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Old 08-19-2020, 06:16 AM
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Targan Targan is offline
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Originally Posted by StainlessSteelCynic View Post
I really am caught on the horns of a dilemma here.
Having checked out some of the other Year Zero games, I really do not care for the rules system (I thoroughly dislike the use of gimmick dice for example) and I don't see it being suitable for the depth of gaming that I want for a post-apocalypse setting such as T2k.
However I do want to see the material they create because it's a fresh take on the world setting and it can always be converted over to a system I would prefer to use.

So I'm quite torn - support the kickstarter for a rules set I don't like and would never use or give the whole thing a miss and pass on some potentially new and great material?

And for the life of me (for reasons I cannot explain) I do actually like that metal box and want it!
I feel similarly to you, but I'm falling on the side of not going to support the kickstarter. I am interested in their take on the setting, but I'd rather pull out my fingernails with pliers than use that rules system.
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