Originally Posted by Ronin
Hi new guy here. While I have opinions about the AA-12. I think I will stay away from that flame war. Anyways, I remember reading somewhere (Cant remember where for the life of me.) that the USAS is very picky about ammo. If you run anything but 2, 3/4 remmington 00 buck in it. It jams up like a son of gun. Just some food for thought.
It's not picky with the loads I have tried, which have been Winchester, Federal, and Remington(00 buck, slugs, and #4 buckshot. I have not tried using any low base loads, and I could see that being a probelm like with most semi-autos. The USAS-12 is chambered for 3inch loads, but the kicker like most, if not all magazine fed shotguns is they can only fit 2 3/4 shells in their magazines. One shotgun that I have seen be picky is the SPAS-12. It seemed to like Winchester and Federal. The Remington loads sometimes had issues. The big probelms with the USAS-12 is its fucking heavy, bulky, and slow and cumbersome to reload. Honestly I have not yet had a jam, key word YET. I used to have a Saiga 12 and that actually jammed twice on me on only 60 rounds. But then again to be fair, Saiga 12's are more just custom guns so each one will be different.