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Old 01-22-2010, 12:29 AM
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Default Natural and man made defences on the Cumberland Gap

Blackrider 10-12-2005, 02:05 AM A few months ago, my wife and i was back in the US and did the typical tourist things, one of the areas we visited was the Cumberland gap region.

the one thing that struck me, that would be intersting in T:2K was the flood walls and dikes that were built around the towns of Pineville and Middlesbrough Ky. to protect them from the flood prone cumberland river. these types of walls , measuring over 2m high, have solid steel reinforced gates that or suppose to be closed after flood warning is sounded. the towns all along the cumberland rivier in that region of the state have these types of wall.

since the river snakes its way around these towns, the walls surrounding most of them on three sides, :wallbash:

in Twilight, these walls would give the towns a natural defensive priemeter, for those inside these towns, but that would mean the New American Cell would be very dug in behind fixed fortifications.

the 2nd item of interst in the Cumberland gap, is the cumberland gap Tunnel, it was finished in 1996, meaning it would be there in T:2K, and is the main roadway thru, (or should i say under) the Gap..

been working on these details for a campaign anyone interest in what i came up with?


thefusilier 10-12-2005, 06:08 AM I can't remember exactly but wasn't that area a New America stronghold. I think I read that in one of the Challenge articles. Good info, I never knew about the walls you mentioned. I guess I will store that away with all the rest of the great stuff that is posted here for my own Twilight material.


DeaconR 10-13-2005, 08:14 AM Actually I'm glad you posted this, because it suggests some really cool possibilities for the NA cell in the area which the game actually doesn't develop that much. Though in my campaign's case it will make the fact that the 184th Infantry Brigade is supposed to evacuate through the Gap very interesting...


Blackrider 10-13-2005, 08:26 PM here is a couple of other facts...

at middlesborogh airport, the have on display an functioning P-38 lightening, the glacier gal, it was recovored from a glacier in greenland were it crashed back in 1944, it has been fully restored and is on display there. gives possibilites of the NA cell having Air Support,

another thing i didnt mention is that with the opening of the tunnel, they closed the old roadway thru the gap and have restored it to its original state.

meaning that there is only the road tunnel and a old train tunnel that links both ends of the gap..

one more side note, there is a small museum dedicated to abraham lincoln in the Tennessee side of the gap, what do you think the NA cell would do with it?


DeaconR 10-14-2005, 08:10 AM I can't imagine the New Americans doing anything too nice to the Abraham Lincoln museum. However, it might be something that necessity would make them overlook. It could be used as an object in an adventure, in fact. The players discover a New American plan for a search and destroy mission, with the objective itself being something of a mystery or even misleading.


pmulcahy 10-14-2005, 08:37 AM I can imagine something quite different: While the Abraham Lincoln Museum might have little to no survival value, it could have great political value for a new/rebuilding government of America.


DeaconR 10-14-2005, 12:20 PM Ah, but you could easily blend the two and make it almost like an American version of "Black Madonna".

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