Backstory Trailer
Homefront's first trailer was entirely focused on the events that lead up to the decline and subsequent occupation of the US by the Greater Korean Republic.[12] Based on that trailer the events are:
* 2011: North Korea's weapons program grows significantly, leading to sanctions by the UN
* 2012: Kim Jong-il dies at 71. He is succeeded by his son Kim Jong-un
* 2013: Kim Jong-un reunites North Korea and South Korea under North Korean rule.
* 2015: Gas prices rise to $20 a gallon in the United States, destabilizing the country
* 2017: The US Dollar collapses and the US Military begins to downgrade its foreign presence
* 2018: Japan surrenders to the Greater Korean Republic, forming an 'alliance' (e.g. being capitalized into a vassal state of sorts)
* 2022: The United States' economic system collapses totally
* 2024: Koreans annex many nations in East Asia
* 2025: GKR attacks the US
* 2025: An EMP hidden in a communications satellite is used to completely disable US infrastructure
* 2025: GKR forces seize Hawaii
* 2025: Cyber attack takes down hardened sites
* 2025: Korean troops control San Francisco
* 2026: US military is scattered