam, allowing the sell of modern warships, submarines, tanks and aircraft to the Southeast Asian countries. The trade agreements will also allow the Soviet Union to create an opening that will allow the inculsuion of the sale of advanced modern weapon systems to the Peoples Republic of China and North Korea.

<month year>. The Soviet Union allows the limited privatization of those companies that are producing the various military weapon systems and munitions for export. By the end of the year, the successes made by the Soviet arms dealers become the extremely needed shot in the arm that revitalizes the flagging Soviet economy.

<month year>. With the growing export of Soviet weapon systems to nations that had not been Soviet client states, allows the Soviet economy to rebound. The Soviet Union allows further limited economic reforms that allow small cottage industries that are dedicated to the production of various luxury items not only strengthens the Soviet economy, but improves the morale of the average Soviet citizens.

<month year>. The formation of the Bagdad Pact occurs in the Middle East of those nations that are opposed to the continued interference in Middle East Affairs by the United States of America and the other Western allied nations. The First signatories of the Bagdad Pact Alliance are the Republic of Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Islamic Republic of Iran. The member nations of the apt called Bagdad Pact begin a major program of modernization of their armed forces using the lessons learned during Operation: Desert Storm. The influx of the importing of modern Soviet weapon systems being used for the expansion and modernization of their armed forces provides a greater amount of economic recovery for the Soviet Union.

<month year>. The Italian Republic petitions the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council to be allowed to help rebuild the failed state of Somalia after the horrible failures of previous attempts made by the UN and other Non-Governmental Organizations. The Italian Republic will spearhead the creation of the new Somali Republic with a series of major projects with the assistance of their NATO and other European Union allies.

<month year>. Fighting between Pro-Democracy and Pro-Communist forces in the Republic of Angola ends with the military intervention of the People’s Democratic Republic of the Congo shifting the balance of power and creating the new Socialist Democratic Republic of Angola that almost immediately joins the new Congo Pact.

1995: d
January 1995. d
February 1995. d
March 1995. D
April 1995. d
May 1995. D
June 1995. d
July 1995. D
August 1995. d
September 1995. D
October 1995. D
November 1995. d
December 1995. D

Thanks to changes in trade and commerce policies made by the Clinton Administration, the East German and Polish computer industries inside the Warsaw Pact are able to take-off and very quickly became equal to any of the computer operating systems that would be developed by their western counterparts.

<month year>. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Syrian dominated Lebanese Republic join the Bagdad Pact.

<month year>. The West Germans invite their East German brothers to join the major reconstruction program that they and the State of Israel have hoped would become the ultimate in ensuring the documentation of Nazi atrocities for all time. The project was to refurbish and return Nazi sites back to the appearance they had while in use... This Project would include the reconstruction of Nazi death camps and locations where the Nazi leadership held their most public and private ceremonies. The West Germans had already brought in assistance from the State of Israel and other holocaust survivor groups to assist in ensuring that no one could either forget or deny the horrors that the Nazi regime had committed on their fellow human beings.

<month year>. The People’s Democratic Republic of the Congo changes its name to the Union of African People’s Democratic Socialist Republics in honor of the fact it had become the most militarily powerful of the African nations (much to the vocal opposition of the South Africans).

<month year>. The ruling junta of the United States of Mexico institutes a series of reforms that causes many of the Mexican communist, socialist and other leftist parties to unify to create what will become the largest and best organized of the Mexican political parties.

<month year>. The Federal Republic of Indonesia joins the Beijing Pact in the aftermath of a coup that is carried out by the Military that was supported by ‘military advisors’ form the People’s Republic of China. The entrance of Indonesia into the Beijing Pact causes much concern in Australia, who beings to increase their defense budget, and begins a major program for the buildup of the Australian military forces.

<month year>. The African nations of Zambia, and Zimbabwe join the Congo Pact. Insurgents sponsored by the People’s Democratic Republic of the Congo overthrow the government in Cameroon, and bring that nation into the Congo Pact.

1996: d
January 1996. d
February 1996. d
March 1996. D
April 1996. d
May 1996. In an effort to appear that the Clinton Administration will take a harder line against the growing threats against the United States and its allies, the Department of Defense announces the creation of the Unified Combatant Command dedicated to operations in Africa thanks to the growing perceived worldwide threats due to the growth of the Congo Pact, the new command will become known as United States African Command.
June 1996. d
July 1996. A group of archeologists working in the Harbor of Hong Kong discover a sunken American submarine that contains a treaty between the United Kingdom and both sides of the Chinese Civil War that gives the British the rights to Hong Kong in perpetuity (along with several other nations that had been granted the same rights to their ‘colonial concessions’). This causes a lot of political problems and tensions between the United Kingdom and the People’s Republic of China.
August 1996. The Italian missions in Somalia start to show major improvements that many had not believed possible, and has allowed the creation of a stable government for the growing Somali Republic.
September 1996. D
October 1996. The Middle Eastern states the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Sultanate of Oman, and the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya decides to join the Bagdad Pact.
November 1996. Bill Clinton is reelected to a second term as President of the United States thanks to his growing perception as taking a much harder line against the growing communist alliances around the world.
December 1996. D

The 1996 Olympics is held in Athens, Hellenic Republic to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the modern Olympic Games.

Thanks to years of negotiations between Soviet Premier Danilov and US President Clinton, the Soviet Union slowly starts to allow limited western business investments in the Eastern bloc.

1997: d
January 1997. d
February 1997. After years of loyal service to the Warsaw Pact, the East German Armed Forces are allowed to establish their own Soviet-style Air Assault Brigades.
March 1997. D
April 1997. d
May 1997. d
June 1997. d
July 1997. D
August 1997. d
September 1997. D
October 1997. The construction of a series of ‘Houses of the Dead’ located on the sites of those concentration camps that would not be reconstructed and turned into Holocaust Memorial Museums is finally completed. Each of these structures will contain the names of the victims of the Holocaust that had died at these sites. Other ‘houses of the dead’ were also be built on sites to commemorate those who had stood up in defiance to the Nazi regime, and had been murdered for this by the Nazi regime.
November 1997. d
December 1997. D

1998: d
January 1998. d
February 1998. d
March 1998. The Peoples Republic of China accepts the terms of the recently discovered Hong Kong Treaty, especially when they realize that they will be able to use the creation of these new ‘foreign concessions’ to strengthen their rapidly developing economic recovery. The major economic and political reforms have allowed the Peoples Republic of China to start and put the Tiananmen Square Massacre behind them.
April 1998. d
May 1998. D
June 1998. d
July 1998. D
August 1998. d
September 1998. D
October 1998. D
November 1998. d
December 1998. D

<month year>. The economic and political reforms spearheaded by Danilov show major improvements in the Soviet Union and its East European satellite states. The growth in the Eastern Bloc states economies starts to show a swift upbeat to the morale of the average East European citizens.

<month year>. The 1998 Summit held between Danilov and Clinton lays down the groundwork that allows West German companies to invest in the modernization of their East German counterparts. This allows East German factories and industrial facilities to undergo a major modernization that will increase their productivity and improve their production capacities. Within a year East German produced goods become available in West Germany, as West German produced goods become available in East Germany.

The Soviet Union allows the German Democratic Republic to take more direct role actions within the Warsaw Pact with the increases in the frequency of the yearly military trails and training exercises.

The leadership of Polish Peoples Republic and the German Democratic Republic are allowed to begin a series of economic programs that allow the import of luxury goods from the West. With the advancement of the trade of luxury goods from the west, allows for a major wave of western luxury goods to be traded through East Germany and Poland with the other Eastern Bloc states (including the Soviet Union).

The Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic is allowed to enter into trade agreements with the Western European neighbors thanks to the increased access to the internet.

June 1998. The decidedly left-wing grassroots political action organization that will grow to become the Alliance for a Progressive New America gets its start on the internet, pushing at first for the US Congress to only censure President Clinton for conduct unbecoming and move on with the business of governing the country. <George Soros> will become the primary financer and organizer of the Alliance for a Progressive America, while Social Sciences College Professor named Wade Kirkland will become the face of the grassroots organization.

<month> 1998. The United States Army undertakes a program that will reactivate the US XXII Corps, and reactivated US 11th Infantry (Air Assault) Division, US 17th Infantry (Airborne) Division and US 2nd Cavalry Division that will become a second rapid reaction force capable of being sent anywhere on Earth at a moments notice. The US XXIII Airmobile Corps will also include the US 4th Infantry (Mechanized) Division.

1999: d
January 1999. d
February 1999. d
March 1999. D
April 1999. The United States is caught by surprise when the newly elected socialist government that had came to power in the United Mexican States chooses to join the Havana Pact instead of accepting membership in NATO. By the end of the year, the new government institutes a great deal many changes that had included the change of the official name of the country to the United Mexican Socialist States. Together with their new Cuban and Venezuelan allies, Mexico quickly becomes one of the three major power players that set the policies of the Havana Pact.
May 1999. d
June 1999. d
July 1999. Due to growing disagreements with the United States and United Kingdom, the new socialist government of the French Republic once again withdraws form the NATO Alliance. But unlike the times previous, they are soon followed by the Italian Republic, the Hellenic Republic, and the Kingdom of Spain. These countries will become known as the initial signatories of the formation of the Mediterranean Alliance. They are joined by the Socialist Peoples Republic of Albania, the Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Italian-dominated Somali Republic by the end of the year.
August 1999. d
September 1999. D
October 1999. D
November 1999. d
December 1999. D

June 1999. Thanks to the increase in the trade of western style fashions to the Eastern Bloc with the free trade of luxury goods, the Polish city of <name> has become the fashion capitol of the Eastern Bloc as Polish clothing designers and garment manufacturers’ start their own revolution in fashion. Polish clothing styles become part of the youth counter-culture throughout the Western world.

2000: d
January 2000. d
February 2000. d
March 2000. D
April 2000. d
May 2000. D
June 2000. d
July 2000. D
August 2000. d
September 2000. D
October 2000. D
November 2000. <name> (D-XX) is elected president of the United States during the growing crisis around the world, thanks to the general feeling that the Clinton Administration could have done more to prevent it, falls heavily on the shoulders of Vice-President Al Gore who ends up facing a great deal of the blame for the failures of the Clinton Administration’s foreign policy to limit the growth of communist alliances that appear hostile to the United States and its allies all around the world. Instead he lost the Democratic Presidential Nomination Process to <name> (D-XX), a longtime Conservative Democrat who had supported many of Clinton Administration and Republican-controlled Congress instituted domestic policies that had continued to shrink the size of the Federal Government and had announced a policy platform that championed a much more Reagan-esqe foreign policy that would challenge the communist and socialist nations on economic and political fields instead of allowing them a free-reign to spread their influence.
December 2000. D

<month year>. Thanks to the micro-capitalism projects that had been allowed by Soviet Premier Danilov that legalized the underground cottage industries, the economic growth of the East European Communist Bloc states had allowed the East Europeans to enjoy many luxuries that where very similar to those that had been enjoyed by those who live in the West.

<month year>. The Eastern Bloc technological programs are able to catch up with the West thanks to the continued trade and commerce that had been the hallmark of the Clinton Administration policies that ironically had allowed the Eastern Bloc to counter the effects of the Reagan Administration policies that had nearly broke their economy by trying to keep up with the technological advances of the West.

<month year>. Even with tensions that will led to the Sino-Soviet War, the 2000 Olympics is held in <city>, <country> in an effort to promote the efforts to get both sides to participate in peace talks.

<month year>. Sydney, Commonwealth of Australia, hosts the XXVII Summer Olympic Games in hopes of promoting a peaceful resolution to the growing tensions that would eventually lead to the Sino-Soviet War.

<name> 2000. A naval battle between Vietnamese and Chinese warships in the South China Sea results in the sinking of a Soviet frigate that was transiting the area by Chinese missiles. Fighting breaks out along the Soviet-Chinese border. An escalating crisis develops between China and the Soviet Union and both China and the Soviet Union partially mobilize and shift forces to face each other.

<month> 2000. After several tense years of border skirmishes between their border protection forces, full blown open fighting between the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China breaks-out along their shared Siberian border. This fighting will slowly spread to include the Central Asian front when the Chinese bring the rest of the Beijing Pact into the war forcing the Soviets to bring in their own Warsaw Pact allies. Danilov is forced by his cabinet to order a full scale invasion of the PRC in an effort to teach the Chinese a lesson. The initial Soviet objective is to occupy Sinkiang and Manchuria, to break the Chinese Army, and ultimately to humiliate China in an effort to bring the Chinese Communists back into the Soviet fold.

2001: d
January 2001. d
February 2001. Shortly after <name> (D-xx) was sworn into office as President of the United States, he appointed US Army General Jonathan L. Cummings as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff. GEN Cummings is a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran who had been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor due to his valorous conduct under fire during Operation Desert Storm.
March 2001. D
April 2001. The unexpected death of the Vice-President of the United States finds the even more unexpected move by the President, when he nominates <name> (R-xx), the man who had just been his opponent during the Presidential campaign. The two men will end up working well together in establishing the policies that will allow the United States to be able to stand up to and challenge the growing threats against America and their allies.
May 2001. D
June 2001. d
July 2001. D
August 2001. d
September 2001. D
October 2001. D
November 2001. d
December 2001. D

<month> 2001. The Soviets launch the first major offensive against the Peoples Republic of China in an attempt to capitalize on the early successes they had enjoyed during the start of the Sino-Soviet War. Unfortunately, Operation Red Willow was a disaster and forces the Kremlin to turn to their Warsaw Pact client states for additional military forces.

<month> 2001. The East German NVA sends one of its field armies containing its best military units to the Far East front in support of their Soviet allies along with all of its support elements, this is the largest contribution than any of the other Eastern Bloc Soviet client-states will make. The fact that the largest contribution was made by the smallest military forces in the Warsaw Pact, forces other Warsaw Pact states to promise to increase their contributions as soon as they are able. It also allows for the Soviets to approve that the East Germans can increase the size of the NVA. Unfortunately, this will only end up in allowing for the NVA to replace the losses of their finest military units.

<month> 2001. The Republic of Djibouti, the Tunisian Republic and the State of Eritrea join the French-led Mediterranean Alliance.

11 September 2001. A Terrorist attack against the United States occurs, when several cells of al-Qaeda sponsored terrorists hijack several international and transcontinental flights. The terrorists use the airliners to crash into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. The Terrorist acts succeed in the destruction of the World Trade Centre twin towers, and killing almost four hundred Defense Department personnel with the attack against the Pentagon. The two additional airliners that had been hijacked by the al-Qaeda are shot down by United States Air National Guard F15 jet fighters when they attempt to crash into the US Capitol Building and the White House.

12-15 September 2001. Over a five day period of time; the United States carries out a series of missile strikes against al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan and the Sudan to provide cover for a series of surgical assaults carried out by elite units of the United States Special Operations Command. The surgical strikes allow the United States to capture the al-Qaeda leadership, including Osama bin-Laden. The crippling of the al-Qaeda leadership causes the world-wide terror network to fracture.

2002: d
January 2002. d
February 2002. d
March 2002. D
April 2002. d
May 2002. D
June 2002. d
July 2002. D
August 2002. d
September 2002. D
October 2002. D
November 2002. d
December 2002. D

2002. The United States Department of Homeland Security is created in the aftermath of the terror attacks, combined with the alarming amount of hostile forces around the world. The US Department of Homeland Security is tasked with a revamping of Civil Defense and FEMA preparedness for major disasters and any possible wartime national crisis.

2002. The creation of the United States Border Guard, a land based version of the United States Coast Guard that would be responsible for patrolling the Northern and Southern borders of the United States of America that combines military capabilities with law enforcement powers. The US Coast Guard and US Border Guard are both brought under the control of the US Department of Homeland Security.

2002. Östersund, Kingdom of Sweden, was set to host the XIX Winter Olympics. But the anti-Soviet uprisings occurring throughout Central and Eastern Europe will cause the Winter Olympic Games to be called off. Instead the Kingdom of Sweden will use the facilities they had established for the Winter Olympic Games in Östersund to be used for a series of peace talks and summits between the worlds leaders currently engaged in combat around the world.

April 2002. The French-led Mediterranean Alliance launches attacks against NATO Alliance states to support the Hellenic Republic in their dispute with the Republic of Turkey in the Aegean Sea after the localized fighting between Greek and Turkish nationals on the island of Cyprus blows up into open conflict. At first the conflict is limited to the Aegean Sea and Balkan front, but soon the fighting spreads to Central and Western Europe as well.

June 2002. After the destruction of the best NVA divisions that makes up the DDR 5th Army after having being used as nothing more than cannon fodder to allow Soviet units to safely withdraw from active combat engagements, a series of secret talks are held between high-ranking military and civilian officials of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic with the assistance of American and British diplomatic officials. During these talks the agreement that the two German states should remain separate entities is agreed upon, as well as an attempt to remove Soviet forces from the German Democratic Republic so that they would finally be allowed to set their own future.

July 2002. During the naval war in the South China Sea the Soviets have all but destroyed the Chinese People Liberation Army Navy, but has also lost a significant portion of the Soviet Pacific Fleet. The Soviet Union has managed to establish a blockade of the Chinese mainland that has all but stopped most imports into the Peoples Republic of China. The biggest problem for the Soviet blockade has been the fact that Hong Kong is still British territory, and shipping continues to flow through not only that port. But also through the other Foreign Concessions, that exist along the Mainland Chinese coast.

August 2002. North Korea launches a major offensive against South Korea, in an attempt to forcefully annex the southern Korean peninsula in hopes that with the United States and its allies engaged elsewhere would allow them to keep what ever they had gained. But the North Koreans did not expect the South Koreans to accept the Japanese military assistance to protect the Republic of Korea. The unexpected appearance of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces allows the Allies to block the North Korean southern offensive, and the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force alongside the Navy of the Republic of Korea are able to completely destroy the North Korean Naval forces and establish a blockade that cuts it off from any reinforcements from the sea. The Japanese Air Self-Defense Force is able to assist the South Korean Air Force in quickly gaining air superiority over the Korean peninsula. And the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force is able to launch a major offensive against North Korea using amphibious landings to by-pass the heavily mined demilitarized zone.

September 2002. The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army surprises the world when it apparently carries out a major offense against their western allies, and ended up being the recipients of a series of concentrated nuclear strikes that had ended the central government and controlling bodies of the PRC and its military forces. Evidence that the attacks against the Western Allies was undertaken by a rouge Peoples Liberation Army General who wished to establish himself as the next leader of the PRC. Thanks to the nuclear attacks that destroy the country’s infrastructure, the PRC quickly disintegrates as fighting between rival factions within the Peoples Liberation Army and other Chinese political groups’ causes total chaos in the Asia Theater as various warlords spring up overnight declaring their own fiefdoms and empires. Prolonging the war in the region, forcing the US and its allies to kept military assets and forces in the theater attempting to stabilize the region.

2003: d
January 2003. d
February 2003. d
March 2003. D
April 2003. d
May 2003. D
June 2003. d
July 2003. D
August 2003. d
September 2003. D
October 2003. D
November 2003. d
December 2003. D

February 2003. With the major advances being made by South Korea and its allies, the North Korean General Staff carries out a nearly bloodless coup that allows them to sue for peace.

June 2003. After nearly three months of talks, South Korea officially annexes North Korea and places many former North Korean government officials on trail for crimes against humanity and war crimes trials.

2003. Soviet forces are stunned when they encounter extensive stiff resistance from both and Finland when they attempt to cross their territories to carry out an offensive against the Kingdom of Norway. This resistance allows NATO Alliance to deploy reinforcements into Norway, Sweden and Finland.

2003. Soviet Navy attempts to carry out a breakout sortie through the North Sea to carry out operations in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. The largest naval battle since the Spanish Armada was destroyed by the British Royal Navy is fought between the NATO Alliance and Soviet Navy.

2004: d
January 2004. d
February 2004. d
March 2004. D
April 2004. d
May 2004. D
June 2004. d
July 2004. D
August 2004. d
September 2004. D
October 2004. D
November 2004. d
December 2004. D

2004. Several major uprisings in major cities throughout the Warsaw Pact states after the news that the Soviet Union had abused some of their finest military units with the apparently ‘thrown away’ with the use of them as cannon fodder by the Soviet Far East Commander. The most unexpected and prominent resistance had come from those who had been the staunchest and most loyal of the East European Soviet satellite states, the German Democratic Republic. This occurred because the East German liaison officer had overheard the Soviet leaders laughing about how the Germans deserved nothing better than being used as cannon fodder thanks to the actions of the Nazis during the Second World War.

2004. Defense Minister Nikolai Tukhachevsky is able to gain the upper hand in the Kremlin, allowing him to purge Konstantin Danilov after the Premiere returned from talks where he had been trying to negotiate an end to the fighting in Eastern Europe. Mainly because he had been willing to allow the DDR and the other ‘rebellious’ Warsaw Pact states to peacefully leave the Warsaw Pact as long as they remained neutral, and would not be allowed to join the NATO Alliance.

2004. After a short weeklong period of apparent chaos within the Kremlin, Nikolai Tukhachevsky is able to succeed Konstantin Danilov as the Premiere of the Soviet Union and Secretary General of the Communist Party. One of Tukhachevky’s first acts as the Soviet Premiere is the purge of many of the Danilovians whom where in positions of authority in the Soviet armed forces, and prominent Soviet government officials. Instead of the purge killing the Danilovians, they are assigned to military operations on the Far Eastern Front against the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army.

17 <month> 2004. The international media is shocked when Dan Rather is arrested by the Tukhachevky Regime and is tried by a Soviet military tribunal as a spy. Rather had travelled to Moscow so he could interview Danilov after the completion of the peace talks. Instead he was able to give the first and only interview with Nikolai Tukhachevky, an interview that did not put the new Soviet Premier in a less than generous light. Many feel this is why the Tukhachevky regime ordered the arrest of Dan Rather. Sometime in mid-July 2006, Dan Rather will be executed by a firing squad after having spent two grueling years in a Soviet prison labor camp.

2005: d
January 2005. d
February 2005. d
March 2005. D
April 2005. d
May 2005. D
June 2005. d
July 2005. D
August 2005. d
September 2005. D
October 2005. D
November 2005. d
December 2005. D

2005. Shortly after the Soviet Forces in Germany have been forced to withdraw out of East Germany, the leadership of the NATO Alliance attempts to open peace talks with the Soviet Union to end the conflict. The new civilian government of the German Democratic Republic is elected, and comes to power. The Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic officially start talks to formalize their continued existence as two separate national entities.

2005. When attempts to get the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact to accept negotiation to end the fighting in Eastern Europe the NATO Alliance launches a major offensive across the border into Poland, in an attempt to link up with pro-democracy and pro-NATO forces.

2005. The Italian Republic launches an offensive into the Federal Socialist Republics of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Austria; and they are backed by expeditionary units of the other Mediterranean Alliance members.

2005. The Italian military operations into Austria and Yugoslavia forces the Swiss Confederation to officially declare itself in a state of armed neutrality, after the destruction of an elite Italian Alpine battalion when one of the Italian Alpine Brigades had attempted to use Swiss territory to launch their offensive into Austria when the Swiss used tactical nuclear explosives to close the passes into their country.

2006: d
January 2006. d
February 2006. d
March 2006. D
April 2006. d
May 2006. D
June 2006. d
July 2006. D
August 2006. d
September 2006. D
October 2006. D
November 2006. d
December 2006. D

<month> 2006. The first exchanges of nuclear weapons occur in the Western Hemisphere only after NATO forces that had been spearheaded by the German First Army crossed the pre-war Soviet-Polish border. Both NATO Alliance and the Warsaw Pact nations limit their nuclear strikes to obvious military targets, while the Beijing Pact had already used the majority of its nuclear arsenal while having fought against the Soviet Union in Siberia, Mongolia and Central Asia.

2007: d
January 2007. d
February 2007. d
March 2007. D
April 2007. d
May 2007. D
June 2007. d
July 2007. D
August 2007. d
September 2007. D
October 2007. D
November 2007. The first nuclear attack is carried out against the continental United States occurs with the first strike that is made against Washington, D.C. on Thanksgiving Day in an attempt to decapitate the American leadership. The nuclear attack will become known as the Thanksgiving Day Massacre by the Western Media. Thanks to the constant reports made by the American Media trying to keep the American citizens updated on the evacuation plans of the Civil Defense Corps and FEMA, provides the Soviet Union with a great deal of valuable intelligence on the American war plans. The Soviets use this information to use both conventional and nuclear weapons to hopefully pressure the Americans to either sue for peace or pressure them to accept a cease fire.
December 2007. D

2008: During the course of 2008 the United States and its allies will force the majority of the Havana pact nations to sue for peace, leaving only the three major power players within the Havana Pact remaining engaged in combat.
January 2008. d
February 2008. d
March 2008. D
April 2008. d
May 2008. D
June 2008. After a series of limited nuclear exchanges between the NATO Alliance and the Warsaw Pact, the surviving leadership of NATO and the Soviet Union agree to a nuclear cease fire; but conventional fighting continues but at a much lower level.
July 2008. After continued horrifying losses suffered by the not only the Venezuelan armed forces, but the suffering of the average Venezuelan citizens prompts a group of officers and men to carry out a coup that overthrows the Chavez regime. Replacing it with a provisional military junta, that immediately orders the withdrawal of Venezuelan armed forces form active combat missions until they can officially be ‘refitted, resupplied and reinforced.’ The new government silently opens negotiations with the United States.
August 2008. The new military junta ruling over Venezuela presents the former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to the United States representatives in chains during the treaty signing ceremony on the flight deck of the American aircraft carrier <d> (CVN-xx).
September 2008. Despite the major political and military losses taken by the Havana Pact, both Mexico and Cuba continue their combined offensive into the American Southwest with having to rely upon only the oil reserves having been provided by the Mexican oil wells with the loss of the Venezuelan oil and gas refineries that had allowed their forces to maintain the Havana Pact offenses.
October 2008. D
November 2008. d
December 2008. D

2009: d
January 2009. The French-led Mediterranean Alliance invades and occupies the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of Belgium, the southern provinces of the Kingdom of Netherlands, and the German Rhineland during an attempt to establish a physical barrier to keep refugees out of France. The invasion allowed the French to capture many of the government officials of the Federal Republic of Germany while they had been at the West German capitol in Bonn debating the possibility that East and West Germany should unify. Many outside observers express their feelings that this was the actual desired goal of the French-led invasion, to keep the two German states from unifying to create the German Federal Republic. And it was ironic that the invasion that was intended to stop German Unification is exactly what forced the two German states to actually agree to unification.
February 2009. d
March 2009. D
April 2009. d
May 2009. The combined military might of the US Marine Corps and US Navy are able to force the surrender of the Republic of Cuba after the capture of Havana. With the capture of the Castro brothers and the leadership of the ruling Cuban Communist Party, the majority of the Cuban military forces feel secure enough to surrender. Only those units attached to Mexican military command structures continue to fight on, mainly because they are unable to surrender or return home. The influx of those Cuban exiles that had been living in the United States will allow the reconstruction of Cuba and the quick recovery of its economy. Alone by itself, Mexico will continue to fight.
June 2009. The last major NATO offensive against the Soviet and Warsaw Pact forces is launched by the German Third Field Army, and spearheaded by the US XI Corps. Unfortunately, the NATO Offensive is blunted with the destruction of the US 5th Infantry (Mechanized) Division when it is overrun by the Soviet counteroffensive. The destruction of the US 5th ID ends up stopping the both NATO offensive and Soviet counter-offensive because the Soviets are forced to hunt down and destroy the surviving elements of the US 5th Infantry (mechanized) division that have been trapped behind enemy lines. The need to eliminate these surviving elements to secure their rear areas has caused the Soviets to stop their counter-offensive.
July 2009. D
August 2009. d
September 2009. d
October 2009. D
November 2009. The US European Command engages Operation Omega to evacuate the majority of the United States Armed Forces personnel and their dependents from the European theater. The French attempts to stop the US evacuation, but ends up causing a major NATO offensive that will lead to the NATO allies in the liberation of the German and Dutch Rhineland from the control of the Franco-Belgian Union. The offensive will also secure the liberation of the Flemish Community of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
December 2009. d

2010: d
January 2010. d
February 2010. Italian forces withdraw back into their pre-war Italian borders in an attempt to regain control over their own homeland from the control of both marauders and the Mafioso families.
March 2010. The short and brutal fighting against the Franco-Belgian Union and NATO ends with a treaty that will create two new states; the Republic of Flanders from the Flemish community of Belgium and the creation of the neutral state of the Federal Republic of Alsace-Lorraine that includes the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg that will separate the French Republic and the German Federal Republic.
April 2010. The Republic of Austria and the former Yugoslavian Republic of Slovenia formally unify to create the Federal Republic of Austria-Slovenia. This is followed by the complete dissolution of the Czechoslovakian Socialist Republic, the western half becomes the Federal Republic of Bohemia-Markova to completely remove itself from the government of the Czechoslovakian-era, while the eastern half will become the Slovakian Peoples Republic.
May 2010. D
June 2010. The government of United Socialist States of Mexico is overthrown by a group of field colonels and several members of the Mexican Joint Chiefs-of-Staff, the military junta opens negotiations with the American government while ordering all Mexican Armed Forces to return to the pre-war Mexican-American borders.
July 2010. D
9 July 2010. The end of the unofficial civil war between the US MilGov and CivGov occurs, with the reapplication of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights that ensures the limits to the powers of the Federal Government, and agreements between the two factions for the recovery of the country are agreed to. The two factions unify to ensure the ultimate defeat of the Alliance for a Progressive New America by July 2011.
August 2010. d
September 2010. D
October 2010. D
November 2010. d
December 2010. D

NATO Alliance
Mediterranean Alliance (Southern Europe & Northern Africa)
Warsaw Pact (Eastern Europe)
Havana Pact (Central & South America)
Beijing Pact (Asia & Pacific Rim)
Congo Pact (Africa)
Baghdad Pact (The Middle East)
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