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Old 01-21-2010, 10:36 PM
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Default Twilight forum from FFE

ReHerakhte 05-23-2004, 12:39 AM Has anyone else been over to Far Future Enterprises and looked at their forums?

Not a lot of traffic compared to here but some discussions worth looking at all the same. None of the people posting there seem familiar to me (as in names, writing style, sigs etc.) so there might be some 'new blood' to be found there.

They can be found at travellerrpg.com Twilight forum (http://www.travellerrpg.com/cgi-bin/...f=29&submit=Go)




TR 05-23-2004, 12:40 PM Yeah I agree, I dropped by there when this site crashed and had a look. I saw some familiar names and some similiar writing styles. Still it's a young section to the forum, February of last year but it is great to see discussion of Twilight growing beyond this site.

Hopefully soon we all have new reprints or new content to be talking about.



Andy-Shot 05-24-2004, 01:20 AM If you try and move Twilight too far into the future you will loose the essence of the orignal game, and it will turn into a Sci-Fi game that mind as well be a stand alone game. In 2033 we have no idea what the average combat solider will look like, and you will loose the familiarity that Twilight 2000 allowed. Alot of people could visualize what a solider looked like in 1984, now try and explain some abstract super gadgeted solider that would follow along the lines of a cyberpunk game.

I could care less that real world has eclipsed the twilight world. After all, there werent really dragons and trolls in the middle ages....

If you wanted to "update" twilight, you would only be able to advance maybe 10 years or so, and would have to speculate what world conflicts are going on today which could trigger a world war (and there are plenty).


ReHerakhte 05-24-2004, 07:14 AM I pretty much agree with Andy-Shot about the Twilight 2033 setting. We have seen a number of items in real life being looked at for the future soldier concepts of the USA, France, the UK and even in Australia but one thing stands out about all of them, the power source i.e. batteries, is still either too big to haul around or too small to carry a charge for long enough.

Now there might be a development just around the corner in regards to this, but who knows for sure? Those of us who lean towards the tech-nerd or gear-nerd side (like myself, on both counts!) might be prepared to spend money on books to get this information but try explaining the future soldier concept to a Player who is technology-illiterate or just wants to play a grunt and is only concerned with how much extra crap he has to carry.

I kinda feel that the "2033" label is FFE's way of putting their own twist to the basic game - perhaps they think it will spur the buying public into the same level of support T2k in versions 1, 2 & 2.2 had (and still have) but I do feel that it takes the game too far into the future for Players to feel for the game the way we do about the original editions. Half the appeal of T2k for me was the fact that it was modelled on the fears my parents had about the Superpowers and the threat of nuclear war, this is something all our parents lived through and most of us here either lived through or grew up in the last decade of.

Anyway, just my random brain-farts on the matter...




Andy-Shot 06-08-2004, 05:10 PM I could see like a 2010 update using real world events such as the emergence of China as a world power, the EU versus the UN conflicts for dominance in world affairs, the future conflicts surrounding the Middle Eastern nations and the United States, or North Korea invading South Korea to involve China... Pakistan and India re-ignite into conflict... I mean hell, there are plenty of plot hooks that could spin the immediate future into a twilight 2000-esk enviroment.

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