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Old 08-12-2009, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Jason Weiser View Post
Kato, I humbly throw myself on the mercy of the court if you feel I broke any rules here, but those of you who have hounded Chico? Expect nothing but my contempt.
This is probably a bad time for me to be voicing my opinions as mentally I have a lot of raw nerves exposed due to real life situations, but I feel I have to say something.

My general comment to those who complain is. Go out and put in 1000s hours of work and then give it away and then we can start talking.

Overall I feel complaints about others work are silly. If you don't like it IGNORE it. If some percentage chose a different path from what I chose, great for them.

Do I need to make a separate forum for "non canon" submissions like 2300AD people necessitated.

For some strange reason we are now acting like a traditional forum. Not as venomous of course but it seems to be going down that path.

I also have to say that the characters actions can easily undo canon. If the Corpus Christi is lost with all hands due a stray shot against the saboteur then "canon" has been changed.

Po's detonation of the nuke in Lublin probably changed canon.

If Cutter's ambush succeeds and Reset falls into the hands of the KGB canon would be changed.

A shot killing the Black Baron would invalidate an entire module.

I like options. I like the free exchange of information here. I respect everyone who contributes. I may not agree with everything they say but I try to understand that opinions vary. This board has opened my eyes on certain opinions I have had, and reinforced others. I have seen things posted which I vehemently disagreed with but I still respected the opinion as best I could.

Last edited by kato13; 08-12-2009 at 02:38 PM.
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