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Old 01-22-2010, 12:59 AM
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Default Surveillance Equipment

kcdusk 12-12-2005, 03:49 PM I'm setting up an Iraqi training camp, which PC's will be required to find and put out of action (don't go blowing it up too soon though, are they "friendlies" in the exercise yard?).

As part of its defences that need to be overcome, it will have ...

AN/GRC-17-2 Ground Surveillance Radar System: The AN/GRC-17-2 is a very advanced, ground-based, surveillance radar system. This unit consists of three pieces: the antenna, the power unit, and the radar receiver-transmitter.

The unit is capable of picking up the motion of a ground vehicle at 10 kilometers, an aircraft at 25 kilometers, or a man at four kilometers.

It requires the successful passing of a Electronics:ESY task check to set up the unit and a Computer:AVG task to operate it. Wt: total, 32 kg; antenna, 10 kg; power unit, 12 kg; radar unit, 10 kg Cost: $20,000 (R/R)

How would you expect players to go about defeating any radar system, or are they impossible to fool?

If they cant miss being detected, what sort of tactics could they use?

Could a single person being stealthy creep up on the unit?


Badbru 12-13-2005, 02:04 AM Interesting conundrum... is this a T2K game or MERC game, must be MERC as I can't see Iraqi's having sophisticated advanced ground based radar surveilance, or atleast, "US manufactured" sophisticated advanced ground based survielance radar(AN-GRC-17-2?) during T2K. Anyway, most game systems that use sensor technologies in their rules set classify radar as an active sensor, in that they emit energy and read its bounced back return signal. If this is the case, and I think it is, then it maybe possible that interviening terrain can be used to mask the approach.

It would seem air strikes or artillery are out of the question?

Maybe mortar it?

The real question is what does it matter? What I mean by this is what will be the response from the training ground if the radar opperator does detect some form of movement?

Do they call for re-inforcements? Can said reinforcements be interdicted? or impersonated?

Do they send out a response patrol? Do they send one out if a bunch of camels wander into the area? Does this depleat the Training grounds defenders? Could the players pay off goat herders to spoof the radar in several different spots requiring several response teams to be sent to investigate?

Do they just button up the camp?

Can the players ambush a response patrol and assume it's identity and simply drive/walk into the Training camp in disguise?

How is the Training camp supplied with food? water? fuel? new trainees? ammunition? Can the PC's infiltrate the supply which presumably drives into the training camp? Can they interdict supply of electricity and or fuel to power the thing, it wont detect anything if it's turned off? Can the players trigger the damned thing so often that the trained opperators-how many are there- get sleep deprived, or stop trusting it? Can it be triggered so often that the Training camp commander starts to distrust it as every patrol he sends out to track down a radar reports comes up empty-chasing ghosts wears thin?

The thing is the radar opperator probably won't know for sure what it is he is detecting. Given that the training camp almost certainly has a road to it of some description to keep it supplied I'd hire a local to drive up to the camp slowly, drop out a sniper to hit the emitter/reciever arial which would put it out of commission until it's repaired or replaced, and wait until the comotion of this act has died down before attacking the base, many days later, but before they fix the thing. The intel seems sketchy about friendlies anyhow, if lucky they may panic and move them in which case you can hit the convoy and then the camp at your lesiure.

Far too many variables and insufficient information for a concise answer.

And, for all the many ways you, I, and the rest of the boards members come up with, your players will think of six or seven more...


kcdusk 12-13-2005, 02:41 AM Great answer Badbru, now i have some idea what to expect from the PC's. I dont plan to make it too hard, but i wanted to get some ideas on what to expect so i could have some ready made responses depending on which way they chose to try and get to the camp.

I was also more than half interested to hear any tactics that might be used in real life to get around a radar. I only choose this type because it was the first one i found some stats for, but i do realise its probably a bit out of place.

yeah, the mission is more merc than T2K. Its not merc, but it is modern day.

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