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headquarters 02-03-2010 06:41 AM

whadda ya say guys..
Are things starting to get on track ?

I didnt count a single antimaterial rifle in the load out in the party last session .

Also kill ratio is now up to 1 : 1 seasonal and 1:5 sessional

i.e 1 PC buys it every season or more or less 1 every 5 sessions.

A little more actually as we have not yet concluded season 6 and as I am hoping to get atleast 3 more fully appointed sessions in 2010.

Abbott Shaull 02-03-2010 04:37 PM

What are you saying? You mean I can't carry that 200 lbs of equipment along with 2 changes of uniform, with bayonet, 40 rounds for the M203 and 6 load magazines for the M16, the unauthorized pistol, 4 1 quart canteens and 9 inch iron skillet (dual purpose, cook with it or noggin bashing if I can literally reach out and touch them). Oh, yeah I forgot about the AT-4 that I was carrying too.

No I don't feel too overburden. I just feel like your everyday paratroop who due to the fact being Light Infantry had to carry everything and the kitchen sink in their kit. Of course, we were always overburden.

Again many people don't have clue what some of this equipment weighs in ratio of what one person can carry. Then again a wise GM who had clue would at the first time set up ambush gone wrong or something to unburden the troops...

Another thing is you have to keep your player interested. It a fine balancing act...

headquarters 02-04-2010 02:30 AM

When you suss out load capacity ,many PCs will get in the area of 50 kgs -thats not even encumbered -they can go up to twice their allowance as pr rules.

Now , as we all know a decently scoped and loaded M82A Barret Light .50 cal weigh in at around 15 kg. If I chose to go encumbered I could get say 3 of these and an M60 with 300 rounds plus that skillet .If I had a character with good strength and con score - many players do you know.

Luckily ,there has been no instances of that many weapons , but at times I have as a GM become exasperated by some players who go into combat with an AK,3 sidearms,an RPG with 7 reloads,full kevlar with SAPI plates and thigh/arm pads,a katana ,a bowieknife,9 handgrenades and a total of 750 rounds for smallarms.
According to rules this is allowed underthe weight allowance rules.

My NPC enemies at the time would have assault rifles and possibly frags ,and often kevlar vest - for all the good it did them..

We had multiple discussions about this phenomenon - the ambush you mentioned -or the principle of stripping the players down -has been done from time to time. But we have run a special sort of campaign where the players have had access to a lot of resources due to their positions in the military hierarchy.

Nobody really wanted to have a big munchkinesqe monty hall sort of farce ,but given the pressure to stay alive and the resources available many caved and up-gunned their rigs so as to cater to a any fight from Arnold in Terminator to the lone sharp stick wielding scruffy refugee.

( The records show a total of 5 KIA characters ,3 MIA characters and 3-4permanent disabilities such as amputation,disfiguration and mental debilitating illness leading to retirement -
so as far as war gaming goes, I `d say it is pretty "fair and balanced " )

We came up with "The Murphy" -were a player character would have to pass a hidden GM roll determining if a snag or mishap occured due to all of his gear getting in the way .Like throwing down your back pack in a fight to become more agile -but having forgiot that you put your rifle sling over the shoulderstraps of the pack - ( ever tried that -darn near fatal with a full pack !)- or the typical sling snags on twig thing etc

The thing I found out though ,was that assigning encumberance due to the volume of items and not just weight was nescessary .

I then started counting the grids ever so very carefully whenever making a map, drawing in cover and positions that could be used with utmost care to make it to far to run in one or even two phases for any encumbered character etc .

A group has differences about style preferances and we try to get to a middle ground in some ways.

In the end the GM has the last say.
Everyone who can obtain it ( in game ) may carry an RPG -7,an RPK,a Barrett light .50,2 S&W .44s,a D-Guard bowie,a case of beer , 25 frags and 1100 rounds plus wear full kevlar and a 100 L backpack of twinkies with a change of socks on top .
Movement is calculated ,your mini is then placed on the map and gaming the combat commences.

Look what you have done Shaull ! Now you got me thinking about minis on the map and playing again..aarghh..I will never get any work done around the office today !
Thanks buddy!


Originally Posted by Abbott Shaull (Post 17983)
What are you saying? You mean I can't carry that 200 lbs of equipment along with 2 changes of uniform, with bayonet, 40 rounds for the M203 and 6 load magazines for the M16, the unauthorized pistol, 4 1 quart canteens and 9 inch iron skillet (dual purpose, cook with it or noggin bashing if I can literally reach out and touch them). Oh, yeah I forgot about the AT-4 that I was carrying too.

No I don't feel too overburden. I just feel like your everyday paratroop who due to the fact being Light Infantry had to carry everything and the kitchen sink in their kit. Of course, we were always overburden.

Again many people don't have clue what some of this equipment weighs in ratio of what one person can carry. Then again a wise GM who had clue would at the first time set up ambush gone wrong or something to unburden the troops...

Another thing is you have to keep your player interested. It a fine balancing act...

Rupert Willies 02-04-2010 12:26 PM

You always do, and you never do.. lol

10 RPGs on a wall, 10 RPGs
Take one down, fire a round
9 RPGs on a wall

theDevil 02-04-2010 05:08 PM

things seems okay, atleast i think so
what more can i say, love those half movement people running over deadmans land. ofcourse it aint fun to be one of them...

headquarters 02-05-2010 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 18073)
You always do, and you never do.. lol

10 RPGs on a wall, 10 RPGs
Take one down, fire a round
9 RPGs on a wall

waddayamean ?

Rupert Willies 02-05-2010 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by headquarters (Post 18156)
Now you got me thinking about minis on the map and playing again..aarghh..

You always do. Admit it.


Originally Posted by headquarters (Post 18156)
I will never get any work done around the office today !
Thanks buddy!

You never do. Face it.


headquarters 02-05-2010 04:47 AM

I admit it .

Now,lets never speak of this again !!!


Originally Posted by Rupert Willies (Post 18164)
You always do. Admit it.

You never do. Face it.


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