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Old 07-14-2010, 05:23 AM
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LBraden LBraden is offline
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Default Million Monkey Theatre: Snakeeaters

With some luck, and a very polite e-mail, I was able to get hold of this older version off Mr Decker (before he joined with V-ger) and I am posting it here as that I know a few people will like to have a copy viewable, and I think I saw an old post with someone going "I wish I had a copy" since the site closed a couple of months back, but either way, this is also a help to me, and I will eventually get round to making a M20 version of this base, AFTER I have completed M20 scale vehicles for Morrow Industries.


For the Morrow Project Travel Guide
...a continuous work in progress


In 1976 the National Security Agency (NSA) became aware of a very well funded and organized "secret society" in existence across the continental USA. This secret society called itself "The Morrow Project", and appeared to be a Doomsday Cult that believed a Nuclear Conflict would soon envelop the World, and they saw it as their "mission" to be prepared to assist in a post-Nuclear national recovery. To that end, this "Morrow Project" was in the process of secretly amassing a sizeable arsenal of older, almost outdated, military equipment. Under normal circumstances, the NSA would have moved in and quashed this organization, but it was also discovered that this "Morrow Project" included in its membership several wealthy, powerful Industrialists--Government Contractors who supplied materials and services to the NSA, itself. Because of this, the NSA leadership decided to take a slower approach, and simply observe the Morrow Project and accumulate more data; either for use in legal actions, or as leverage against the involved Industrialists.

The initial NSA operation was codenamed "Operation Sigma", and for several months it surreptitiously followed money trails and monitored the few Morrow Project operations it was aware of. By spring of 1977 Operation Sigma was able to get a mole into the Morrow Project, thereby gaining access to the core beliefs of the group, as well as the "future projections" of the group's leader, Bruce Edward Morrow. The mole also provided Operation Sigma, and the NSA, with something of a shock, when it was reported that The Morrow Project had access to some seriously advanced technology--small scale Fusion power plants, man-portable laser weaponry, mechanically-augmented suits of armour, and functional human Cryo-Hibernation systems. The leadership at the NSA was beginning to think there might be more than just a gun-toting Doomsday Cult to this "Morrow Project".

Still unwilling to move against the kind of political influence that the wealthy Industrialist involved with The Morrow Project could wield, the NSA decided to expand the role of Operation Sigma; instead of just observing and gathering data on The Morrow Project, Operation Sigma would now oversee the development and execution of an operation that would basically duplicate the efforts being undertaken by The Morrow Project. Using Morrows own cryo-technology, the NSA would freeze its own teams and key them to awaken with Morrow's own wake-up signals. The moles inside The Morrow Project had reported that Morrow Project leadership was of the opinion that their predicted Nuclear Conflict would occur sometime in the early 1990's. So, in 1979, the NSA implemented Project Echo; to build dozens of secret facilities around the country where specially selected teams of Army Green Berets would be trained, equipped, and frozen. These A-Teams would be tasked with, upon being woken by the Morrow signals (assuming, of course, that there actually was a so-called Nuclear Conflict) going out and locating the Morrow Project personnel and determining if they posed a threat to US recovery operations, or even to the US Government, itself. If, on the other hand, nothing came of The Morrow Projects belief in a Nuclear Conflict, then the NSA would wake up the Green Berets in 1999.

Personnel and Supply for the creation of this "duplicate" force are covered under the codename "Sigma-Echo" ("S-E"). As the selected personnel are almost exclusively Green Berets, it isn't long before NSA bureaucrats start referring to the frozen soldiers as "Snake Eaters". As offensive as some Green Berets find the appellation, it comes into common usage in NSA documents, because it provides a "hide-in-plain-sight" ability. Coincidentally, while the NSA refers to Sigma-Echo personnel as "Snake Eaters", the Green Berets and NSA refer to The Morrow Project personnel derisively as the "True Believers".


Green Berets operate in 12-man units called Alpha Teams (A-Teams), which further break down into two 6-man Crews. Each A-Team is further subdivided into pairs of Specialists; a redundancy so that an A-Team can be split into its two Crews as separate, sustainable groups if necessary. The specialities found in most A-Teams are Command, Intelligence & Operations, Communications, Medical, Weapons, and Engineering.

Command: An A-Team is led by an Officer of Lieutenant grade, or higher, while the second-in-command is an Army Warrant Officer. These two determine the best course of action to take throughout the mission, being able to adapt and change plans as necessary. In addition to serving as the commanding officers of the A-Team, these two are also trained to assemble and lead guerilla and insurgent forces, as well as to advise foreign leaders and officials.

Intelligence & Operations:Almost always soldiers of Sergeant grade, or higher, this pair of Specialists are tasked with gathering and analysing intelligence on conditions in foreign territories the A-Team occupies and on the enemy, itself. They are also charged with outfitting the detachment with the supplies and equipment they need for any given mission.

Communications: Almost always soldiers of Sergeant grade, or higher, this pair of Specialists are tasked with handling the sophisticated communications equipment the team carries. They are also the soldiers who relay any information gathered by the Intelligence Sergeants back to Special Operations Command (SOCOM). The Communications Sergeant may also be responsible for carrying out any Psychological Operations (PSYOP) related to broadcasting.

Medical:Almost always soldiers of Sergeant grade, or higher, this pair of Specialists are equipped to perform field surgery, set up hospitals, offer healthcare to local peoples, and care for the health needs of the detachment. In addition to the extensive regular training every Green Beret receives, these Medics receive an additional 10 months of medical training.

Weapons: Almost always soldiers of Sergeant grade, or higher, this pair of Specialists are tasked with being in charge of the weapons of the A-Team. These Specialists are trained not only in weapons used by the American military, but are also experts in the weapons in use in their Area of Operations (AO). They have the ability to train others, including forces assembled by the team, in weapon use and combat discipline.

Engineering: Almost always soldiers of Sergeant grade, or higher, this pair of Specialists are tasked with planning the logistics of the mission. They serve as navigators and design needed structures in the field such as impromptu bridges. They are also trained in demolitions and sabotage.

All members of a Green Beret A-Team are trained in ground infiltration tactics, which are used to get quickly and quietly behind enemy lines. Also, one Crew receives special training in airborne insertion tactics, while the other Crew is specially trained in underwater insertion tactics, thus giving an A-Team maximum mission flexibility. A typical Sigma-Echo bunker will house one or two of these 12-member A Teams, plus a 6-person facility operations/support/maintenance unit of Army Specialists.

Normally, all Special Forces groups, including the Green Berets, fall under the Special Operations Command (SOCOM). However, by special dispensation in 1980, the Green Beret A-Teams assigned to Project Sigma-Echo were placed under the direct command of the NSA.


Operation Sigma--that office of the NSA that was tasked with monitoring The Morrow Project--after less than two years had gained access to the majority of the "True Believer Manifesto", the beliefs and operational protocols that The Morrow Project was operating under. They also managed to get technical schematics of the Morrow Industries Cryo-Hibernation Unit (the Cryo-Tube). It was this startling piece of advanced technology that caused the NSA to rethink The Morrow Project as being just some crank Doomsday Cult. Between the high-level Membership and the evidence of their scientific capability, the NSA started taking The Morrow Project, and its stated goals, a little more seriously. When the decision was made to try and mimic The Morrow Project, and Project Echo was put into motion, the military planners chose to go with another placement option than The Morrow Project had gone.

Where The Morrow Project had chosen to place their Teams in small, disposable "boltholes", with resupply caches scattered around the area, the planners of Operation Echo chose to place their Green Beret A-Teams in larger, long-term use facilities with plenty of on-site storage. The NSA planners got possession of dozens of never-declassified Atlas-F missile silos located fairly near-or-on military reservations around the country, and refurbished them for human occupation and the needs of a Sigma-Echo Cryo Site (although, in the end, several specialized, purpose-built Cryo Sites were also constructed).

The standardized Sigma-Echo Bunkers are all uniform in style and layout, but each is equipped based on region, team and mission profile. The Bunkers are 240-feet deep and 60-feet in diameter. Each Bunker is separated into 14 levels, the top 13 are each 12-foot high, and all levels are centred around a central cargo/vehicle elevator that services all levels, as well as rises up to the ground surface level. A 6-person elevator accesses Levels 1 through 13, and stairs also access all levels. The lowest level--the "Basement"--is an engineering section of 30-foot height with a slightly wider diameter of 70-feet.

Bunker Level Layout:

Level 1 Vehicle storage
Level 2 Vehicle storage and speciality vehicle storage
Level 3 Workshop (Automotive, Metalworking, Woodworking, and Electronics repair), storage for base stock and spares
Level 4 Offices, Comm Room, Computer Servers, and Briefing Room
Level 5 Living Quarters for base complement, showers
Level 6 Trade goods storage, trade weapons storage
Level 7 Base weapons locker, spare weapons lockers
Level 8 Support weapons and ammo storage
Level 9 General munitions storage and vehicle spares
Level 10 Medical Triage Unit, Medical storage, Pharmaceutical lockers, Cryo Tubes
Level 11 Food Storage area (MRE's, Freeze dried, Roll Rats) 3 year supply
Level 12 General storage (toilet paper, clothing, dental floss, Zippos, etc.)
Level 13 Habitation Systems, air filtration systems, water filtration and purification systems, sewage treatment, water storage, water heaters, emergency access tunnels.
Level 14 Base Geo Thermal power systems, Elevator control and power system, Base emergency power systems, back up battery systems, fuel pumps, water pumps, access to vehicle storage tanks (6-10,000 gallon pressurized Diesel Fuel Tanks), Nerve Gas Storage Bunkers w/40 canisters, S.A.D.A.M. bunker (6 - 150 KT scuttling charges), Helium Tanks and pumps, Base Emergency overrun self destruct system (5 KT).

While The Morrow Project may have access to some very advanced technology, these Sigma-Echo bunkers have some secret technology of their own; each bunker is powered by a small geothermal power plant that produces almost 3 times more power than commercially available units of similar size, and makes use of some advanced narrow-diameter drilling techniques that allow access to geothermal pockets, no matter how deep they may be. Thus, with very few geographical exceptions, a Sigma-Echo bunker located almost anywhere in the Continental United States can have access to quiet, efficient, almost eternal geothermal power.

There are dozens of Sigma-Echo Sites/Bunkers across the Continental United States, organized phonetically as Site-A, Site-B, Site-C, etc., then as Site-AA, Site-AB, Site-AC, and so on, thereafter. Naturally, geographically larger States may have several Sites, while the smaller States may only have one.

Each bunker is equipped with extensive active and passive long range communications systems. Due to the diligent efforts of Operation Sigma moles within The Morrow Project organization, the Morrow wake up frequency/signal is known, and the various bunkers are attuned to wake up when Morrow Project personnel in the area of the Bunker receive that signal.


Each Green Berets is equipped with standard US heavy infantry equipment from the mid-1980s--as well as some equipment that was advanced, even for the US Military at the time. Thermal BDUs in a wide variety of camouflage patterns, Kevlar armoured battle helmets, web gear, combat boots, and body armour. As well as the standard assortment of field gear, bayonets, canteens, IR goggles, Night Vision, personal comms, compass, chemical lights, E-tool, etc. Every Bunker has an ample supply of spares, civilian clothing in various styles, sizes, and condition, as well as trade goods and ammunition.

When out in the field, a Sigma-Echo Green Beret will be outfitted with one of the following Weapon Loads, according to mission requirements (or, sometimes, personal preference:

Weapon Load 1: M16/M203 assault rifle, Spas 12 combat shotgun, Colt Krait .45 or SIG Sauer P226 semi-automatic pistol, a Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife, and 6 grenades.

Weapon Load 2: M14 rifle with Starlight scope, HK CAW combat shotgun, Colt Krait .45 or SIG Sauer P226 semi-automatic pistol, a Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife, and 6 grenades.

Weapon Load 3: CAR 15 assault rifle, Mossberg shotgun, Colt Krait .45 or SIG Sauer P226 semi-automatic pistol, a Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife, and 6 grenades.

Weapon Load 4: M24A3 Sniper rifle System, HK MP5SD submachine gun, Colt Krait .45 or SIG Sauer P226 semi-automatic pistol, a Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife, and 6 grenades.

The Weapons Locker of each base contains:
4x M249, 30 cases 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition
4x FN MAG, 30 cases 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition
8x M16A2/M203, 30 cases 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition, 30 cases 40mm Grenade Shells (assorted flavours)
8x M16A2, 30 cases 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition
8x M14, 30 cases 7.62x51mm NATO ammunition
8x CAR 15, 30 cases 5.56x45mm NATO ammunition
8x MP5SD, 30 cases 9x19mm Parabellum ammunition
4x M24A3 Sniper systems, 30 cases .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition
8x Mossberg 590A1 shotguns, 30 cases 20 Gauge shells
8x Spas 12, 30 cases 12 Gauge shells
8x HK CAW, 30 cases 12 Gauge shells
18x Colt Krait .45 pistols, 30 cases .45 ammunition
18x SIG Sauer P226 9mm pistols

Support weapons consist of:
4x Tank Breaker systems + 20 missiles
4x AT-4 Launchers and 30 missiles
8x RPG 16 Launchers and 100 Rockets each.
2x M134 Mini Guns with 20 - 1200 round drums each.
4x M2HB with tripods and pintle mountings with 50-105 round belts each.
2x 60mm mortars w/ 300 rds HE, 80 rds WP, 40 rds illumination and 40 rnds smoke.

Crated trade weapons consisting of 200 Springfield rifles and 200 .38 revolvers plus 300 rounds for each weapon are also standard.

Vehicle complements consist of the following:
2x LAV 25
2x 2 1/2 Ton Trucks
2x Hummers
4 FAVs
4 Recon motorcycles
2x 2-person Whisperlites (quiet ultralights)
2x first generation RPV's.

All Sigma-Echo vehicles are equipped with Flex Fuel engines and the bunker is equipped with extensive spare parts, tools and manuals. Each bunker also has one level dedicated to speciality equipment for regional needs such as Snow Cats, Skidoos, Zodiacs, etc.

Then, in the last days before the War, the Project found out about Sigma-Echo, and the frozen "Snake Eaters"--but, other than that it exists, and is crewed by Green Berets, The Project knows little else. Thus we get the group known as "Snake Eaters".

Base location list:

Ok, in response to a question about what I did with the Snake Eaters, here is a list of the bases that I placed in my travel guide. I went with a A to Z system, and over time I'm adding entries for each. Each base is detailed in the state in which they are located.

Sites with undetermined locations are open to be used by PDs and Gamemasters who might have need of them. Just send us a note about it, and maybe we'll make YOUR Snake-Eater Site "Official".

Snakeeater bases:

Site-A--Dulce, New Mexico

Site-B--Bitterroot Mountains, Montana

Site-C--Fort Drum, New York

Site-D--Death Valley, California

Site-E--Coronado Forest, Arizona

Site-F--Lake Charles, Louisiana

Site-G--Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania

Site-H--Moneta, Wyoming

Site-I--Argus Peak, California

Site-J--Arlington, Virginia

Site-K--Red River Depot, Texas

Site-L--Augusta, Maine

Site-M--Deep Springs, California

Site-N--Idaho Falls, Idaho

Site-O--Capitol Reef, Utah

Site-P--Senaca Depot, New York

Site-Q--Butano State Park, California

Site-R--Raven Rock, Pennsylvania

Site-S--Fort Sill, Oklahoma

Site-T--Camden Park, Minnesota

Site-U--Waterloo, Iowa

Site-V--Western Wyoming

Site-W--Green Mountains, Vermont

Site-X--Fort Monmouth, New Jersey

Site-Y--Fort Campbell, Kentucky

Site-Z--Abilene, Kansas

© 2004-current |Nathan Decker
Newbie DM/PM/GM
Semi-experienced player

Mostly a sci-fi nut, who plays a few PC games.
I do some technical and vehicle drawings in my native M20 scale. - http://braden1986.deviantart.com/
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Old 07-14-2010, 11:21 AM
mikeo80 mikeo80 is offline
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Default Thanks

Very well done!!

I have always run my Morrow Teams as a "hand-in-glove" with any Snake Eater Teams that my teams ran across.

The Snake Eaters as presented by TimeLine are excellent at working with the "locals". I refer you to the Timeline scenario "Ruins of Chicago". This is a very good source of information about the workings of a "real" A-Team.

Any interface I have had with real GB's at Fort Bragg have been with very friendly, very professional men who know who and what they are.
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Old 08-08-2010, 06:29 AM
rundlemk1 rundlemk1 is offline
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Default Lucky to get Info.

It's a shame that Decker shutdown his site, especially without a warning of any kind. I was able to read about 99% of it. Too bad he didn't offer all the information to the Supply Bunker or some other place so it could continue to be shared with the rest of the community.
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Old 08-08-2010, 12:37 PM
nuke11 nuke11 is offline
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Originally Posted by rundlemk1 View Post
It's a shame that Decker shutdown his site, especially without a warning of any kind. I was able to read about 99% of it. Too bad he didn't offer all the information to the Supply Bunker or some other place so it could continue to be shared with the rest of the community.
He did, I have all of the information here. I just haven't had the time to sit down and reformat it for my site.

I'm hopping this week for that.

Also he transferred the copyright of the information to myself as well, so I / we can continue to expand on it if we like.

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