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Old 10-08-2008, 03:50 AM
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I am probably being overly concerned, but in the last 24 years I have seen more boards than I can count enter into a death spiral of childish behavior over politics. Modern politics seems to be a particular problem as it is not an abstract mental exercise but a actual choice that one makes or has made.

IIRC this board only progressed to the point of passive name calling (ie "if you don't agree, you are an idiot" or "only an idiot would think .....") but it was almost enough to cause me to leave, even though I was not directly involved in the discussion. My belief in the people here kept me from leaving, and they did not disappoint me with the maturity that was eventually displayed.

All topics are open but please tread lightly. This board is my baby now and I will protect it.
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