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Default The (Insert Name of Alien Critters) Are Coming!!!!!

Frank Frey 09-21-2005, 08:34 AM


I've been doing some research and writing on the whole "Alien Invasion" theme. I've picked the Kafers as the invaders and the summer of 2001 when they strike a war torn Earth. It seemed the logical time and place. The Earth's militaries have pretty well exhausted themselves. Now wouldn't that be a monkey wrench to throw at your players.

BTW, has anyone statted out the Kafers for the T2K V2.2 system yet?

Frank Frey


abaumgartg 09-21-2005, 09:21 AM I ran something like this a long time ago. The war hadn't progressed as much as in t2k, but the world was hurtin'. The game was based, in part, on "Childhood's End" by Arthur C. Clark (I think). The aliens made their presence known, and basically took over, by hovering all major cities in their ships. The aliens themselves were never seen. Enter our blundering PC's... :mean:


Jason Weiser 09-21-2005, 06:26 PM Nope,

But Kafers...YIKES! They're bad enough with 2300 AD tech to handle. I would'nt be adverse to a small Kafer scouting party in a one-off, but this...I dunno Frank. I think it'd be better for game balance if they came in a Merc:2000 universe...hmmm...perhaps a tie in to the Twilight Nightmares adventure in the Amazon? Say the Merc was hired by a consortium that wanted Earth to be aware of the possibility alien life was coming, but was hampered by the League's no-contact protocols. Kafers were coming towards Earth, and that was bad for buisness, so the consortium sends the merc, tells him to make trouble and get caught, then warn the Earthlings about what's coming?


firewalker 09-22-2005, 09:26 PM For a twilight sinero it would probably be best to handicap the kafers some how.

Instead of an invasion fleet how about:

Refugees, they lost a war with somebody else (hole different alien spices or a civil war sort of thing), or some sort of natural disaster (there's no planet for them to go back to, so it's going to be a little harder to force them off ours). Eater way this is the remnants, what ever is left form there society/army/what ever so the PC won't have to worry about reinforcement or even much in the way of resupply ( might even have the kafers be seen scavenging human equipment to replace there losses over time).

Vikings: there just here to set up a few small temporary camps or bases to be used in the acquisition of "resources". mining (actually digging stuff out of the ground or prospecting destroyed cities ), logging/fishing/slaving camps, and off course just good old raiding . There not planning to stay and aren't going to invest but so much manpower and equipment in dealing with the local natives.

Were lost?: they had an oops. The dude in charge of navigation forgot to carry the one and they popped out of hyper space in the wrong solar system. What's more they popped out to close to something or other (sun, Jupiter, asteroid belt, the hubal space telescope) so not only are they lost but there ship or ship's are damaged. No light speed and were far enough from the "designated flight plane" that there's no hope of a rescue party form home

As an aside this is one of my favorite wired T:2000 ideas. Exept I've always wanted to include the uss constitution from gateway to the Spanish main for some reason?


abaumgartg 09-24-2005, 12:19 PM As an aside this is one of my favorite wired T:2000 ideas. Exept I've always wanted to include the uss constitution from gateway to the Spanish main for some reason?

Please do elaborate


Webstral 09-26-2005, 10:23 AM Sadist!


firewalker 09-27-2005, 11:52 PM A lot of this has to do specifically with my version of T2, so mileage may vary.

The constitution has been working it's way up the eastern sea board for a few month's now stopping at any functional port's to trade for cargo (trade and supplies) as well as picking up mail. You have just started a run up the Chesapeake bay partially following rumors of a active coast guard station.

The ship has passed the night at anchor just far enough from the shore to provide security. The local shore line is convoluted with a broad expanse of pebble and rock beach doted with flood snags. Once passed this flood plane there is a moderately tall bank that rises sharply but not vary far to heavy woods. Breakfast is just winding down and the day watch will begin preparing the ship to get back underway at any moment.

There is a sudden commotion as three men came running out of the tree line and down the bank. Viewed with field glasses one appears to be warring a state troopers uniform the other two in the standard mix of fatigues and hunting clothes worn by most militia men. The men are shouting and waving there hands over there heads one has even taken off his jacket and began to wave it. The ships officers and members of the shore party (*) have quickly gathered on deck to asses the situation and decide on a response.

However almost as soon as the last deck sentry had taken up there position or the last of the CO party had made it to the deck a bright beam of light comes out of the forest striking the farthest back of the figures on the shore . As the man is thrown forward with with the back of his shirt burning the other two figures emedially dive into the water apparently planning to swim out to the constitution

No more than a few seconds after the shot before the crew even has a chance to absorb the rapidly changing situation the reason for the head long flight of the two surviving men became clear. As a squad of man sized cockroaches (#) with asult rifels came running out of the tree line.

*I.e the PC's

#or what ever alien you prefer

Well this is kind of the opening blurb, if anybody's interested in more detail (were and how the kaffers came to be here, what the PC could or should do about it, motivations and you no that sort of stuff) let me no


Lindgaard 09-28-2005, 02:26 AM Hi there !

I actually had the Saurials, 7 foot lizardman aliens from Eden studios' Conspiracy-X game, show up in my last TW2000 campaign.

They were trying to take over the earth, but since there are very few surviving Sarials due to a disaster in their past, they have to be careful.

Since they have Matter-Energy conversion, they can make any equipment they need, and they can change their body to human form.

The pc' ran into one of them in Krakow, and later a whole castle full of them, all posing as Spetznaz. . . After that, the PC's would shoot any large russian or pole on sight in case they were aliens !




Frank Frey 09-29-2005, 01:17 PM Good Ideas. It's great to see that T2K players haven't lost any of their creativity.

I've started watching "Threshold". That's a very interesting take on the alien invasion theme. IIRC, one of the proposals on the old T2K GPS Survey was for something called Twilight:Contingency Force. This concept called for a small highly trained group of operatives to counter various and sundry threats including perhaps extraterrestial ones.

Here's another idea. What if the Invaders are not from another planet but from another dimension. What if they looked almost exactly like us and had a warrior code that only allowed them to use technology slightly in advance of ours? That would be interesting.

Frank Frey


firewalker 09-29-2005, 10:31 PM I like a more strait forward nut's and bolt's thing my self. Less high weirdness and paranoid conspiracy more, well like the rest of TK but these murders are from realy far off.

What do ya'll think about the aliens being non governmental? Instead of some sort of official invasion force or what ever there just a bunch of pirates. Just another criminal/marauder gang taking advantage of the brake down civilization to do a little shopping.

You could have a mix of alien spices armed with a mix of weapons and equipment. You could get a little creative with the make up and it makes it kind of easy to scall the enemy to your players. The alien's might even end up requiting some of the local human marauders.

and sorry about my spelling yall


TR 10-07-2005, 08:39 AM I think my PC's and NPC's would be of the opinion no matter how ugly the enemy looks, no matter how mean or foul their breath is in the morning... if it bleeds we can kill it.

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