Title: The Inland Waterway: Supplemental Material for Red Star/Lone Star
Author: William H. Keith, Jr
Challenge Issue No27, pages 6 to 8 then continued on page 22.
Published: sometime around the end of 1986.
It would be a bit of luck to find a printed copy these days but if you have the spare dollars, Far Future Enterprises has PDF copies for purchase either individually through places like DrivethruRPG (and the price is discounted at the moment) http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/...Magazine-No-27
or on the 1st edition or 2nd edition CD-ROMs of T2k. FFE also offer a CD-ROM of all the Challenge mags. http://www.farfuture.net/FFE-CDROMs.html
The T2k disks cost US$35 each, the Challenge disk cost US$45
the pdf versions are very good ones - good scan quality