How do you handle vehicular combat?
Hello all! I watched Fury while playing GT Mius Front the other day. And I was thinking, how do you all handle Armored combat and damage? I work off and on with my own version of rules that are simple and effective. I am going to admit that I have only been in tanks twice, and APCs occasionally, and I will admit to never been shot at in either. So, my experience is limited to movies and what I've read. So could I get some ideas on what you all do?
I see that ricochets could be fairly common with AP type of rounds. I would think that hitting an APC with a main gun from a tank is disastrous either way. And Twilights armor ratings are applicable to a 90 degree shot, which is rare. But what about Tank vs Tank or IFV vs IFV combat? How would you all handle ricochets? Subsystem damage with HEAT vs Sabot? What about Spalling? Is that even applicable to vehicles designed since say the 60's?