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Old 02-16-2010, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by natehale1971 View Post
Has anyone else changed New America in their campaigns from a bunch of right-wing redneck racist christo-facsit wackos? espeically since every attempt at creating these far 'right-wing' fringe racist groups to work together has aways failed (even when they are all Neo-Nazis whom only differ in their charismatic leadership).

Pardon me while I attempt to resurrect this thread. Elsewhere in the forum some ideas were being kicked around regarding New America's methods and goals, and it got me thinking about how hard it would be to sell Carl Hughes "Natural Aristocracy" to the average American.

And again, it's going to be extremely difficult for most of these right-wing groups to work together. Hell, even left-wing groups constantly split over issues of nit-picky dogma and clashes over leadership (disguised as clashes over dogma) all the time. But New America is the right-wing threat to America, not the left-wing threat. The Soviets have that covered (mostly).

So back to New America. I think that for New America to grow to be a major threat to MilGov and CivGov that it needs to be more like an infiltrating conspiracy and more like a mystery cult.

As an infiltrating conspiracy New America has sent out agents during the 1980s and early 1990s to joined many of the groups that New America wants to bring under its control. This includes anything from populist anti-federal and anti-tax groups, groups that advocate the use of violence to promote a white nationalist agenda, and even groups that have moved into outright criminal activity: assassinations, bank robberies, bombings, etc.. Of course, I think NA would mostly steer clear of the groups that are actually engaging in criminal activity (like the Order) because they want to avoid the scrutiny of the FBI, ATF and other law enforcement agencies.

New America wouldn't have to bring all these groups under the NA banner before the war, but the NA agents in these diverse groups are the guys who bring in much needed resources: cash, high tech equipment and even illegal weapons. Once the bombs fall and resources run thin, it's the NA members of these groups who have all the answers. They know where the NA supply caches are. They might even arrange for a NA supply drop. They have contact with higher headquarters who can provide intelligence about everything from the movement of marauders and refugees to weather patterns and even medical advice. They might even be able to call on reinforcements from other NA cells or right wing groups controlled by NA cells. The NA agents rise through the ranks of their adopted organization until they have enough influence to sell the Michigan Militia (for example) on adopting the banner of New America. This last stage would be the most difficult and might never be accomplished, leaving a splinter group like The Order or Posse Comitatus remain merely "New America-influenced" rather than out-right controlled.

One wonders if there is a big map in NA's Country Home HQ color coded to show which groups have declared openly for NA, which groups are controlled by NA agents but remain independent, which have been infiltrated but remain independent, and even groups targeted for infiltration. That could certainly include MilGov and CivGov garrisons.

As a mystery cult, New America's agenda and goals are hidden not only from the general public, but also from the rank and file membership. In this way they resemble Scientology. If you presented the "final revelations" of Scientology to the average follower of Scientology and Dianetics on day 1 (i.e. the whole Xenu-atomic bomb-volcano-soul thing) they would walk away from a clearly ridiculous belief system. However, if New America starts out disguising it's agenda so that none of the members get the full picture until they are fully committed to the movement, then they can get more people in the front door. Once the new members are fully committed to New America, the full agenda is revealed. Now it's too late to back out, or maybe the new member has come to accept the groupthink, like any cult.

New America could also tailor its public agenda to fit the needs of the regional cells. In the Bible Belt, they could sell themselves as a movement to rebuild America as a Christian Nation. In the southwest they could present themselves as a resistance movement fighting the invasion by the Mexican Army (and advocating the expulsion of all "Mexicans" from America). The New America doctrine of Natural Aristocracy could be presented more like Ayn Rand's Objectivism, where only those who contribute are worthy of citizenship. Later, the racial component is introduced, by which time the new member is already committed or has even decided not to care because it's not his or her ox that's being gored.

It would be interesting if the players traveled across the country and encountered different groups that advocate wildly different agendas, but all of which claim to be New America. In an age without mass communications, the variations in public agenda might be overlooked. Without the ability to compare what the cell in Arizona is saying, to what the cell in Idaho is saying to what the cell in Georgia is saying, it's going to be hard for the average person to realize that New America is changing its message to tell people what they want to hear.

Through these two methods, New America can be even more of a threat to life and liberty in North America, without straining the players' credulity.

A. Scott Glancy, President TCCorp, dba Pagan Publishing
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