Originally Posted by Nowhere Man 1966
It's the old argument, would the Russians want to lose Moscow for Kiev? Leningrad for Kherson?
Actually If I were in the Ukrainian drive seat I wouldn't use the nuke on Russian soil. That would be a prelude to opening the gates of hell. I would use it on my own soil where the invading Russian troops are concentrated (and coincidentally quite a lot of my undesirable ethnic Russian civilians)...
(note that this only applies to the first nuke, after that....)
Originally Posted by Nowhere Man 1966
I think this teaches one thing, perhaps you can count on some friends but when you cannot count on them or they can't help you, you got to take care of yourself.
Yep. Any treaty is only a piece of paper.
That's why the contrast between Obama's betrayal of Mubarak (Egypt) and Putin's support of Assad (Syria) resonates so loudly.