Improvised weapons and equipment
Now what interesting and often unreliable weapons and equipment have my fellow posters come up with over the years?
Me I've been known to come up with some strange and sometimes juvinile equipment for special occations. hence the Dildo cannon.
Now our parties resident mechanic and gadget freak had been collecting up a whole bunch of fired off baton rounds. You know the stuff used for riot control. they also collected up a half dozen be used as barrels. They found the time to do a bit of weilding and machineing. the result was the dildo cannon. a six barrel volleygun intended to cow angry mobs into submission. the idea was that you rammed a black poweder charge down the barrels and then topped it off with a baton. The poor fool mixed up the smokeless powder with the black and when they went to fire it...their body armor saved theim from some real nasty damage as they were using riot modified ballistic armor. they got 10s for height and distance but only a 7 on the faceplant landing.