Land Mines at Kalisz
While I was rocking my son in preparation for his mid-day nap, I was thinking about Escape from Kalisz. We had a thread discussing the volume of land mines in Poland. I found myself thinking about this in conjunction with having NATO troops escape southward from Kalisz. There is a wooded area south of the city where players generally are assumed to start. At one point a couple of summers ago I sketched the plot for an Escape from Kalisz novel. I envisioned the party moving south through the woods to an east-west road, where they would ambush a Soviet convoy. The problem is that these woods are probably rotten with land mines. Wildlife will have set off some of them, and the pattern probably does not look much like a standard minefield anyway. However, given the nature of the fighting in Poland in 1997, it’s hard to believe that there is anyplace west of the Vistula that doesn’t have at least a random scattering of AP mines. This is going to be a real problem in moving through the woods. The trails, which is where the vehicles are going to have to go, may very well have AT mines on them or be the location of an ambush. A foot unit will have to go first. AP mines will make their lives hazardous and maybe quite brief.
Any thoughts on this, guys?