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Old 12-06-2020, 06:49 PM
RN7 RN7 is offline
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I've been off the board for a while and I've just read this. I've known Olefin on this board and other boards for a long time (15 years), in fact there are some members on this board I've known through the 2300AD groups as far back as the 1990's. On this board I've had a few heated debates with Olefin over the years, but he has never given me any reason to complain about his behaviour or have I ever felt that he should be banned for anything.

I've had heated discussions with Olefin, Legbreaker, Raellus and many others, but I have never felt that anyone should be banned. In fact there has only been one member who's behaviour I have ever complained to the moderators about and that wasn't Olefin. But I didn't want that guy banned for it, but he no longer contributes to this board so good luck to him whatever he is up too.

Olefin has contributed a lot of good work to this group, in fact he wrote a very good sourcebook. He has strong opinions and a good knowledge base, and its common knowledge that he doesn't take criticism too lightly. But bans and censorship is not a good thing with the fertile minds of the members of this board. There are no children on this board and where will the censorship end? Free discussion means free discussion end of!

If someone can't handle criticism or gets easily offended then really they shouldn't be getting into it with Olefin or others in the first place. There are many other threads to contribute to where the discussion is a lot more civilised, and a there is a huge resource base that any new member can look at to get themselves acquainted with T2K on the T2K Forum Thread Map thread.
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