Originally Posted by pmulcahy11b
That makes me think of something -- all those suburban lawns may be full of weeds in T2K, some which may be useful.
Although this is starting to sound like it should be in the survival skills thread, there is a very definite plus in what you suggest. Many plants we consider weeds now have other uses that we in our modern age have simply forgotten. Another area that isn't exploited much these days in the Western World is rocks/minerals.
Sounds daft at first but consider the benefits of having a stockpile of rocks, they may be talc, sulphur, graphite, flint and so on. Anyone passing by just sees a pile of rocks lying around the place and would think they are useless. But all of those mentioned have uses that include being used as powders to slow/stop bleeding (minor wounds) to antiseptics (sulphur powder would be familiar to WW2 veterans from their first aid kits) making firestarters and so on.
There are many more but I don't know enough about it, these are just some of the things I half-remember from an article I read many years ago about life in the 1800s.