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Old 01-03-2011, 10:47 PM
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Default Regarding Implausible Timelines

From the upcoming THQ first-person shooter, HOMEFRONT, written by John Milius (instantly recognizable as the author of Red Dawn and Apocalypse Now):

Originally Posted by Wikipedia


Backstory Trailer

Homefront's first trailer was entirely focused on the events that lead up to the decline and subsequent occupation of the US by the Greater Korean Republic.[12] Based on that trailer the events are:

* 2011: North Korea's weapons program grows significantly, leading to sanctions by the UN
* 2012: Kim Jong-il dies at 71. He is succeeded by his son Kim Jong-un
* 2013: Kim Jong-un reunites North Korea and South Korea under North Korean rule.
* 2015: Gas prices rise to $20 a gallon in the United States, destabilizing the country
* 2017: The US Dollar collapses and the US Military begins to downgrade its foreign presence
* 2018: Japan surrenders to the Greater Korean Republic, forming an 'alliance' (e.g. being capitalized into a vassal state of sorts)
* 2022: The United States' economic system collapses totally
* 2024: Koreans annex many nations in East Asia
* 2025: GKR attacks the US
* 2025: An EMP hidden in a communications satellite is used to completely disable US infrastructure
* 2025: GKR forces seize Hawaii
* 2025: Cyber attack takes down hardened sites
* 2025: Korean troops control San Francisco
* 2026: US military is scattered
Official game site:


Plausibility aside, I expect I'll be playing the shit out of this come March 11 based on name recognition alone. That and that it would seem Milius (semi-) completely ripped off Keith's 2013 background - albeit with slightly different Asian bad guys and an elongated timeline.

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Old 01-04-2011, 02:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Snake Eyes View Post
From the upcoming THQ first-person shooter, HOMEFRONT, written by John Milius (instantly recognizable as the author of Red Dawn and Apocalypse Now):

Official game site:


Plausibility aside, I expect I'll be playing the shit out of this come March 11 based on name recognition alone. That and that it would seem Milius (semi-) completely ripped off Keith's 2013 background - albeit with slightly different Asian bad guys and an elongated timeline.

HA, rock on! That's awesome. The world's poorest nation taking over and oppressing the world's richest. Clearly, Milus is going back to the well again and again. What really cheesed me off about the Red Dawn remake was the terrible paint scheme on the Chinese APCs. At least they could have looked at a photo and tried to copy the cool digital vehicle camo, instead of going with cliched black with red trim. I mean, seriously, who uses that scheme, C.O.B.R.A.?

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Old 01-05-2011, 09:52 AM
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I don't think Corba is short to something at least not the GI Joe comic book I remember

Yo Joe
I will not hide. I will not be deterred nor will I be intimidated from my performing my duty, I am a Canadian Soldier.
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Old 01-05-2011, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by rcaf_777 View Post
I don't think Corba is short to something at least not the GI Joe comic book I remember

Yo Joe

I see you are correct, they don't have a cool acronym like S.P.E.C.T.R.E.(SPecial Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion). Is that a "fail" for me not knowing, or you for knowing?

This comes from me really only knowing about the old GI Joe with the "Kung-Fu Grip!". My wife is far more familiar with the modern GI Joe products than I. "Now I know, and knowing is half the battle!" is a catchphrase in our household.

And who of that age could forget the awesome commercials for Planet of the Apes action figures circa 1975?



Last edited by helbent4; 01-05-2011 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 01-05-2011, 04:41 PM
Fusilier Fusilier is offline
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Originally Posted by helbent4 View Post
"Now I know, and knowing is half the battle!" is a catchphrase in our household.
What's the other half?

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Old 01-05-2011, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Fusilier View Post
What's the other half?

Bloody hilarious! My wife also approves.

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