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Old 05-20-2014, 09:55 PM
Capt Gideon Capt Gideon is offline
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Default No Abrams, more likely T-55

What electronics and transformers that aren't wiped out by EMP will be taken out by tin whiskers and similar traits that plague electronics. While the electronics in an Abrams might survive the nuclear exchange, they don't keep the spare parts and test equipment needed to maintain and repair the tank in hardened storage areas. And unlike the M48, M60, M103 tanks which could be operated without any electronics and even had manual operation for training the turret and elevating the gun, the M1 tank is nothing by an oversized paperweight without its electronics. The turret was said to be too heavy for manual operation and unlike the simple gasoline and diesel engines of earlier tanks, the gas turbine has a very sophisticated electronic fuel control and operating system. The M48, M60 & M103 all had optical sights in addition to the electronic and IR sights, not the Abrams, all the optics are electronic. The M1 is also a fuel hog. The gas turbine takes five times the fuel that the multi-fuel piston engine of the Leopard2A6. So where a Leopard2A6 would need one fuel truck to support it getting to an objective, the M1A2 would need 5 fuel trucks to reach the same objective. Not a big deal back in the 1970s when it was designed to fight a defensive war in Europe.

But if you wanted to equipped your own army to be awakened 30 years after the war in a more tolerant age you would want simple rugged designs that are easy to repair and maintain, plus that can be put into production with much greater ease. So starting in the 1970s when the USSR starts selling off old hardware You start buying T-54 and later T-55 tanks. Over 20,000 T-55 were produced just for the export market by USSR, not including what China and Warsaw Pact countries. JS-2K, JS-3M and T-10M heavy tanks along with ISU-152K/M Assault/Anti-Tank Guns were also heavily sold off in the 70s & 80s after modernizations. The T-54/55 series saw the widest array of variants based on the hull, including ARV, CEV, flame thrower tanks, mine sweepers, etc. To equipped a mixed armored Infantry division with two armored Battalions, one armored infantry battalion and three mechanized infantry battalions, with three artillery Battalions (one self propelled), one anti-aircraft battalion and support battalions. You are talking 90 heavy tanks, 285 medium tanks, 70 assault guns, 20 flame thrower tanks, 416 APC, 167 armored cars, 2164 M35 Trucks, 1076 M151 Jeeps, 26 bridge layers, 8 mine clearing tanks, and various other support vehicles. Besides given the type of opposition they were expecting to face, the Rich-5 would not have needed a large force of super tanks, just a large force of average tanks would do quit well. Now they may have a secret force of a 40 super tanks just in case they might need to crush a rebellion in their own ranks, but that might be a special version of the Merkav-4 MBT with the 120mm L55 smoothbore Gun, internal 60mm mortar in the roof, one 12.7mm MG and two 7.62mm MG with a crew of 4 and up to 6 passengers with combat gear in rear (rear access hatch). Even if there standard heavy tanks are captured, they should have a way to deal with it, a Pretorian guard if you will with Tech Level A gear (2015 + 100 years), while their main military is 1950s/early 60s era gear. Effective but nothing special.

Most everything dependent on electronics after the war that isn't knocked out by EMP, will simply fail do to lack of parts and lack of maintenance. It takes electronics to trouble shoot electronics on all but the simplest level. I have three cars, a 2011, a 1952 and a 1946. I take the 2011 in for all its maintenance and work, I don't even try to do work on it. The 1946 is my long term project and the 1952 is my fun pickup. I try and do as much of the work as I can and have a garage full of tools to work with. I even have rebuilt multimeters from back in the 1960s that work great and I can repair. The new ones are designed to be thrown away because it would cost as much to fix them as it would to buy a new one. Equipment designed and made prior to 1972 (the year electronic ignitions became standard) would have a much easier time being repaired and maintained then those of more modern design (1980 onward).
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Old 05-21-2014, 04:31 PM
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The Rich Five had themselves frozen along with a portion of their economic empires. Included are two thousand loyal families to operate all that stuff.

They are Tech Level A and can produce equipment at tech level A.

The Anniston Army Depot is in the Kentucky Free States Territory and the Iowa tank plant isn't too far away to send expeditions for the materials there.

The Project and the Rich Five (former CoT members) were preparing for a war with the Soviet Union. Neither is going to equip themselves with Soviet equipment then just stand back and wait to be attacked be anyone and everyone.

The KFS doesn't really seem to actually use the M1 Abrams and M2 Bradleys they have. The send foot infantry, horse cavalry, or mechanized cavalry (V-300s) supported by 105mm arty towed by trucks.

Their heavy armor seems to be a heavy reserve.
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Old 05-21-2014, 07:01 PM
Capt Gideon Capt Gideon is offline
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Default KFS has three Tech Levels A, B & C

KFS is listed as having three tech levels. The way I interpret this is that the Ultra Elite and Elite levels of society and those that serve and protect them have access to Tech Level A, the Average citizenry has access to Tech level B and the Worker, Slave would be Tech Level C or lower. Basically the highest level needed for the work they are doing. Their military would not be fully trusted so the equipment it would have would be kept simple and rugged (AK-47, RPG-7, T-54/55, etc.) while the elite Guard made up of the most loyal troops would have Tech Level A gear (Landwarrior, Merkava 4 tanks, smart weapons). The Elite class of society may have personal servant & body guard robots and everyone in society is by chipped. The size and scope of the capital, the railroad system and aircraft capability are all open. They should at least have early jet technology (F-80, F-84, F-86, etc) but with no adversary would they need much more. Why build real expensive fighter when you have nothing to fight? Jets are easier to maintain and use cheaper fuel then piston engine aircraft so there is a reason to pursue that technology. This is how I have been approaching it, high enough to do the job, but basic enough given the type of opposition they would be facing. Just like with farming, just enough technology to maximize production, but not so much that it becomes hard to maintain or overtly complicated to operate.
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Old 05-23-2014, 03:57 PM
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Unless this is background for your own campaign (if so go for it) consider purchasing the Project files "Bullets and Bluegrass" and "Fallback!" directly from Timeline limited. Contained is the current status of the KFS and how it is equipped. CATALOG

It really appears that the KFS at the intial awakening of the Rich Five and their minions the Two Thousand was lightly armed and armored with the Mini-14 rifle, Ameli LMGs, M59 pistol, and the V-300. The artillery and heavy armor came from looting National Guard and active Units or absorbing their survivors. The P-47 Thunderbolt is a later addition once re-engineered from one or two taken from an aviation museum.

Seeing as all of this is 1970s tech and the 4th edition is getting a technological makeover, it stands to reason (IMHO) that the enemies of the Project should get one too.

This and there are gaps in capability and deployed systems by the KFS that can be addressed in this thread.

Seems like the KFS should have at minimum AN/PVS-5 goggles down to the squad leader level for night operations. AN/PVS-7s for the Praetorians. As an example where something is missing.

A real breakdown of the Military and Internal Security structures would be nice to know (Order of Battle) too.

Last edited by ArmySGT.; 05-23-2014 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 05-23-2014, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Capt Gideon View Post
What electronics and transformers that aren't wiped out by EMP will be taken out by tin whiskers and similar traits that plague electronics. While the electronics in an Abrams might survive the nuclear exchange, they don't keep the spare parts and test equipment needed to maintain and repair the tank in hardened storage areas. And unlike the M48, M60, M103 tanks which could be operated without any electronics and even had manual operation for training the turret and elevating the gun, the M1 tank is nothing by an oversized paperweight without its electronics. The turret was said to be too heavy for manual operation and unlike the simple gasoline and diesel engines of earlier tanks, the gas turbine has a very sophisticated electronic fuel control and operating system. The M48, M60 & M103 all had optical sights in addition to the electronic and IR sights, not the Abrams, all the optics are electronic. The M1 is also a fuel hog. The gas turbine takes five times the fuel that the multi-fuel piston engine of the Leopard2A6. So where a Leopard2A6 would need one fuel truck to support it getting to an objective, the M1A2 would need 5 fuel trucks to reach the same objective. Not a big deal back in the 1970s when it was designed to fight a defensive war in Europe.
I think you will be rather surprised by how primitive the electronics in an M1 actually are. These are EMP hardened solid state electronics rooted in the 1970s. The DoD fully expected a nuclear battlefield and prepared the equipment for it. These will ride out a near miss and start right up. The newer digital electronic such as the Blue Force tracker and the SINCGARS radio could be affected if the antennas are not dismounted. If these are then their protected as the hull of the M1 and M2 act as a big faraday cage and conduct the EMP pulse to the earth.
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Old 05-23-2014, 06:42 PM
welsh welsh is offline
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I have to admit that I don't have Fallback or Bullets and Bluegrass, but then I am not sure how far one needs to follow Morrow Project Canon either. To me the game books are more tools than bible, useful for the story you tell.

If, as was discussed above, is to be taken as game canon, than it seems the KFS has 3 basic security challenges.

(1) external threats that usually don't amass to more than pirates, bandits and border challenges. Perhaps they engage in slave raiding, but since they haven't fought a real war in 100 years, I suspect that their heavy weapons are in disrepair. If they needed it, they would do the upkeep, but they probably don't and so, law of entropy, it falls apart.

(2) Slave revolts. One would need some kind of control mechanism to keep the slaves down, but at the same time, you don't want the slaves to get their hands on weapons too easily. So you would probably need some kind of auxiliary militia to stomp out any slave revolts as well as a reserve mobile force to attack.

(3) Coups- if their main fear is their own army, then they would coup-proof. Coup proofing occurs in a variety of ways but a praetorian guard is dangerous least the praetorians turn on the masters. I assume the Rich 5 is an oligopoly, which probably means they don't trust each other. Coup plotters often turn on each other in the less developing world (Liberia and Ethiopia are good cases). One could engage in surveillance of the military- but that is difficult and expensive. One could also factionalize the army, so that they balance against each other- but that risks nasty civil war.

An elite and loyal air arm would be a big plus, but it would depend on ground support. Air arms rarely launch coups (some exceptions in Ghana and Kenya). But armies do if they see they have the option.

If you are the Rich-5 and you are paranoid and worried about your army launching a coup, what kind of army would you create?

(1) One probably penetrated with loyalists.
(2) One that is probably fairly satisfied materially.
(3) One that is dependent on the rest of society and the political means.
(4) One that is divided into rival factions.
(5) One that is probably not overly well armed verses the others.

Heavy tanks and APCs that are gas guzzlers would not be so much a problem with regard to fuel if you have fusion reactors- but that is a much abused technology. I think the challenge is upkeep, electronics, wear and tear. I would also suspect that they would also need some kind of military education to train people to be pilots, engineers, technicians- a technologically efficient force, but not a professional force in the Huntington sense (a militarized civil society loyal to the political establishment), but a well-trained and educated one.

my 2 cents.
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Old 05-24-2014, 12:37 AM
Capt Gideon Capt Gideon is offline
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Default Rich 5 Army

I developed a Society that the Rich 5 developed into back in the 90s before I ever heard of the KFS. I took the concept of a society fashioned by corporate elitists and an old theory that the high quality people are at a disadvantage because the lower quality people reproduce faster. So drawing first on Sir Francis Galton, who gave use weather maps and eugenics, along with the statistical ideal of Regression toward the Mean, and then throwing in Ayn Rand mostly Atlas Shrugged with John Galt a picture of the society came together. The capital city would be named Atlas and the nation would be named Galtonia. I kept the slave society but used the French model with a number of slave rights, then introduced the concept that if a family had been workers (slaves) in good standing for three generations then the children could apply for military service. Upon completion of 4 years the in service was a freeman and after six his wife and children would be free. The service man could eventually serve long enough to free his parents as well. This encourage loyalty in the military because service meant freedom for the families. I saw the society having a caste system with limited ability to change ones status. I saw then using a developed rail system instead of a developed road network because a electrified rail system meant you can control the flow of people and goods while at the same time making it difficult to use against you when you control the power to the system.

Public education can also serve as a way of indoctrinating the youth of a society. The use of RFID chips by all members of society is another means of control. The very upper level of society may even have personal robots while the worker farmer may be using farm equipment from the 60s & 70s. There may well be universal health care, but the level and sophistication of the care will depend on the status in society.

The Rich 5 know of the Morrow Project and want to know more. Slavers may have bounties for project personnel and the Rich 5 may provide slavers with special high tech gear from time to time just to catch PC off guard.
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Old 05-24-2014, 03:35 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Originally Posted by ArmySGT. View Post
Krell? Probably not so much. Thought and innovation are discouraged. Molotovs and satchel bag bombs and some captured MP gear.

The KFS on the other hand, Yes. Especially the "Praetorians" and the Secret Police force. The regular army? Possibly not.

The KFS V-300s with the 90mm gun would just need the slat armor system and possibly a fire system to get there.
I think in terms of KFC in many ways like the SADF in the border wars of 70s-80s no political support intended, they were part of a horrid government.

But they do seemed to have mastered a modern form of Blitzkreig. For them the number one vehicle was the Rattel a big wheeled, armoured vehicle, with very long range, high speed and excellent cross country capability. At the expense of armour or until the Ingwe missile heavy armament.

Rather it was where it needed to be and in large numbers. With good recon it wasn't where enemy heavy tanks such as T55 were until they were in sufficent numbers to win.

The Rattel also had big windows, lots of doors and a few would have quick firing smoke launchers. So if facing an ambush, or a force of tanks it could quickly get the infantry out, screen the enemy with mortar smoke and then either run away from an ambush or charge down a tank at point blank range.

It's how a thin skinned vehicle with an ancient french 90mm took on a full size t55 and won again and again.

But where possible heavy armour was spotted by recon units and ambushed by lighter infantry units. At first with rpgs and mines later with atgms.

It's a model I can see KFS adopting, certainly the v300 is perfectly suited for such warfare. One could picture a skilled group of Spartans in v300s with good recon giving a MARS1 quite a head ache.

I could also vision elite recon Spartan tank hunters riding around in jeeps or on horse back hunting lone morrow units. Before crippling them with shots from anti material rifles, shattering engine blocks and puncturing tyres.
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Old 05-24-2014, 03:44 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Originally Posted by welsh View Post
I have to admit that I don't have Fallback or Bullets and Bluegrass, but then I am not sure how far one needs to follow Morrow Project Canon either. To me the game books are more tools than bible, useful for the story you tell.

If, as was discussed above, is to be taken as game canon, than it seems the KFS has 3 basic security challenges.

(1) external threats that usually don't amass to more than pirates, bandits and border challenges. Perhaps they engage in slave raiding, but since they haven't fought a real war in 100 years, I suspect that their heavy weapons are in disrepair. If they needed it, they would do the upkeep, but they probably don't and so, law of entropy, it falls apart.

(2) Slave revolts. One would need some kind of control mechanism to keep the slaves down, but at the same time, you don't want the slaves to get their hands on weapons too easily. So you would probably need some kind of auxiliary militia to stomp out any slave revolts as well as a reserve mobile force to attack.

(3) Coups- if their main fear is their own army, then they would coup-proof. Coup proofing occurs in a variety of ways but a praetorian guard is dangerous least the praetorians turn on the masters. I assume the Rich 5 is an oligopoly, which probably means they don't trust each other. Coup plotters often turn on each other in the less developing world (Liberia and Ethiopia are good cases). One could engage in surveillance of the military- but that is difficult and expensive. One could also factionalize the army, so that they balance against each other- but that risks nasty civil war.

An elite and loyal air arm would be a big plus, but it would depend on ground support. Air arms rarely launch coups (some exceptions in Ghana and Kenya). But armies do if they see they have the option.

If you are the Rich-5 and you are paranoid and worried about your army launching a coup, what kind of army would you create?

(1) One probably penetrated with loyalists.
(2) One that is probably fairly satisfied materially.
(3) One that is dependent on the rest of society and the political means.
(4) One that is divided into rival factions.
(5) One that is probably not overly well armed verses the others.

Heavy tanks and APCs that are gas guzzlers would not be so much a problem with regard to fuel if you have fusion reactors- but that is a much abused technology. I think the challenge is upkeep, electronics, wear and tear. I would also suspect that they would also need some kind of military education to train people to be pilots, engineers, technicians- a technologically efficient force, but not a professional force in the Huntington sense (a militarized civil society loyal to the political establishment), but a well-trained and educated one.

my 2 cents.
Interesting and the kind of problem that has puzzled far older societies from Spartacus's revolt to the Indian mutiny. So here's what I think most of them do, first of all you raise a warrior elite. After 30 years of loyal service or if they die or are crippled you give them a modest pension, a chunk of land to farm absolution from taxes, a fancy piece of paper with a title on it. If the alternative is serfdom and slavery they'll suicide bomb their grannies bridge club. Then ala Stalin move them to police or fight far away from their homeland so they don't get any pangs of conciense. Then finally give them a smart uniform, make them clean it alot and sing songs about how awesome their army is. You can even bring silly laws like only elite soldiers and the nobility can brew beer or eat beef or what ever.

So for surprisingly little investment you have a force of soldiers that won't run, won't turn on you and will kill anyone you tell them too.

A similar model produced everyone from the elite Ghurka units, the SS and the legions of Ancient Rome.
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Old 05-24-2014, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by welsh View Post
I have to admit that I don't have Fallback or Bullets and Bluegrass, but then I am not sure how far one needs to follow Morrow Project Canon either. To me the game books are more tools than bible, useful for the story you tell.
No one is going to burn you at the stake if you depart from Morrow Project Canon. That is for the T2k/T2K13 side of the house.

Mostly Canon is used as a baseline. Canon adds consistency to the storytelling, and gives everyone common ground to progress in polite debate.

Departures from canon and alternate timelines are interesting and welcome. However, you will notice those threads tend to stall, as one person is telling the story and everyone else is agreeing or disagreeing.

The other reason for the canon discussions is that those of us that have the module would dearly love to expand upon them and fill out the details.

Trust me just as you have a whole adventure plotline planned out, the PCs are about to meet the NPC that introduces the story hook............. Someone tries to pickpocket the fat guy, fails their agility roll, a fight breaks out, and the PCs leave the tavern. Ha.
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Old 05-24-2014, 09:40 PM
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Originally Posted by welsh View Post
I have to admit that I don't have Fallback or Bullets and Bluegrass, but then I am not sure how far one needs to follow Morrow Project Canon either. To me the game books are more tools than bible, useful for the story you tell.

If, as was discussed above, is to be taken as game canon, than it seems the KFS has 3 basic security challenges.

(1) external threats that usually don't amass to more than pirates, bandits and border challenges. Perhaps they engage in slave raiding, but since they haven't fought a real war in 100 years, I suspect that their heavy weapons are in disrepair. If they needed it, they would do the upkeep, but they probably don't and so, law of entropy, it falls apart.

(2) Slave revolts. One would need some kind of control mechanism to keep the slaves down, but at the same time, you don't want the slaves to get their hands on weapons too easily. So you would probably need some kind of auxiliary militia to stomp out any slave revolts as well as a reserve mobile force to attack.

(3) Coups- if their main fear is their own army, then they would coup-proof. Coup proofing occurs in a variety of ways but a praetorian guard is dangerous least the praetorians turn on the masters. I assume the Rich 5 is an oligopoly, which probably means they don't trust each other. Coup plotters often turn on each other in the less developing world (Liberia and Ethiopia are good cases). One could engage in surveillance of the military- but that is difficult and expensive. One could also factionalize the army, so that they balance against each other- but that risks nasty civil war.

An elite and loyal air arm would be a big plus, but it would depend on ground support. Air arms rarely launch coups (some exceptions in Ghana and Kenya). But armies do if they see they have the option.

If you are the Rich-5 and you are paranoid and worried about your army launching a coup, what kind of army would you create?

(1) One probably penetrated with loyalists.
(2) One that is probably fairly satisfied materially.
(3) One that is dependent on the rest of society and the political means.
(4) One that is divided into rival factions.
(5) One that is probably not overly well armed verses the others.

Heavy tanks and APCs that are gas guzzlers would not be so much a problem with regard to fuel if you have fusion reactors- but that is a much abused technology. I think the challenge is upkeep, electronics, wear and tear. I would also suspect that they would also need some kind of military education to train people to be pilots, engineers, technicians- a technologically efficient force, but not a professional force in the Huntington sense (a militarized civil society loyal to the political establishment), but a well-trained and educated one.

my 2 cents.

That would summarize "Bullets & Bluegrass" pretty well.

Secret societies, Coup plots, inter - Family intrigue......... etc.
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Old 05-24-2014, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Project_Sardonicus View Post
I think in terms of KFC in many ways like the SADF in the border wars of 70s-80s no political support intended, they were part of a horrid government.

But they do seemed to have mastered a modern form of Blitzkreig. For them the number one vehicle was the Rattel a big wheeled, armoured vehicle, with very long range, high speed and excellent cross country capability. At the expense of armour or until the Ingwe missile heavy armament.

Rather it was where it needed to be and in large numbers. With good recon it wasn't where enemy heavy tanks such as T55 were until they were in sufficent numbers to win.

The Rattel also had big windows, lots of doors and a few would have quick firing smoke launchers. So if facing an ambush, or a force of tanks it could quickly get the infantry out, screen the enemy with mortar smoke and then either run away from an ambush or charge down a tank at point blank range.

It's how a thin skinned vehicle with an ancient french 90mm took on a full size t55 and won again and again.

But where possible heavy armour was spotted by recon units and ambushed by lighter infantry units. At first with rpgs and mines later with atgms.

It's a model I can see KFS adopting, certainly the v300 is perfectly suited for such warfare. One could picture a skilled group of Spartans in v300s with good recon giving a MARS1 quite a head ache.

I could also vision elite recon Spartan tank hunters riding around in jeeps or on horse back hunting lone morrow units. Before crippling them with shots from anti material rifles, shattering engine blocks and puncturing tyres.
Fortunately for the PCs the KFS army is not that professional. The Officer Corps is hereditary, corrupt, and suspicious of one another.

Some of them are soldiers because they are not competent enough to be trusted with Family business!
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Old 05-25-2014, 11:47 AM
Project_Sardonicus Project_Sardonicus is offline
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Originally Posted by ArmySGT. View Post
Fortunately for the PCs the KFS army is not that professional. The Officer Corps is hereditary, corrupt, and suspicious of one another.

Some of them are soldiers because they are not competent enough to be trusted with Family business!

Of course one of the earliest uses of war has been to keep the number of inheriting sons don't to an acceptable level. So there's a real useful purpose to fierce pointless conflicts. Of course too many out of control conflicts can have a real cost. So most armies would still have a professional cadre of corporals and sergeants.

Beyond that there'd still be a need for all professional units, to prevent too many resources being wasted on fools errands. There may be an expandable resource of 3rd sons but not radios or armoured vehicles.
Further what happens when a feckless officer sells his equipment to the enemy to pay off a gambling debt.

As such I think there'd be a KFC professional force paid for by taxation and commanded by appointed commanders beyond all but the highest political control.

L Sprague De Camp had an interesting idea about this, with the royal bastard. An illegitimate son of the highest family. Who was the most senior general, but unable to ever actually command any form of government.
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Old 05-25-2014, 11:07 PM
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As I recall, the earliest political murder in Rome occurred because of a form of political factionalism when conservative elites (dominant landowning Senators) were pressured by political challengers to provide land to returning soldiers. This problem eventually contributed to the fall of the Republic- http://www.unrv.com/empire/gracchi-brothers.php

If you have a highly factionalized army and competing elites, that might put a damper on an expansive KFS, especially if the problem is more about elite rivalry, with powerful political patrons supporting military clients, that trying to keep your military compliant. One might add the danger of a slave revolt and the temptation is to keep the army close (especially if it is small) and protective of the patron. If the army does become expansive- as elites expand their power base- than they need to seize land or people quickly so that they can move back home should the patron be threatened.

The puzzle is why stay together and not just break apart into rival states. An oligopoly of paranoid elites would require an incentive to remain cooperative and willing to accept the risk of coup or assassination. If everyone is in the capital, than they are constantly at risk of assassination or a coup that wipes out the potential rivals and places one as leader. it might be easier just to carve out a chunk of the state, declare independence and defend your chunk of land against adversaries or launch a civil war from outside the capital and try to defeat your enemies.

This is the problem of coups in Africa- you can't break away because the state is either too small, the state as administration is too powerful to abandon. Add to that is the problem that the international community frowns on secessionist movements. The Glorious Revolution replaces the king with parliamentary oligopoly but they had to worry about foreign threats.

SO what keeps the KFS together?
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Old 05-26-2014, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by welsh View Post
SO what keeps the KFS together?
They operate as a corporation. The heads of the Families act as the Board and a rotating Chairman makes the daily (hasty) decisions.

The military elite is made of family members. The pilots are entirely family members, as are the ground commanders. The cooperation between the branches of the Forces has more to do with family loyalty than fidelity.

Fallback! Is the result of the KFS going to war to prosecute an assassination of a family member.

Each family brings something to the overall merchant empire, so they all cooperate. There is plenty of room for expansion and not enough external competition to cause hardship at home.
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Old 05-28-2014, 12:28 PM
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PURPOSE: This vehicle is employed by various units primarily as a cargo and personnel carrier. It is operational on and off the highway.

Nomenclature: TRUCK, CARGO: Type Classification & Date: Std A, 1963
2 1/2 Ton, 6x6, W/Winch, W/E
Replaces: M35A1
Model Number: M35A2
Life Expectancy: 15 Years
Crew/Cab Capacity: 2
Payload: 10,350 lb, Off Road: 7,000 lb
NSN: 2320-00-077-1617
Towed Load Allowance: 6,000 lb
LIN: X40146
Air Transportability: Phase II
SSN: D131030
TM: 9-2320-209-Series

Horsepower: 140 bhp @ 2,600 rpm
Transmission: Manual; 5 fwd, 1 rev
Electrical System: 24 Volt
Tires: 9:00 x 20, 8-ply
Brakes: Air over hydraulic
Blackout Lights: Yes

W/Kit: 72 in
WO/Kit: 30 in
Approach Angle: 40 Degrees

Kits: Personnel Heater, Winterization,
Fording, Electric or Air
Brake, Troop Seat, Cargo Body
Closure (Arctic)
Winch: Yes

Weight: 13,700 lb
Cube: 1,260 cu ft
Ground Clearance: 10 15/16 in
Maximum Speed: 58 mph
Range: 350 miles

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Old 05-28-2014, 12:44 PM
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PURPOSE: Mobile maintenance facility.
Nomenclature: TRUCK,VAN: 2 1/2 Ton,
6x6, Shop,W/Winch
Model Number: M109A3
Crew/Cab Capacity: 2
NSN: 2320-00-077-1637
LIN: X62477
SSN: D131120
TM: 9-2320-209-Series

Horsepower: 140 bhp @ 2,600 rpm
Transmission: Manual; 5 Fwd, 1 Rev
Electrical System: 24 Volt
Tires: 9:00 x 20, 8-ply
Brakes: Air over hydraulic
Blackout Lights: Yes

W/Kit: 72 in
WO/Kit: 30 in

Type Classification & Date: Std A, 1964
Replaces: M109, M109A2, M109A1
Life Expectancy: 15 Years
Payload: 5,000 lb
Towed Load Allowance: 6,000 lb
Air Transportabiiity: Phase iii

Kits: Personnel Heater, Vent Body
Heater, Winterization, Fording,
Electric or Air Brakes
Winch: Yes

Weight: 15,400 lb
Cube: 2,020 cu ft
Ground Clearance: 1015116 in
Approach Angie: 40 Degrees

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Old 05-28-2014, 12:47 PM
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PURPOSE: This vehicle is employed by various support units where mobile fuel servicing is essential.

Nomenclature: TRUCK, TANK: 2 1/2 Ton
6x6, Fuel Servicing, W/Winch
Model Number: M49A2C
Crew/Cab Capacity: 2
NSN: 2320-00-077-1632
LIN: X57408
SSN: D131090
TM: 9-2320-209-Series

Engine: Multifuel
Horsepower: 140 bhp @ 2,600 rpm
Transmission: Manual; 5 Fwd, 1 Rev
Electrical System: 24 Volt
Tires: 9:00 x 20, 8-ply
Brakes: Air over hydraulic
Blackout Lights: Yes

W/Kit: 72 in
WO/Kit: 30 in
Approach Angle: 40 Degrees
Maximum Speed: 58 mph
Range: 350 miles

Type Classification & Date: Std A, 1963
Replaces: M49A1C
Life Expectancy: 15 Years
Payload: 7,200 lb
Towed Load Allowance: 6,000 lb
Air Transportability: Phase II

Kits: Personnel Heater, Winterization,
Fording, Electric or Air Brakes
Winch: Yes

Weight: 15,048 lb
Cube: 1,420 cu ft
Ground Clearance: 10 15/16 in

Fuel Servicing truck M49 has a 1200-gallon tank body mounted on the M45 chassis (dual rear wheels). The tank body has 200-, 400-, and 600-gallon internal sections. Side skirts and running board on each side of the tank body are provided with sockets for mounting top bows and a top paulin with end covers for camouflage, when necessary. Tank body sections can be filled or emptied by a delivery pump mounted in the rear compartment. The pump is driven from the power takeoff mounted on the transfer case. The wiring harness for this truck is made in two sections. The chassis section of the chassis wiring harness is insulated against gasoline fumes. The front or cab section of the harness is of normal waterproof construction. No trailer connections or pintle is provided. A 35-foot length of 1 1/2-inch reinforced hose (with a standard 1 1/2-inch, automotive-type nozzle equipped with 100-mesh nozzle screen) is mounted on the roadside of the tank.

Fuel Servicing trucks M49C and M49A1C are similar to the M49 except that a separator and filter are mounted at the side and/or rear of the tank body to filter water and other impurities from aviation fuel. The dispensing pump has been relocated to accomodate the filter and metering equipment. The M49C and M49A1C are the same except for engines (see charts).

The M49A2C is based on the drop-side cargo truck. This difference means that the earlier models have a rectangular wheel well while the M49A2C has a straight base on the rear body (see photos). The exhaust system on M49A2C fuel tanker includes a spark-arrestor-type muffler, which traps exhaust sparks from the engine. M49A2C fuel trucks are equipped with two 600-gallon internal tanks, rather than the three tank system of the earlier models.

With the body changes, the M49A2C overaall height is increased by 4 1/2 inches while ground clearance is reduced by 1 9/16 inches.

The suffix "C" on the model number indicates the installation of an aviation gas filter/seperator kit.

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Old 05-28-2014, 12:52 PM
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PURPOSE: To transport and dispense drinking water.

Nomenclature: TRUCK, TANK: 2 1/2 Ton,
6x6, Water, 1000 Gal, W/Winch, W/E
Model Number: M50A2
Crew/Cab Capacity: 2
NSN: 2320-00-077-1634
LIN: X58504
SSN: D131100
TM: 9-2320-209-Series

Horsepower: 140 bhp @ 2,600 rpm
Transmission: Manual; 5 Fwd, 1 Rev
Electrical System: 24 Volt
Tires: 9:00 x 20, 8-ply
Brakes: Air over hydraulic
Blackout Lights: Yes

W/Kit: 72 in
WO/Kit: 30 in
Approach Angle: 40 Degrees

Type Classification & Date: Std B, 1970
Replaced By: M50A3
Life Expectancy: 15 Years
Payload: 400 gal
Towed Load Allowance: 6,000 lb
Air Transportability: Phase II

Kits: Fording, Winterization,
Personnel Heater
Winch: Yes

Weight: 14,600 lb
Cube: 1,420 cu ft
Ground Clearance: 10 15/16 in
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Old 05-28-2014, 01:10 PM
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PURPOSE: This vehicle is employed strictly as a towing vehicle wherever semitrailers are required to be moved.

Nomenclature: TRUCK. TRACTOR: 2 1/2
Ton, 6x6, W/Low MTD 5th Wheel,
Model Number: M275A2
Crew/Cab Capacity: 2
NSN: 2320-00-077-1641
LIN: X59189
SSN: D131110
TM: 9-2320-209-Series

Engine: Multifuel
Horsepower: 140 bhp @ 2,600 rpm
Transmission: Manual; 5 Fwd, 1 Rev
Electrical System: 24 Volt
Tires: 9:00 x 20, 8-ply
Brakes: Air over hydraulic
Blackout Lights: Yes

W/Kit: 72 in
WO/Kit: 30 in
Approach Angle: 40 Degrees
Maximum Speed: 58 mph
Range: 350 miles

Type Classification & Date: Std A, 1963
Replaces: M275A1, M275
Life Expectancy: 15 Years
Payload: 12,000 lb, Off Road: 7,000 lb
Towed Load Allowance: 17,000 lb – Fifth
wheel 6,000 lb-Pintle
Air Transportability: Phase II

Kits: Personnel Heater, Winterization
Fording, Electric or Air Brakes
Winch: Yes

Weight: 12,600 lb
Cube: 1,060 cu ft
Ground Clearance: 10 15/16 in
Fifth Wheel Height: 52 1/4 in
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Old 05-29-2014, 07:59 PM
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Since the KFS is already building 90mm rounds of various types for the 90mm Cockerill gun on their fleets of V-300s

United States 90-mm Recoilless Rifle M67

Alternative Designations: INA
Date of Introduction: Late 1940s
Proliferation: At least 11 countries
Crew: 3 (see Note)
Caliber (mm): 90
Weight (empty) (kg): 16.4
Length (mm): 1.35
Height (ground-mounted) (mm): 432
Mount: Rear bipod and forward monopod
Feed: Manual
Rate of Fire (rd/min):
Maximum: 1 each 6 seconds, not to exceed 5 rounds
Sustained: 1
Fire From Inside Building: No

Name: M103
Type: Optical, (graduated in 50 m intervals up to 400 m, every
100 m up to 800 m)
Magnification: x3
Field of View (°): 10
Location: Left center

Name: INA
Type: HE
Range (m):
Effective: 400
Weight (kg): INA

Name: M371E1
Type: HEAT
Range (m):
Aimed: 800
Effective: 420
Armor (mm CE): 350 (E-factor 1539)
Filler: Comp B 1.72 lbs (DPW 1819)
Weight (kg): 4.2
Fuze: Point Detonating
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 213

Name: XM590E1
Type: APERS Canister (antipersonnel)
Fill: 2,400 eight-grain flechettes
Range (m):
Effective: 200
Weight (kg): 3.08
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 381

Name: M371 Training practice
Type: Target Practice
Range (m): Ballistically identical to the HEAT M371E1
Weight (kg): 3.08
Muzzle Velocity (m/s): 381

The M67 90-mm recoilless rifle is a lightweight, portable, direct-fire only, crew-served antitank weapon. It is designed to be fired primarily from the ground using the bipod and monopod, but it may be fired from the shoulder. It is an air-cooled, breech-loaded, single-shot rifle that fires fixed ammunition. Although intended primarily for use as an antitank weapon, the M67 can be used against secondary targets such as gun emplacements and bunkers. It is also very effective in an anti-personnel role. Although no longer produced in the US, the M67 is still in production by South Korea.

The crew consists of a gunner, assistant gunner, and ammo bearer. The M67 can be operated with a crew of only two; however, the third crew member (ammo bearer) is considered necessary for efficient operations. In the absence of an individual to perform the duties assigned to the ammo bearer, the gunner (crew member 1) lays and fires the 90-mm rifle and is the crew leader. He carries the M67 and a pistol. The loader (crew member 2) is responsible for loading the rifle and acts as the gunner when required. He secures ammunition and checks the clearance of the backblast area prior to firing. He carries a pistol, spare parts, cleaning materiel, and 3 rounds of 90-mm. The ammunition bearer (crew member 3) is responsible for securing ammunition and providing security for the recoilless rifle position. He carries an assault rifle and 4 rounds of 90-mm.
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Old 03-04-2015, 05:21 PM
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Old 03-04-2015, 05:23 PM
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Old 03-06-2015, 07:55 AM
.45cultist .45cultist is offline
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First the KFS army flaws were to give exploitable weaknesses, but their equipment is what was at hand post war. The only cannon arsenal in the U.S. is Watervliet in New York, so I think the proposed Real World 105MM MGS would be a better fit. They would be using left overs for decades until they built an arsenal.(BTW, even mortar barrels are from the same plant. The M249 would be more common than the CETME, as would Glock 9MM pistols. The KFS tanks are less capable versions in armor and the M1 is just an M60 with sloped armor due to lesser facilities and shared components.
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Old 03-06-2015, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by .45cultist View Post
First the KFS army flaws were to give exploitable weaknesses, but their equipment is what was at hand post war. The only cannon arsenal in the U.S. is Watervliet in New York, so I think the proposed Real World 105MM MGS would be a better fit. They would be using left overs for decades until they built an arsenal.(BTW, even mortar barrels are from the same plant. The M249 would be more common than the CETME, as would Glock 9MM pistols. The KFS tanks are less capable versions in armor and the M1 is just an M60 with sloped armor due to lesser facilities and shared components.
The KFS is the Rich Five, a group that went into cryosleep with a portion of their merchant empire. This is manufacturing, refining, even 2000 employees and emerged after the war with a tech level A society in all regards.

Considering they are the technical equals of the Morrow Project to include fusion power.

They went into Cryosleep with the small arms and the capability to repair them or manufacture new. Now they are supposed to have acquired the heavy armor and artillery during the chaos following the War. They had V-300s going in and the capability to make more. So I believe, given these clues and the statements that they have manufactured new replacement M1s and M2s that low rate manufacturing is possible for them to include the massive mandrels and hammer forge to make new barrels.

Low rate manufacture can mean anything to the PD running the campaign from 1 to 1000 per month. I would say the smaller and complex the item the higher rate. More Mini 14s, if they ran the factory at full speed they probably could put out a few hundred per month. A new M1 tank, maybe four with all the small parts and the electronic, turbine, radios, etc.
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Old 03-06-2015, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by .45cultist View Post
First the KFS army flaws were to give exploitable weaknesses, but their equipment is what was at hand post war.
I think they are more to give 4-6 players a chance to survive first contact versus every really being able to overthrow the KFS government.

Partly to highlight the Romanesque feudal government that is meant to consolidate power at the top. Also, just to make them bad people and a motivation to fight them.

Originally Posted by .45cultist View Post
The only cannon arsenal in the U.S. is Watervliet in New York, so I think the proposed Real World 105MM MGS would be a better fit. They would be using left overs for decades until they built an arsenal.(BTW, even mortar barrels are from the same plant.
That just means the KFS needs a forge large enough and a multi-ton hydraulic hammer plus mandrels to forge barrels over.

Originally Posted by .45cultist View Post
The M249 would be more common than the CETME, as would Glock 9MM pistols.
The CETMEs were stored preWar, and the M59 for whatever reason, probably because they were not on the market when the module was written or the author was biased against plastic guns.

Originally Posted by .45cultist View Post
The KFS tanks are less capable versions in armor and the M1 is just an M60 with sloped armor due to lesser facilities and shared components.
Agreed. Though I take it as the KFS just doesn't bother to expend the resources on state of the art M1 tanks when no one else even has a tank. The 90mm gun on the V-300 suffices in 99.9% of encounters.

The Army of the KFS is just lazy, corrupt, poorly led, and poorly trained. However, there are no threats to its exist to be found on any border. Maxwell's militia is to small, Krell to technologically inferior, and the Lonestar Republic is far away. The real threat to the KFS is internal strife or insurrection.
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Old 03-07-2015, 06:53 AM
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Also, most writers have preferences of firearms or too little knowledge of the subject.
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Old 03-10-2015, 07:16 PM
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PURPOSE: To carry ambulatory and litter patients.

Nomenclature: TRUCK, AMBULANCE:
Front Line, 1/4-Ton, 4x4, W/E
Model Number: M718
Crew Personnel: 5 Total -2 Man Crew, 3-Litter Patients
NSN: 2310-00-782-6056
LIN: X38639
SSN: D151010
TM: 9-2310-218-Series

Horsepower: Pre-emission -71 bhp @
4,000 rpm; Emission -65 bhp @ 4,000 rpm
Transmission: Manual; 4 Fwd, 1 Rev
Electrical System: 24 Volt
Tires: 7:00 x 16, 4-ply (6 ply rating)
Brakes: Hydraulic
Blackout Lights: Yes

W/Kit: 60 in
WO/Kit: 21 in
Approach Angle: 67 Degrees

Type Classification & Date: Std B, 1971
Replaced By: M718A1
Life Expectancy: 12 Years
Payload: 900 lb (Including Crew)
Towed Load Allowance: None Authorized (Pintle Hook for Retrieving Vehicle Only)
Air Transportability: Phase 1

Kits: 100 Amp Alternator, Deep Water
Winch: No

Curb Weight, Fully Equipped Less Payload and Crew
Front Axle -1,370 lb
Rear Axle -1,380 lb
Total -2,750 lb
Gross Weight, Fully Equipped With Payload and Crew:
Front Axle -1,820 lb
Rear Axle -1,830 lb
Total -3,650 lb
Cube: 455 cu ft (Reduceable to 285 cu ft)
Minimum Ground Clearance: Rear Axle
10.9 in*, Under Chassis 9.0 in* *
*At Combat Loaded Weight

M-718 1/4 Ton Ambulance

The Truck, Ambulance, Frontline, 1/4 ton, 4x4 M718 and M718A1 is the ambulance variant of the M-151 jeep. Produced starting in 1966 for the U.S. military by AM General in models M718 (NSN 2310-00-782-6056) and M718A1 (NSN 2310-00-177-9256). The M718 is based on the M-151 or M-151A1 while the M718A1 is based on the M151A2.

To accommodate patients seated or in litters, the M718 and M718A1 jeeps are longer and higher than the base M151: 143 inches long vs 133 inches long and 76 1/4 inches high vs 71 inches high. The M718 family are also wider due to the side mounted spare tire and gasoline container.

The M-718 1/4 Ton Ambulance was superseded in the mid-1980s by the HMMWV ambulance.
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Old 03-11-2015, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by ArmySGT. View Post
I think you will be rather surprised by how primitive the electronics in an M1 actually are. These are EMP hardened solid state electronics rooted in the 1970s. The DoD fully expected a nuclear battlefield and prepared the equipment for it. These will ride out a near miss and start right up. The newer digital electronic such as the Blue Force tracker and the SINCGARS radio could be affected if the antennas are not dismounted. If these are then their protected as the hull of the M1 and M2 act as a big faraday cage and conduct the EMP pulse to the earth.
Speaking as a retired DAT, we always trained for if the electronics cut out, the Gunner's Auxiliary Sight allowed a gunner to adjust without the computer, so the KFS using the M1 is doable. The issue becomes can they build the gas turbine, or will they modify the engine pack and use something they can build AND maintain, your mileage may vary.

Doubtful they can produce the special armor plate, but all they need is armor proof against 90mm rounds, just keeping the other units reliable!
The reason that the American Army does so well in wartime, is that war is chaos, and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.
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Old 03-12-2015, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by dragoon500ly View Post
Speaking as a retired DAT, we always trained for if the electronics cut out, the Gunner's Auxiliary Sight allowed a gunner to adjust without the computer, so the KFS using the M1 is doable. The issue becomes can they build the gas turbine, or will they modify the engine pack and use something they can build AND maintain, your mileage may vary.

Doubtful they can produce the special armor plate, but all they need is armor proof against 90mm rounds, just keeping the other units reliable!
Depends on if the KFS has access to prototypes or blueprints of cancelled DoD, DARPA, or defense contractor projects. The Crusader Howitzer was supposed to have a common powerpack with the M1A2, and that a V-12 diesel would be an optional. Now there is talk of the M1A3 and an optional V-12 powerpack for that. Afghanistan and Iraq taught us that there is a need for the turbine in the rapid offensive operations but, in low intensity, COIN, and even in some pure defensive postures the more conservative piston diesel is the better choice.

I was certain there was an auxiliary sight for the M1 gunner but, I wasn't sure of the type, training, or how used. Thanks.
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