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Old 01-22-2010, 12:05 AM
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Default Silly request from players ?

Antenna 10-24-2004, 11:49 AM What kind of silly request have you got thru GMing thur the years ?

Can tell one....

Sunblocker No 100,000,000,000 against nukes

Player with request -> http://www.ludd.ltu.se/users/antenna/wedgie.gif <- Antenna the allmighty GM



Ed the Coastie 10-24-2004, 06:48 PM Don't know if this counts, since I wasn't the GM for this particular game, but I recall a player once asking the GM how much it would cost for his character to buy an English-Russian phrasebook.

The wierdest request that I ever fielded as a GM was a PC who wanted to start off the game with a six-pack of ice-cold beer. After giving it some though, I allowed it as a Difficult task of Scrounging...and he did it.


TR 10-24-2004, 06:54 PM Well my friend Aaron was always impressionable as a teen-ager so during the 80's when were playing the game he had to have his PC be equipped with a 44 Automag to begin with. Having read the Executioner series of books by Don Pendelton he had to have that big handgun, after seeing Predator he wanted a Six Pac Minigun on a backpack mount just like Jessie Ventura...

Oh well it was fun anyhow to see the look on his face when we added up the weight of all components, once he realized his PC's spine would telescope just trying to lift it he decided to keep the Automag for his BFG.




pmulcahy 10-25-2004, 01:09 AM During the campaign I ran while stationed in Korea, my friend Eric wanted a '57 Chevy -- with a mount for a Ma-Deuce on top. I let him have it, but secretly assigned a 25% chance that it would shake off the mount and damage the roof per combat round of fire -- which it did the first round. I also made the gun hit his player in the face and give the PC a fat lip just to drive the point home.

I've had players ask for a lot of minor stuff that was strange but I let them have -- beer, soda, candy, etc. Toilet paper, for some reason, was a common request.


TiggerCCW UK 10-25-2004, 05:17 AM Paul - I played in a Cthulhu game where a player wanted that with a Model T ford!!

The strangest request that I have ever had from a T2K player was for a Katana. Every game we play from D&D to Cthulhu to T2K he is basically the same character - a ninja, with great martial arts skills, great archery skills and great explosivex/demolitions skills where appropriate. In the T2K game in question he was playing an F15 pilot (I'd set the game earlier in the war) who was shot down just as the game started, and he wanted to be carrying the Katana when he ejected. I asked him to explain how and why he had it with him and was told 'Its my lucky Katana!! It goes everywhere with me.' I refused it on the grounds of space in the cockpit (Was I unduly harsh?) and he spent the rest of the game looking for martial arts stores to loot.


Andy-Shot 10-25-2004, 07:41 PM During the campaign I ran while stationed in Korea, my friend Eric wanted a '57 Chevy -- with a mount for a Ma-Deuce on top. I let him have it, but secretly assigned a 25% chance that it would shake off the mount and damage the roof per combat round of fire -- which it did the first round. I also made the gun hit his player in the face and give the PC a fat lip just to drive the point home.

I've had players ask for a lot of minor stuff that was strange but I let them have -- beer, soda, candy, etc. Toilet paper, for some reason, was a common request.

If you were playing with people in the military, then toliet paper is not a strange request. Its amazing how quick you miss the things you take for granted.


Grimace 10-25-2004, 08:45 PM Two things my players have asked for:

Like TR mentioned, my players always seemed to want that six pack minigun as seen in Predator.

The other thing that a player always wanted were 30mm grenades (for the M-203) with Nerve Gas warheads. :skullt:

Yeah...right! :no:


pmulcahy 10-25-2004, 11:04 PM If you were playing with people in the military, then toliet paper is not a strange request. Its amazing how quick you miss the things you take for granted.

Actually, I was being a bit facetious. We alsways went out with plenty of toilet paper if we could. When you're light, you can't bring much, but when I was in mechanized infantry, we had TONS of it!


Last edited by kato13; 02-08-2010 at 02:18 AM.
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